Use the Registration Rollover Criteria page to review, add, edit, or delete Registration Rollover Criteria that are used by the Registration Rollover Page.
Each criteria row on this page:
Selects which students' records will be updated.
Either updates the selected students' status or deletes their record.
Optionally updates specified records for the selected students.
For example, you may define one criterion to update pre-registered students and another to promote other students to their next grade and next building. Refer to Analyzing Student Movement for Registration Rollover for information on how to consider student movement when determining the criteria you need.
Criteria rows are processed top-to-bottom, and their order is critical. Once a student's record matches a criterion, their record cannot be selected by subsequent criteria. Order criteria rows so that specific criteria is processed first, and the most general, catch-all criteria last.
Students who do not match any criteria are not updated by the system. For example, if a student is active in the current year and is not processed by rollover, the student will be active in the next year, but the student will not have an entry/withdrawal record for the year.
PowerSchool Technical Support can perform a Criteria Review to help identify and eliminate common rollover problems. This is especially helpful for first-year customers. To take advantage of this service, enter a support case requesting a Criteria Review and indicate your expected rollover date. As part of the process, you will need to email a copy of your criteria at least 2 weeks prior to the rollover date.
Please note that the Criteria Review checks for problems with criteria logic, but does not check the district's data to see if the data corresponds to the criteria. You are responsible for making sure the rollover criteria matches the data and makes sense for your students.
Menu Path:Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria
View criteria row details
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria.
To view details in the Detail Editor, click Edit.
To close, click Cancel at the bottom of the Detail Editor.
Add a criteria row
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria
Click Add.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Apply at the bottom of the Detail Editor to save edits and close.
Click Save.
Reorder criteria rows
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria
To reorder a row, click the tab at the row's left and drag to the desired location.
Click Save.
Change criteria rows
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria.
Click Edit to open the Detail Editor for the row.
Change values as needed.
Click Apply at the bottom of the Detail Editor to enter changes and close.
Click Save.
Delete rows
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria.
Select the row's (Delete) column checkbox.
Click Save.
Print Registration Rollover Criteria
Select Administration > Utilities > Year End > Registration Rollover Criteria
Click (Additional options) and select Printable.
On the new tab that displays, use your browser to print the page.
Year End Criteria Panel
Each criterion displays as a row. Rows are identified by their Criteria Number and are processed sequentially from top to bottom. ClickEditto open the Detail Editor to view or change the criterion's details, select students, or change student update values. The headings displayed in the Year End Criteria panel are described in the Definition section of the Detail Editor fields below.
Detail Editor Fields
Definition Section
Criteria Type
The type of environment in which this criteria will be used.
C - Current Year - to update entry/withdrawal records for the current year only. S - Summer School - to update entry/withdrawal records for the summer school only.
Criteria Number
The number that uniquely defines this criterion.
Text describing the function of the criteria, such as Promote 9th Graders. Character/255
Student Status
Indicates the status code to set for students selected by the criterion or indicates that the Registration records should be deleted for the students selected by the criterion.
A - Active - to indicate that a new entry/withdrawal record will be created for students included in this criteria.
If the student was previously active, the current year entry/withdrawal will be closed with a withdrawal date of the last appropriate membership day in the student's calendar.
If a student has a status of pre-registered, the next year entry/withdrawal record will replace the current record.
If the student was inactive or graduated, the prior entry/withdrawal record is not changed.
D - Delete - to indicate that the student's records will be removed from the system. You may wish to use this option if you remove inactive students after a certain number of years have passed. For example, you may delete student information five years after student's year of graduation. G - Graduated - to indicate that the student's status will be changed to Graduated. The current year entry/withdrawal record will be closed with a withdrawal date of the last appropriate membership day in the student's calendar. I - Inactive - to indicate that the student's status will be changed to inactive. The current year entry/withdrawal record will be closed with a withdrawal date of the last appropriate membership day in the student's calendar. Note that if a pre-registered student is updated to the Inactive status, an error will be logged and the student's entry/withdrawal data is not updated.
Rollover Entry Code
If you want to override the Rollover Entry Code specified in the Registration Building Configuration Page for the student's next year building, select the appropriate code. For example, for a retention criterion, you may want to use an entry code that indicates the student was retained.
If you want to run the Registration Rollover program using the Rollover Entry Code value from the Registration Building Configuration page, do not select a code in this field.
If you enter an entry code in the Rollover Entry Code field for a criterion that updates a pre-registered student, the code will override the entry code value entered in the student's existing entry/withdrawal record.
Rollover Withdrawal Code
If you want to override the Rollover Withdrawal Code specified in the Registration Building Configuration Page for the student's current building when a student meets certain criteria, select the appropriate code in this field.
You can set up Registration Rollover Criteria to set different rollover codes for different situations. For example, you could select a graduate rollover code or retention rollover code.
If you want to run the Registration Rollover program using the Rollover Withdrawal Code value from the Registration Building Configuration page, do not select a code in this field.
Student Selection Section
Enter values to limit the number of students selected for this criterion. When you enter information in the blank bottom row, a new blank row automatically displays.
Student Update Values Section
The system processes the values entered in the Student Update Values section sequentially. Enter the rows in the order they should be processed. For example, the Demographic Grade value must be updated before the Next Year Grade value is updated.
The table holding the record to be updated.
Field Name
The field to be updated.
The new value for the field.
If you choose any field that can be updated to the next value (building, override building of residence, override reason, grade, homeroom, counselor, house/team), the checkbox Next displays, and you can check that box instead of entering a value.
To set a non-required field to blank, leave this field blank. For example, if you do not assign counselors as part of a rollover criterion and a student's building is changed during rollover, the counselor assigned to the student may be invalid after rollover. To set the Counselor field to a blank, select Counselor in the Field Name field and leave the Value field blank.
Displays only if you choose a field that can have a next value (building, override building of residence, override reason, grade, primary homeroom, secondary homeroom, counselor, house/team). If you select Next for fields in the Demographic area, the appropriate value stored on the Next Year panel of the Registration Page will be assigned to the student. If you select Next for the Next Grade field of the Next Year Demographic area, the grade specified in the Next Grade field of the Grades Page will be assigned to the student.
Note that if the criteria that will process a student is defined to move values from the next year record to the current year record, then the student must have values entered on the Registration Next Year panel. Otherwise, an error will be logged and the student's records will not be updated.
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