Use this page to define the programs for which your district wants to track start and end dates for students. For example, you can define a program to store information for the Limited English Proficient program to indicate the LEP services that students may receive.
Before you add a program, make sure that you have considered the following:
Are there rules that you want to define to help users to enter data correctly? For example, is a student required to have an instructional setting value if the student is identified as receiving special education services? You can use business rules to define this validation. If you define business rules where a value must be entered in one field based on another, users must use the Programs page to update program information.
Is there one field that should be required before enrollment in another field? If so, you may be able to define a parent/child relationship and use linking to specify whether start and end dates must be within the dates for another program.
Is there a field that you want to display as part of entry/withdrawal because a user should withdraw and re-enter a student when the value changes? You can link a program to entry/withdrawal with an absolute link.
View programs
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
Add a new program
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
Click Add at the top right of the page.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change program records
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Add a new program field
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
On the Fields panel, click Add.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Apply.
Click Save.
Edit program fields
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
On the Fields panel, click Edit on the field's row.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Apply.
Click Save.
Change the order of program fields
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
Click the tab on the left of the field row, and drag it to the desired location.
Click Save.
Indent program fields
Indenting does not create or change parent/child relationships; it only changes how fields are displayed. To create parent-child relationships, refer to the Create parent/child relationships for program fields procedure.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
Click the Right arrow or Left arrow in the Edit column of a field to change its indentation.
If a field is indented with respect to the field above it, the field above displays as a parent field, and (Group) displays in its Edit column.
If multiple rows have the same level of indent under a parent field, they display as children of that parent field.
If a field is indented with respect to a child field above it, the field above displays as both a parent to the field below it and a child to the field above it (parent-child fields may be nested).
Click Save.
Create parent/child relationships for program fields
Parent/child relationships are established when a link is created for a child field to a parent field. This lets you specify that the start and end dates must be within the dates of another program. The student must have a current vector for a parent field before a value can be entered for its child field.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
On the Fields panel, click Edit on a row of the field that should be the child.
In the Field section, define the link to the parent field.
In the Link Dates To field, select the parent field.
In the Link Type field, select how the fields should be linked.
Select the Link Type.
Click Apply.
Click Save.
Delete program fields
Before you delete a field, make sure you do not have information stored for the field. Deleting the field from the program setup does not delete the student records.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
On the Fields panel, select the row's (Delete) column.
Click Save.
Delete programs
You can only delete programs that are not in use.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
Select the row's (Delete) column.
Click Save.
To confirm the deletion, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.
Generate student data for a program
The Program Setup page provides an option to open the Generate Programs page. This procedure details accessing that option. For more detail on the Generate Programs page (steps 4 and 5 in the procedure below) refer to the Generate Programs Page.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Registration Setup, Setup, and then select Program Setup.
On the search page, search for the program, then click its link.
Click (Additional options) at the top right of the page, and select Generate Programs.
Enter values as needed.
Click Run at the top right of the page.
Definition Panel
Program ID
Code identifying the program. If your district uses numbers, you may enter numbers between 1 - 8999. Numbers 9000 and above are reserved by PowerSchool. Character/5
On the Programs List page, the Program ID - Program Name displays as a link to access the student's program information.
The program's description. Character/255
On the Programs List page, the Programs List - Program Name displays as a link to access student's program information. Additionally, the description also displayed in the drop-down list of tables for report filters that allow users to filter on program information.
Start Date
First date the program was offered in the district.
End Date
Last date the program was offered in the district.
Instructional Hours
Number of hours that instruction is provided for the program for the specified unit of time.
Unit (unlabeled field)
Unit of time over which the number of instructional hours is offered.
D - Per Day M - Per Marking Period T - Per Term W - Per Week Y - Per Year
List of the buildings that offer this program. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Note: The building list is used for informational purposes; it does not determine the students for whom you can enter program information.
Specifies the security package for the resource that users must have to access the program, if any. For example, use REG for Registration without specifying a sub package or feature to limit access to the program to users who have security for any Registration resource.
Specifies the security subpackage for the resource that users must have to access the program, if any. For example, use REG as the package and MAINT (for Maintenance) without specifying a feature to limit access to the program to users who have security for any Registration Maintenance resource.
This field is only available if the Package field contains an entry.
Specifies the security feature for the resource that users must have to access the program, if any. For example, use REG for the package, MAINT for the subpackage, and PERSONAL to limit access to the program to users who have security for the Personal page.
You can only enter a value for this field if the Subpackage field contains an entry.
Fields Panel
This panel displays general information for the fields in the program. To edit a field, click Edit in its Edit column. To add a field to the program, click Add on the Fields panel.
To re-order the fields, click the tab to the left of the field's row, and drag the row to the desired location.
Programs can have parent and child fields. Use the buttons in the Edit column to move fields to the left or right to show the parent/child relationship to the field above it. Moving the fields only changes how they display; parent/child relationships are established when a link is created for a child field to a parent field. The student must have a current vector for a parent field before a value can be entered for its child field. To display a parent/child relationship for a program, make sure the appropriate field is displayed directly under the parent field and then indent the child field one position to the right of the parent field. Parent fields display (Group) in the Edit column.
Click Edit to display and edit program field details.
Click Right arrow to indent a field.
Click Left arrow to move a field to the left.
(Group) displays when the field has other fields indented below it.
Displays a preview of the label for the field that will be displayed on the Program page. The field's default value displays to the right of the label as a checkbox, dropdown, or input field.
Note: The value in this field (checkbox, text, or drop-down) can be changed, but these changes are not saved. The preview is useful to view the options that display when the data field is a drop-down. If you want to change the default, use the Edit mode and change the Default Value field in the Data section.
Table that is updated by program information for the specified field.
If no source column is updated by program information for this field, the Table field is blank.
Field that is updated by program information for the specified table.
Edit and Add mode fields
The following fields only display when you are adding or editing a program field. To edit an existing field, click Edit in its Edit column. To add a new field to the program, click Add on the Fields panel.
In addition to specifying what data a program field stores and how the values are validated, you can specify whether the program field updates a source demographic or district-defined field.
You can select to program track source fields from the Registration (including next-year and summer school information), Academic, Emergency, Personal, and district-defined pages. When a field is associated with a program, users cannot change the value for the field on the base software page. Instead, users click a link from the base software page to display a pop-up window for the program and make changes to the value by closing the existing record and opening a new program record. For example, if your district defines a program field to update the Meal Status field as the source field, a link displays next to the Meal Status label on the Personal page. To edit the Meal Status, the user clicks the link and changes program vectors.
Refer to Programs Terminology for definitions of terms used in the documentation of programs.
Definition Section
Label for the field to display on the Program page. Character/30
State Code Equivalent
The state-defined code that corresponds to the program field. This value allows the system to associate a program field with a state-defined code. Character/10
Use Calculation Override
Checked if an Override field should display next to the program field on the Programs page for a student. You would select to display the Override field if a user should be able to select to prevent state reporting calculation programs from updating the program field. Overrides are only used by selected state program fields.
Setting an override on a program field that updates a source field will not prevent updates to the field.
Use Entry/Withdrawal Reasons
Checked if you want users to enter an entry reason and withdrawal reason for each row of the program. For example, if you want users to enter a withdrawal reason to indicate that the value changed for a field because the student passed requirements for reclassification or exited the program.
If you select to use entry and withdrawal reasons for any program field, you must define records for the Program Entry Reason and Program Withdrawal Reason validation tables ( Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables).
Field Section
Link Dates To
Determines whether the start and end dates for the program field should be linked to the student's Entry/Withdrawal records or to a header field (also known as a parent field). We do not recommend changing the Link Dates To selection after student data has been entered for the program field.
Entry/Withdrawal - to indicate that dates for the program should be linked to the entry/withdrawal dates for the student, based on the link type specified in the next field. Not linked - to indicate that dates do not have to correspond to entry/withdrawal or another program field. Parent Fields - to indicate that the field is linked to a parent field.
Note: Linking a child field to a parent field does not require that the start and end dates for the child field must be within the start and end dates of the parent field. The Link Type determines how dates are enforced between parent and child fields.
Link Type
If linked to an entry/withdrawal or a parent/header field, indicate how dates should be linked.
A - Absolutely link Start and End dates, not allowing changes - to require that students are enrolled in the program for all days for which they are active for entry/withdrawal or the parent field. You cannot change the value for a student without closing the entry/withdrawal or parent field record. Thus, if a student has only one entry/withdrawal vector, then you can have only one record for the program field. The start and end date must match the linked record.
L - Completely link Start and End dates with no missing days, allowing changes - to require that students are enrolled in the program for all days for which they are active for entry/withdrawal or the parent field. The value can change for a student as long as there is no gap between the end date for the closed record and the start date for the new record. For example, if Meal Status is a program field that you want to track for the span of entry/withdrawal, you could enter the student initially with a status of R (Reduced), but later in the year, you could switch the student to a status of F (Free).
E - End date default only, allowing changes - to allow students to have a program vector that is longer or shorter than the selected link record. For example, for a Reading Tutoring program, the student might enter the program after the start of school, and withdraw before the end of the school year.
N- No Linking - to not use linking.
B - Start and End date default, allowing changes - to default the student's start date to the date from the selected link record when a record is added, but allow the user to change the date. This option defaults dates but allows the student to have a program record that is shorter or longer than the student's entry/withdrawal record or parent field records. For example, for a Reading Tutoring program, the student might enter the program after the start of school, and withdraw before the end of the year.
Table that is updated by program information for the specified field.
Leave this field blank if you do not want the program to update a source field.
Note: District-defined pages can be defined to show fields from other tables or district-defined pages. For example, the Student Info page may display the values for field XYZ from the Special Program page and field ABC from the Student Event page. These district-defined fields would be set up with a Field Type of U - User Defined to indicate that it displays a value from another district-defined page. Do not use these fields as a source for a program.
Field that is updated by program information for the specified table.
If you did not enter a source table, this field is blank and you cannot enter a value.
Data Section
Field Type
Indicates how the user will enter data for the field.
Checkbox - to display the field as a checkbox so users can click the box to enter a checkmark or remove a checkmark. Dropdown - to enter a list of valid values and allow users to select from a drop-down list. A button displays to the right of the field. If you select this option, enter the values in the Valid Values List. Input - to allow users to type text or select from table help. If a Valid Table Name is specified, the Table Help button displays next to the field on the Programs page.
The Input Type is automatically populated if you select to update a source field.
Data Type
The type of data that is valid for the field.
Character - to require that users enter alphanumeric characters or symbols. Date - to require that users enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Number - to require that users enter a numeric value.
The Data Type is automatically populated if you select to update a source field.
Data Size
The maximum length of the value for a field that uses a character or number data type. The Size is automatically populated if you select to update a source field.
Default Value
Default value that should be used when a program record is added for the field.
For fields that use a checkbox for the Input Type, either enter a check to make the default checked or vice-versa.
For fields that use an input field for the Input Type, you can enter a default value up to the maximum size that you indicated in the Size field.
Validation Section
Lists the values that can be entered for a drop-down field. Separate each value with a comma. This field is only active when Dropdown is selected in Field Type in the Data section.
If no value is entered in the Default field, the first value in the list will be used as the default.
The name of the table to reference for validating data. For input fields, you can allow users to access table help for a field by setting up table validation information. When the user clicks on the field, a list of codes and descriptions from the specified table displays.
Code Field
The name of the column (field) that contains the code for the record. If a table is entered in the Table field, clicking the Code Field dropdown displays the list of the fields in that table. Select the appropriate field.
Description Field
The name of the column (field) that contains the description to use. If a table is entered in the Table field, clicking the Description Field dropdown displays the list of the fields in that table. Select the appropriate field.
Security Section
Select the security package from the dropdown.
Select the subpackage from the selected package. Values only display if a package has been selected.
Select the feature from the selected subpackage. Values only display if a subpackage has been selected.
Year End Section
The fields in this section determine how the Programs Rollover Page will process program records when run in the current year environment. When the Programs Rollover page is run in the Summer School environment, all open records are closed and these settings do not affect processing. For detailed information about how the Programs Rollover page processes program records, refer to Programs Rollover Processing.
For districts that use both IEPPLUS and eSchoolPlus, make sure that any program fields that are updated by IEPPLUS are defined to have no processing for inactive, active, and pre-registered students in the year-end rollover values. The data defined for special education programs is controlled by IEPPLUS and the integration with eSchoolPlus.
Inactive Students
Determines how rollover will process program information for students who have a current vector for the program and who have an Inactive or Graduated status.
Always close current vector and create a new vector - to close the vector and open a new vector with the value stored in the source field. The student's withdrawal date for the most recent entry/withdrawal record is used as the end date for the vector that is closed. The start date for the new vector will be set based on the option selected for the If Creating a New Program Vector field. Close any existing program vectors - to close each vector by entering the end date for the program. The withdrawal date from the student's most recent entry/withdrawal record is used. Enter a check in the Set back to default value box to reset the source field when a vector is closed. If you do not check the Set back to default value box, the source field will remain set to the value prior to rollover. If you selected to link the program field to Entry/Withdrawal, the Close any existing program vectors option is automatically selected and you cannot change the selection. No processing will be done - to not process this program during yearend rollover. Open vectors will remain open.
Active Students
Determines how rollover will process the program information for students who have a current program vector and who have an Active Student Status.
If you select an option that closes the existing vector, the student's withdrawal date for the most recent entry/withdrawal record is used as the end date for the vector that is closed. The start date for the new vector will be set based on the option selected for the New Vectors field.
Always close current vector and create a new vector - to close the vector and open a new vector with the value stored in the source field. The student's withdrawal date for the most recent entry/withdrawal record is used as the end date for the vector that is closed. The start date for the new vector will be set based on the option selected for the If Creating a New Program Vector field. If you selected to link the program field to Entry/Withdrawal, the Always close current vector and create a new vector option is automatically selected and you cannot change the selection.
Close most recent vector - to close the vector by entering the end date for the program. The withdrawal date from the student's most recent entry/withdrawal record is used. Enter a check in the Set back to default value box to reset the source field when a vector is closed. If the box is not checked, the source field will remain set to the value prior to rollover.
No processing will be done - to not process this program during yearend rollover. Open vectors will remain open.
Only close current and create a new vector if the value changes - to leave the current vector open if the student's value for the base field did not change. If the value for the source field is different from the open vector, close the vector and insert a new vector for the value in the source field.
For example, if Homeroom is a program field, and the Registration rollover does not change the Homeroom value, the vector would be left open with the current value. If the Registration rollover moved the Next Homeroom value to the Homeroom field and the program record and source record no longer match, the current vector would be closed and a new one opened.
Note: A program record is only opened for next year if the student has a current open record. For example, if a student does not have an open record for the Homeroom program, Programs Year End will not create a record for the student.
Pre-Registered Students
Determines how rollover will process open program records for active students who were pre-registered before the Registration Rollover was run. When a student with a status of pre-registered is made active by Registration Rollover, the next year entry/withdrawal record replaces the record for the current school year. The student's entry date is set to the first day of the calendar for the next year.
No processing will be done - to leave the start date that is currently entered for the open record.
Start Date will be the same as Student Entry Date - to have the student's open record updated to have the same start date as the student's entry date for the school year.
Start Date will be the same as Student Entry Date and Value synced with Source - to have the student's open record updated to the same start date as the student's entry date for the school year and the same value as the source field.
Note: A program record is only opened for next year if the student has a current open record. For example, if a student who was pre-registered does not have an open record for the Homeroom program, Programs Year End will not create a record for the student.
New Vectors
Determines the start date used when rollover opens a new record.
Create vector according to entry/withdrawal - to use the entry date from the entry/withdrawal record for next year or the start date from the parent field. For example, the new vector would likely be opened with the first day of school for the student for the next year.
You must use this option if you have selected the Link Type of Absolutely link Start and End dates, not allowing changes.
Create vector for next calendar day - to use the next calendar day after the date that was used to close the active record from the prior year. For example, if the old vector was closed with 6/13/2016, the new vector would open with 6/14/2016. The date is not based on the calendars defined within eSchoolPlus.
Note: If a field is linked to a parent program, the Create vector for the next calendar day option cannot be used.
Business Rules Panel
This panel is used to specify business rules for the validation of programs.
A rule may have one or more rows of criteria. Each row may have two parts: the data condition that must be true for a user to save data and the if condition that specifies when the rule is applied.
For example, a rule could require the entry of a student ID when data is entered in another field. If the ID is not entered, the user will not be able to save the page.
To add a new business rule, click Add on the Business Rules panel.
To edit an existing row, click Edit in its Edit column.
The panel may be disabled if the program was created by PowerSchool to prevent users from editing its rules.
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