Use this page to view a summary of the transcript for a student. Information can be grouped by year, term, marking period (RC run), subject area, or department depending on your building's setup.
The information included on this page is set up by building administrators; it can include course information, department, attempted and earned credit, course level, marks, and course absences. Each building may have different columns displayed based on how the buildings have defined the summary transcript view for the selected course group.
A student's transcript may include historical mark reporting information from other school districts if the student transferred to your district. For more information on transfers, refer to Overview of Student Transfer Records.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options), and then select Print Student Transcript Summary.
On the Printable Student Transcript window, select the options for the transcript. Refer to the Print Transcripts Page for detailed information on these options.
Click OK to run the report. When the report is completed, the PDF will open in a separate tab of your browser.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click the Course Description link to display the Mark Reporting Detail page for the course.
Make changes to student's information as needed. If values entered should override system calculations, make sure to select the appropriate override boxes.
Click Save.
Run Scheduling Or RC Synchronization for current year
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click the Course Description link to display the Mark Reporting Detail page for the course.
On the Mark Reporting Detail page, click (Additional options) and select Scheduling/RCSynchronization.
On the Scheduling/RC Synchronization dialog, specify how to run the calculation.
To create the data file without deleting the invalid mark reporting information, leave the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox unchecked.
To delete the invalid mark reporting information and create the data file, select the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox.
Click Run.
When the task completes, use the Tasks/Reports option to review the CSV data file for the synchronization. If no CSV file is created, there may have been no invalid marks to delete. For more information on the data file that is created, refer to Scheduling/RC Synchronization CSV File.
If you selected to not delete invalid marks in Step 5 and the data file listed invalid mark reporting information, you must run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again and select to delete the information. If there was mark reporting information listed that should not be deleted, make sure you have corrected the scheduling information before you run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again for the student.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click the Course Description link to display the Mark Reporting Detail page for the course.
Click (Additional options) on the Course Information panel and select Master Schedule Course Information.
To change information for all students taking the course-section, change values as needed and click Save.
To return to the student's course detail, click Back.
Entering transfer course information
Add transfer building and courses for a student
To print course information on the transcript for courses a student took before transferring to your district, you must create student transfer records for each school year and building that you want to print. Then you must add the courses that the student took in the transfer buildings.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the Transfer Buildings panel, click Add.
On the Transfer Building page, enter information for the student's transfer building. Select the report card runs for which marks need to be entered and GPA records should be created.
Click Save. The Transfer Courses page displays for the building.
Enter the student's transfer course information.
To immediately run the GPA calculation and calculate earned credit for courses when you save, select the GPA and Credit Totals boxes at the top of the page.
Click Save.
To return to the student's transcript summary, click (List).
To add another transfer building to record more transfer courses, repeat Steps 3 - 9.
When adding a course to a student through the Transcript Summary page in Texas, if the student has already attempted/earned the number of state course credits for that state code (set on the State Course page) then a warning "Full State Course Credit Has Been Earned“ is displayed.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the Transfer Buildings panel, click the link for the building record to change.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
To return to the Transcript Summary, click Back.
Delete transfer building information
You cannot delete a transfer building for which transfer courses are entered. If you need to delete the transfer building and all related courses, you must delete the transfer courses first.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the Transfer Buildings panel, click the link for the building record to delete.
Click (Delete).
Click Yes.
Change transfer courses for a transfer building
This task describes how to change or add transfer courses using the Transfer Courses page. You can update individual transfer course records using the Mark Reporting Detail page by clicking the course's description link on the Transcript Courses Summary page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the Transfer Buildings panel, click the link for the building record to change.
On the Transfer Building page, click (View detail).
On the Transfer Courses page, enter course information as needed.
To enter additional Master Schedule information for a transfer course, click (Expand). This option is available only if the building is setup to display Master Schedule fields when adding transfer courses.
To delete transfer courses, select the (Delete) box.
To immediately run the GPA calculation and calculate earned credit for courses when you save, select the GPA and Credit Totals boxes at the top of the page.
Click Save.
To return to the Transcript Summary, click (List).
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the Transfer Buildings panel, click the link for the building record to change.
On the Transfer Building page, click (View detail).
Click Save.
To return to the Transcript Summary, click (List).
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Selections Panel
If you change the options selected in this panel, click Load to display the information.
View Courses By
Select how you want to view groups of courses. The options available depend on the Transcript View Setups defined for the student's building.
Department Subject Area Term Year
Include Building Types
Select the Building Types for courses to include in the transcript.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Include Courses Without Building Types
Checked if courses that are not assigned to a Building Type in the Master Schedule should display.
Transfer Buildings Panel
This panel lists the transfer building information for the student.
To add a transfer building, click Add in the top right of this panel.
To edit information or courses for a transfer building, click it's link.
School year for the transfer information.
Bldg (Building)
Building number for the transfer building and the name of the student's building for the transfer record.
Report card runs for which course information is entered for the transfer building.
Courses Panel
This panel displays the student's total earned credit and transcript course history. The option selected in the View Courses By field determines how courses are grouped in this panel.
Total Earned Credit
Displays the total earned credit for the student for all courses included in the transcript view.
Group (School Year, Term/Report Card Run, Building or Subject Area or Department)
For each group of courses, a heading displays identifying the courses in the list.
The Selection Panel's View Courses By field determines how courses are grouped.
If Year, Term, or RC Run are selected, then courses are grouped based on GPA information, if it exists. The group heading lists the school year, building, and term or report card run, if appropriate, for the GPA record that corresponds to the courses listed under the heading. The list of the courses taken during the report card runs included in the GPA record displays below the group heading. If the student has no GPA record for a year, term, or RC run, the system groups courses based on the marking periods when the courses meet and the weeks that make up each marking period's duration. The building displayed in the group heading is based on the building where the student took the most courses during a particular year, term, or RC run.
If Subject Area is selected, then courses are grouped by the graduation requirement subject areas to which course credits are applied. For example, all courses applied to the Elective subject area will be displayed under a heading of Elective.
If Department is selected, then courses are grouped by the department assigned to the course. For example, all courses for the English department will be displayed under a heading of English. If a course is not assigned to a department, the course will not be displayed.
Course Building
Building where the student took the course. The MR Building Configuration determines whether the name displays for all courses, for no courses, or for courses taken outside of the student's enrollment building.
Course-section code.
Course Description
Description of the course. This value is a link to the Mark Reporting Detail page.
Dept (Department)
Department in which the course is taught.
Att(empted) Credit
Credit value the student can earn for the course. The Transcript View Setup determines whether this field displays.
Earn Credit
Credit value that the student has earned by completing the course or a portion of it.
The Transcript View Setup determines whether this field displays. If it displays, then a total earned credit displays below each group of courses. This total reflects credit for all courses displayed in the group.
Course Level
The level table that applies to the course in general. For example, if the course is an academic course that uses a non-weighted grading scale, select the non-weighted level table for your building. This level is used for the credit calculation and mark reporting reports that display information from the level table for the course.
The Transcript View Setup determines whether this field displays.
Course Type
Displays the course type associated with a course. Regulatory requirements determine whether this information is available for your district.
The Transcript View Setup determines whether this field displays.
Columns display for the mark types that have been selected in the Transcript Summary View.
Columns display for the absence types that have been selected in the Transcript Summary View.
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