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Calculating Student Monthly FTE

The following sections describe prerequisites for running FTE calculation options, provide a procedural outline for FTE reporting, and give details on limits applied by the calculation for maximum FTE limits.
Refer to the section Regular School FTE Calculation Details for the formula used to determine student course FTE.

WA FTE Calculation Options

The new Washington FTE menu has two calculation options: WA Calculate Student Course FTE and WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE.
WA Calculate Student Course FTE performs the standard FTE calculation for each of the selected students' courses. You can review the calculation results broken down by year and reporting period using Regulatory > Summary > Student > Student Summary.
WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE sums student course FTE, applies overrides and observes FTE limits, and populates Student Monthly FTE table and, where appropriate, the Student Inter District FTE and Student ALE FTE tables. These results are also available through the Student Summary option.

FTE Calculation Prerequisites

Prior to using the WA Calculate Student Course FTE and WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE options for a reporting period, confirm the following setup, course, and student prerequisites are met.

  • Verify that appropriate security resources have been assigned to users
  • District Maintenance
    • Set the Combined FTE Priority setting on the WA District page to determine how the monthly and interdistrict reports handle cases where regular and ALE FTE total greater than 1.0 for a student in a reporting month (Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > WA District).
  • Building Maintenance
    • Verify that the Buildings that you want to calculate FTE for have a value in the State Equivalency Code field (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition)
    • If any of your buildings do not schedule a separate lunch period, but include lunch in another period on students' schedule, update the WA FTE Exclusion Minutes page for these buildings.
  • Verify that the following validation tables have been setup properly with the state defined codes
    • WA Month Range on Washington State Reporting(Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables)
    • State Courses (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses)
    • ALE Programs (Administration > System Setup > Validation Tables > Washington State Reporting tab)
  • Assign the WATBIP State Code Equiv value to any test score used to track student bilingual program placement status. Refer to Exited TBIP Test Score Setup for FTE Reporting for a procedure (Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > Test Definition).
  • Course Maintenance
    • Courses in the Course Catalog have a value in the State Course field (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog)
    • If a course is a Running Start course, make sure to check the Running Start box on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule). Assign the number of Running Start Credits.
    • If a course should not be included in the FTE calculation, update the Exclude from FTE field on the WA Course Information page.
    • If a course is part of a Vocational Education Program, check this field on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
    • If a course is part of a Skill Center Program, check this field on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
    • If a course is part of an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Program, check this box on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information). Use the ALE Program field to associate the course with the appropriate code for ALE FTE reporting.
  • Student Maintenance
    • If a student is attending school in your district but does not live in your district, make sure that you have updated the District of Residence field on the Registration page.
    • If a student has paid tuition for a course, be sure to update the Paid Tuition field on the WA Course Information student course district-defined page. The Paid Tuition box, if checked, excludes the course from the FTE Calculation.
    • If a student is participating in a Bilingual program, make sure that he/she has a WABIL program record (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA Bilingual or Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs).
    • The headcount of students who Exited TBIP is based on students earning a test score of PROFICIENT on a score mapped to the State Code Equiv of WATBIP. Students are counted if they meet this criteria within the last two years. Verify Test History records are up to date.
    • If a student is participating in a Skill Center program, make sure that he/she has a WASKL program record (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs).
    • If you need a student's regular FTE value set to differ from the calculated student course value for a reporting period, make sure to update the student's WA FTE Override page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override) with the correct value and FTE Maximum if applicable. You can use the WA FTE District-Defined Utility (Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA FTE District-Defined Utility) to update this information for a group of students.
    • For a student to be counted for ALE FTE, make sure the ALE student has a record saved for each of the appropriate reporting months on the WA ALE Override page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA ALE Override). Check the ALE Student box for each Month/Year. The student also needs to be taking a course with the appropriate ALE setup defined above. If you need to set ALE Program override values for a Reporting Month, enter the ALE FTE overrides in the fields for the appropriate ALE Programs. Otherwise, leave the ALE Program fields blank if you do not wish to override the ALE FTE calculation.
    • If a student takes Running Start (RS) courses only in the college setting, check the WA FTE Override page's College RS box (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override). Two fields are available to record Running Start overrides if applicable: College Non Voc RS FTE and College Voc RS FTE.
    • If the student is in the Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Program, enter the appropriate number of program hours in the WA FTE Open Doors page's OD 1418 Hours field for the reporting month (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Open Doors). Check the OD 1418 Voc box if the hours count toward vocational Open Doors FTE.
    • If the student has Work Based Learning hours in a reporting period for a vocational or skills center program, use the WA FTE Work Based Learning page to record the appropriate values (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Work Based Learning).

FTE Reporting Period Maximum Values

The FTE calculation stores values up to three decimal places. The FTE Reports option rounds to two decimal places. The calculation observes the following FTE reporting rules defined by the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction):

  • A student's Regular FTE cannot exceed 1.00.
  • Except in the January reporting period, the student's total of Regular and Running Start FTE cannot exceed 1.20.
  • The student's total of Regular and Skill Center FTE cannot exceed 1.60.
  • If the student's combined Regular and Skill Center FTE exceeds 1.00, then Running Start FTE cannot exceed 0.20.
  • If the student's combined regular and Skill Center FTE are less than 1.00, then the combined Regular, Skill Center, and Running Start FTE cannot exceed 1.20.
  • A student's FTE totals must meet these parameters when all scheduled buildings are summed for a reporting month.

If a student has an FTE Maximum for multiple buildings in a reporting month, then the sum of the FTE Maximums applies across all the student's buildings, up to a value of 1.00.
To see how this works, consider the following examples.
Example 1
The student has two WA FTE Override records in the reporting period. They look like this:


FTE Maximum

FTE Override







The calculation applies an FTE Maximum of 1.00 when determining possible reductions for each building. Building 101 gets the 0.4 FTE according to the override record. Building 276 gets its full 0.6 override value even though the building's FTE Maximum is 0.5 for the reporting period. This is because the student does not exceed the combined maximum of 1.00.
Example 2
The student's WA FTE Override records look like this:


FTE Maximum

FTE Override







In this case, a combined FTE Maximum of 0.5 applies to each building when determining FTE reduction. The calculation assesses the student's Entry/Withdrawal building first (or, if the enrollment building is not involved, the building associated with the lowest List Sequence value among the override records, 1 being lower than 2).
If 276 were the primary building, use the FTE value 0.4 since this is less than 0.5. Building 101 gets the remaining 0.1 FTE.
If 101 were the primary building, use the FTE value 0.5, which is less than the 0.6 FTE from the override record. It is the maximum allowed, based on the two-building maximum. Building 276 has no FTE remaining in this case.

FTE Procedural Outline

Follow these steps to report monthly FTE using the new menu options:

  1. Confirm you met the FTE Calculation Prerequisites.
  2. Run Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA Calculate Student Course FTE for the reporting period and appropriate students.
  3. Review results using Regulatory > Summary > Student > Student Summary.
  4. To total student course FTE and apply overrides, run Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE.
  5. Review results using Regulatory > Summary > Student > Student Summary.
  6. Use Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA FTE Aggregate Reports to create district-level reports and building-level enrollment files.
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