Use this page to list the grades for your district. For a grade, the Grade table includes the grade code, description, the next grade for students, and years to graduation. In addition to validating all Grade fields, this table defines the defaults for the Next Grade and Graduation Year fields when a new student is added.
Change grades
Select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Grades.
To add a grade, complete the fields in the blank row at the bottom of the list.
To reorder a code, click the tab to the left of the Code and drag to the desired location.
Click Save.
Delete grade codes
You can only delete grade codes that are not in use.
Select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Grades.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Grades Panel
The order of these codes should reflect the order that students typically progress through grades. To reorder a code, click the tab to the left of the Code and drag to the desired location.
Next Grade
The next grade for students.
You can set up the Registration Year-End Rollover to set the next grade fields for students who are rolled forward.
Also, when you enroll a student, the student's next grade value will default to the next grade specified for the student's current grade.
Years To Graduation
Number of years to graduation for students in this grade. For example, for grade 11, use 1.
When you add a student, the student's graduation year is defaulted based on the student's grade. The current school year and the Years To Graduation value are used to determine the year to default.
State Equivalency Code
Enter the state-defined code that corresponds to the Grade code. This value allows the system to convert district-defined grade codes to state-defined codes.
Federal Equivalency Code
Enter the federal code that corresponds to the Grade code. This value allows the system to convert district-defined grade codes to federal grade codes for reports such as the OCR Civil Rights Data Collection.
SIF Code
Code identifying the Grade List record based on Version 1 of the SIF Implementation Specification. This specification is established by the SIF Association to facilitate sharing of primary and secondary school data among school districts, state departments of education, software vendors, and other relevant agencies. Character/2
SIF 2 Code
Code identifying the Grade List record based on Version 2 of the SIF Implementation Specification. This specification is established by the SIF Association to facilitate sharing of primary and secondary school data among school districts, state departments of education, software vendors, and other relevant agencies. Character/7
Select the corresponding grade code developed by the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC).
Select the corresponding grade code developed by the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS). This value is used when transmitting data via the One Roster standard.
Label for Graduation Plan
Student Career Planner description associated with the grade level. Character/255
Checked if the code should be available when a user modifies a record.
If your district requirements change and you no longer want users to use a grade code, remove the checkmark from the Active checkbox. Users will no longer be able to select the code when maintaining records. The code cannot be used in records for the current year or future years, but it is still stored for prior year records.
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