Use this page to add or change items that are displayed in the News section of the eSchoolPlus and TAC Home pages for users in your district. For example, you may use a news item to notify users that there is server maintenance to be done on a specific date.
You can indicate a date range when the item should be displayed for users. You can select whether the message is displayed for teachers, office employees, or both teachers and office employees.
Add news items
Navigate to the menu path: My eSchoolPlus, All, Entry, and then select News.
Click Add.
Complete fields as needed. You can use HTML to format News items.
Click Save.
Change news items
Navigate to the menu path: My eSchoolPlus, All, Entry, and then select News.
On the search page, search for the item, then click its link.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete news items
Navigate to the menu path: My eSchoolPlus, All, Entry, and then select News.
On the search page, search for the item.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
To confirm the deletion, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.
News Item Panel
Text that displays as the headline for the news item. Character/255
The headline is used to sort how news items are displayed on the Home page. News items are sorted by effective date with the most recent items at the top. If multiple items have the same effective date, the items are sorted in ascending alphabetical order by headline.
Text of the news item. Character/6000
You can use HTML tags in your text to format the message. For more information, including the list of supported HTML tags, refer to HTML Formatting for News Items.
Effective Date
Date that the news item becomes effective. The effective date is used to sort news items on the Home page so that the most recent items are displayed at the top of the news.
Items do not display if the effective date is after the current date.
Expiration Date
Date that the news item should no longer be displayed on the Home page. For example, if you want to notify users about scheduled maintenance to occur on Friday 12/10/2016, you could enter an expiration date of 12/10/2016 so that the news item would not display after the maintenance was scheduled to occur.
If you want the news item to display indefinitely, do not enter an expiration date.
Building List
Select the buildings of the users and/or teachers you want to see the news item.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
News For
Checked if the news item should be displayed for the indicated type of user.
If you check the Office Employees box, all users who have a security record for one of the selected buildings will see the news item on the Home page in eSchoolPlus if they have selected to display News on their Home page.
If you check the Teachers box, users who are entered as staff members for one of the selected buildings will see the news items on the Home page in the Teacher Access Center.
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