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Search Conditions

Conditions are logical operators that are used in advanced searches to select records based on a comparison of field data. For example, using = (equals) as a condition, you could select all records where a certain field contains a specific value. Alternatively, you could use the condition <> (not equal to) to select records where a field does not contain a specific value.

The following illustrates a set of criteria that uses both of these conditions, in this case to select all students in a specific building whose home language is a language other than English:

Search Criteria and Condition

The conditions available depend on the data type associated with a field. For example, numeric and character fields both use mathematical operators such as = (equals) and > (greater than), but only date fields use the operators is in month and is in year, meaning the date selected must fall within the month or year specified. If a condition does not conform with a field's data type, it will not display in the options available in the Condition field's drop-down list:


Following are the conditions used in advanced searches in eSchoolPlus. If a condition is restricted to a certain data type, the limitation is noted in the description.

= (equals)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value equal to the value you specify.

Example: To retrieve all students who have Mrs. Easton as their counselor, select Demographic as the area, Counselor as the field, = as the condition, and Mrs. Easton as the field value.

> (is greater than)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is greater than the value you specify.

Example: To retrieve all students who have a fee balance, select Personal as the area, Fee Balance as the field, and > as the condition, then enter 0.00 as the value.

>= (is greater than or equal to)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is either greater than or equal to the value you specify.

Example: To retrieve all students who were born on or after January 1, 2000, select Demographic as the area, Birth Date as the field, >= as the condition, and 1/1/2000 as the field value.

< (is less than)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is less than the value you specify.

Example: To retrieve all students who entered the district before the year 2010, select Entry/Withdrawal as the area, Entry Date as the field, and < as the condition, then enter 1/1/2010 as the field value.

<= (is less than or equal to)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is less than or equal to the value specified. Applies to all fields regardless of their data types.

Example: To retrieve all courses with fees that are $10 or less, select Course Catalog as the area, Fee as the field, and < as the condition, then enter 10.00 as the value.

is in

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is included in a list of values. If the condition is followed by the phrase comma delimited list in parentheses, you cannot select the values but must enter them in list form separated by commas and without spaces.

Example: To retrieve three students using their IDs, select Demographic as the area, Student ID as the field, and is in (comma delimited list) as the condition, then enter the IDs as follows: 11111111,22222222,33333333.

is not in

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that is not in a list of values. If the condition is followed by the phrase comma delimited list in parentheses, you cannot select the values but must enter them in list form separated by commas and without spaces.

Example: To retrieve all students whose country of origin is not the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, select Personal as the area, Country of Origin as the field, is not in as the condition, and US, CN, and MX as the values. This criteria will not retrieve students whose Country of Origin field is blank. For an example of a comma delimited list, refer to the description of the condition is in.

<> (is not equal to)

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value greater or less than the value specified.

Example: To retrieve all students who are not active, select Demographic as the area, Current Status as the field, <> as the condition, and Active as the value.

is blank

Used to retrieve records where the field selected does not contain a value.

Example: To retrieve all students who do not have a physician identified in their Emergency page, select Emergency as the area, Physician as the field, and is blank as the condition.

is not blank

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value.

Example: To retrieve all students who have a house/team assigned, select Demographic as the area, House/Team as the field, and is not blank as the condition.

starts with

Used to retrieve records where the field selected contains a value that begins with the characters specified. Applies only to character fields.

Example: To retrieve all courses whose codes begin with the characters 810, select Course Catalog as the area, Course as the field, and starts with as the condition, then enter 810 as the value. The courses retrieved could include 8101 and 81040, depending on your coding system.

is in month

Used to retrieve records with dates that fell within a specified month. Applies only to date fields.

Example: To retrieve records for all students who entered or re-entered the district in November, select Entry/Withdrawal as the area, Entry Date as the field, is in month as the condition, and 11 - November as the value. Note that in this case, the system searches entry dates for the current year only.

is in year

Used to retrieve records with dates that fell within a specified year. Applies only to date fields.

Example: To retrieve the records of all students who were born in 2005, select Demographic as the area, Birth Date as the field, and is in year as the condition, then enter 2005 as the value.

sounds like

Used to find records that match the phonetics of the characters you type with the pronunciation of students' names. Applies only to the student name fields.

Example:derik will match derek and derick.

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