Use this page to mass enter program information for selected students who do not have an open vector for the program field. You can also enroll students in a new program. The field values and start date for new program records are selectable. For each selected field, a program record will be added for the selected students that do not have an open vector for this program record. If the program field has a source field, the source field will also be updated. If a student has an open vector for any field to be updated, that student's update is ignored.
Once you complete a mass update, there is no way to undo your changes unless you back up database tables.
Back up your database tables before running a mass update. You can restore data from the backup if you are not satisfied with the mass update results.
In the Program Prompts section of the Prompts panel, select the program.
In the fields that display below the selected program, enter appropriate values.
In the Program Start Date section, select the start date of the program. You can use student entry/withdrawal dates, or a set the same start date for all selected students.
To use entry dates, select Use Entry Date as Program Start Date, and then select the entry date you want to use from one of the following options: First Entry Date - to use the entry date from the student's first entry/withdrawal record. Most Recent Entry Date - to use the entry date from the student's most recent entry/withdrawal record.
To start the program on the same date for all students, enter a date in the Start Date field. Note that you cannot access this field if Use Entry Date as Program Start Date is selected.
On the Filter panel, enter search criteria to select students.
Click Load at the top right of the page to display students in the Selected Students panel.
If necessary, repeat steps 7-8 to refine the search.
You can use the Search field in the first row of the Selected Students panel to include additional students.
If necessary, exclude any students from this update by selecting their checkbox in the (Delete) column of the Selected Students panel.
Check the data entered in the Prompts section for accuracy and if the appropriate students are displayed in the Selected Students panel.
Click Run at the top right of the page.
After the process runs, review the Program Data Generation report to view the update's results. To locate the report, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The log will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel.
Prompts Panel
The fields in this section enable you to identify one or more fields and the Program Start Date for mass updating.
Program Prompts section
Select the program for this update.
Fields to Add table (unlabeled - under the Program field)
Select the Include checkbox of each field you want to add. You can then enter the program value or select to use the source field's value.
Enter a check to include this field for the selected students.
Program Field
The program field name.
If desired, enter a value for this program field.
Use Source Value
Check to use the source value already entered in the student's record. If checked, and if the student's record does not have a value for this field, the source value in the student's record will be populated by the Value field entry.
Program Start Date section
Select the date to use as the start date of the program. You can use student entry/withdrawal dates or set the same start date for all selected students.
Use Entry Date as Program Start Date
Checked to use either the first entry date or most recent entry date from the student's entry/withdrawal record.
First Entry Date
Select to use the entry date from the student's first entry/withdrawal record. Only accessible if Use Entry Date as Program Start Date is selected.
Most Recent Entry Date
Select to use the entry date from the student's most recent entry/withdrawal record. Only accessible if Use Entry Date as Program Start Date is selected.
Start Date
Enter a date to start the program on the same date for all selected students. You cannot access this field if the Use Entry Date as Program Start Date is selected.
Selected Students Panel
After using the Filter panel to enter criteria, click Load to run the search and display the results on this panel. To skip a student for the update, select the (Delete) checkbox to exclude a student's record from this update.
In the first row, you can add a student by clicking Search. The Student Search dialog displays, and you can search for students, select a displayed student in the Students section of the dialog, and click OK to add the student to the Selected Students panel.
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