Student Search Page
Find students using either the simple search or advanced search tools on the Student Search page. The Student Search also enables you to:
- save searches as favorites
- publish searches for others to use
- subscribe to searches created by others
- mass update certain fields in your search results
- set the number of records that to display on a single page
Search Criteria
Searches can be run in two modes:
Simple | Uses a limited number of fields to find students, such as Last Name and Grade. The simple search enables you to find students in one building. To search in multiple buildings, switch to advanced search. Your selected environment determines how the simple search finds students.
Advanced | Uses a wide range of fields to find students. You can also apply various search conditions and operators in your advanced search criteria. You can group multiple lines of criteria to create complex searches. Select the box for each criteria row being grouped together, then click the Group icon. The grouped rows will be indicated by a shaded bracket and will also be reflected in the expression on the Criteria Grouping line. To remove the group, click the Group icon inside the shaded bracket. To define a sort order for the search results, use the advanced search. |
Search Results
This panel displays the records found in your search. Its fields depend on the option you are using, as well as any additional fields you have added using the List Field Selection section.
- To access the detail page for a student, click the student's name link.
- To change the sort order, click the header of the column you want to sort by, for example, Student ID or Grade. To reverse the order, click the header again.
The search results always include the student's name, ID, and grade. If you did not specify the fields to display in the list, then the results also include the student's building, gender, house/team, and counselor.