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Keeping Student Competency Class Lists Up to Date in TAC Gradebook

Gradebook student lists for student competency groups are only up to date through the last time you ran Build Student Competencies. To reflect the most recent teacher assignments, you will need to run this option on a regular basis. For more information on using Build Student Competencies to keep TAC current, refer to Assigning Students to Teachers for Student Competencies. This topic describes setting up the scheduled tasks to build student competencies on a regular interval.

If teachers typically are not responsible for grading students who arrive in class late in the marking period, you may want to stop a building's Build Student Competencies task several weeks prior to the end of each report card run. When this task runs, it will update the student's teacher assignments for student competencies.

To create the Build Student Competencies scheduled task:

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Teacher Assignment. Make note of the buildings in your district that use student competency groups. You will need to run Build Student Competencies separately for each building.
  2. Select Mark Reporting > Utilities > Build Report Card Data > Build Student Competencies.
  3. Select a building that uses student competency groups.
  4. Enter the current Report Card Run.
    You will need to delete this scheduled task and create a new task when the building moves from one Report Card Run to the next.
  5. Complete the remaining fields. For field descriptions, refer to Build Student Competencies Page.
    Make sure to select the Update Existing Teacher Assignments for Students checkbox.
  6. Leave the Filter section blank so that all student competency groups are built for all of the appropriate students in the building.
  7. Use the Run Option section to set up the frequency with which you want the system to update the building's student competencies.
    We recommend you run the option Daily at a time when it is least likely to affect teachers. You can set up a TAC news item letting teachers know when the processing will occur. For more information, refer to News Page.
    Establish a unique run time for each building so you can differentiate schools in the tasks. Make note of the times you establish because you will need to find and remove tasks as buildings change to new report card runs.
  8. Click Run to create the recurring task for the building.
  9. Repeat Steps 2-8 for each building in your district that uses student competency groups.
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