About User Security for eSchoolPlus
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The eSchoolPlus system offers direct access to student information for administrators, teachers, parents, and students. This topic describes how security access is granted for the many users of the system.
Student information system and Teacher Access Center users must have Active Directory accounts. A user's Active Directory username is used as the login ID for eSchoolPlus and TAC.
eSchoolPlus (Student Information System) Users
Administrators and staff other than teachers use eSchoolPlus. They enter student data and administer schedules, attendance, and report cards. IT staff, counselors, principals, nurses, registrars, and department heads are examples of eSchoolPlus users.
To grant access for a student information system user, create a user profiles for the user's login ID on the Security Profile Page page. Then assign security resources for the pages and features the user needs.
If the user will be assigned to a student as a homeroom teacher, course teacher, competency teacher, counselor, activity advisor, disciplinarian, or student success plan coordinator, then the user also needs to be created as a staff member using the Staff District Information Page and Staff Building Information Page.
Refer to eSchoolPlus Security Overview Security Overview (in the online help) for additional information about security.
Teacher Access Center Users
Staff members use Teacher Access Center (TAC) to record attendance, enter grades, and manage their classroom. There are two types of users for Teacher Access Center, teachers and substitutes.
To set up a teacher login, enter the user's login ID on the Staff District Information Page. A teacher's access to options within TAC is controlled by district and building-level configurations.
If a teacher needs to access eSchoolPlus pages, then the teacher also needs a user profile with assigned security resources, in addition to having a login ID entered in their staff record. Make sure to grant these users access to the appropriate resources for the Teacher Access Center package which has a security package abbreviation of TWS.
There may be other types of staff that need access to student information for a limited group of students in a building. To allow the person to use TAC to view student information:
- Add a staff record, and enter the user's login ID.
- Create an activity that includes the students. Assign the staff ID created in Step 1 as the activity advisor.
After logging into TAC, the activity advisor will be able view the class roster for the activity and click a student link to display their Student Detail drawer.
If your district uses SSO for Teacher Access Center, then you must create a Staff District Information record for a substitute. Enter the substitute's login ID in the Login ID field.
If the district does not use SSO for Teacher Access Center, you do not need to create a Staff District Information record.
To activate Teacher Access Center for the substitute, enter the substitute's login ID and last date to substitute in the Staff District Information record of the teacher they are substituting for.
Home Access Center, Mobile Access, and Online Enrollment Users
Guardians and students access student information in Home Access Center (HAC) and the Family App and submit update forms in Enrollment Online. District and building-level configurations determine which options are available to the guardians and students.
- For guardians, access to these options and login information is entered on the Contact Page.
- For students, access to these options and login information is entered on the Student Addresses Page.
Refer to Setting Up Logins and Passwords for HAC for more information.