Use this page to assign students' current and/or next year Building and Building of Residence fields based on the student's address. To make this assignment, student physical address information is compared to Geo Code plan areas.
In a typical update, the plan area that matches the student's address will be assigned to the student, and the student's Building and Building of Residence fields on the Registration Page will be changed to the building assigned to the student's grade for the plan area. You can choose whether or not this page updates the building for current year and/or next year for students that have their Override Building of Residence field set to L - Locked and/or R - Needs Review (these fields display on the Building and Next Year panels of the Registration page).
The Geo Code Building Assignment page also allows you to simulate building assignments; this enables you to verify building assignments and plan area definitions before changing any student records. After simulating a building assignments update, you can use the Building Assignment Page to create a report and verify that assignments are accurate before using this page to update student building assignment records.
Before assigning next year buildings, you should confirm that the Plan Year Used for Next Year Building field on the Geo Code panel of the Registration District Configuration Page is set to assign next-year buildings based on plans for the correct school year. For example, if some addresses were re-districted for the 2017 school year and you want to assign next year buildings based on the revised plan areas, the configuration must indicate that you are assigning the next building based on the 2017 plan year.
If a student's address matches more than one plan area or a plan area that has multiple buildings of residence assigned for the student's grade, the Geo Code Building Assignment page cannot assign the student's Building or Building of Residence fields.
Similarly, in Enrollment Online, parent forms cannot display a suggested building if more than one building is found for a student's address and grade. As a result, when the form is accepted, the registrar will need to make building assignments.
Select the students for the update using the Filter panel. Note Make sure to enter criteria to select no more than 5000 students. Only 5000 students can be processed at one time.
Click Load; selected students display in the Selected Students panel.
To remove students from the Selected Students panel, select their checkboxes in the (Delete) column. These students will not be processed.
In the Prompts panel's Update Student Records field, select S - Simulate Assignment without Updating Student Records.
Make the appropriate Prompts panel selections to indicate how you want to assign buildings.
On the Run panel, select when to run the report.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Click Run.
Use the Building Assignment Page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Reports > Building Assignment) to create a report and verify that assignments are accurate:
Select Simulated on the Data Type to Report field.
Select Detail on the Report Type field.
Filter for the same students you used in the Geo Code Building Assignment simulated run.
Select the students to have their simulated records cleared the Filter panel. Note Make sure to enter criteria to select no more than 5000 students. Only 5000 students can be processed at one time.
Click Load; selected students display in the Selected Students panel.
To remove students from the Selected Students panel, select their checkboxes in the (Delete) column. These students will not be processed.
In the Prompts panel's Update Student Records field, select C - Clear Simulated Building Assignments.
On the Run panel, select when to run the report.
Click Run.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Select the students for the update using the Filter panel. Note Make sure to enter criteria to select no more than 5000 students. Only 5000 students can be processed at one time.
Click Load; selected students display in the Selected Students panel.
To remove students from the Selected Students panel, select their checkboxes in the (Delete) column. These students will not be processed.
In the Update Student Records field, select U - Update Student Records with the Assigned Buildings.
Make the appropriate Prompts panel selections to indicate how you want to assign buildings and update entry/withdrawal records.
On the Run panel, select when to run the report.
Click Run.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
There are several scenarios when a building cannot be assigned to a student, and errors are then reported in the log file. Refer to Reasons Why A Building Was Not Assigned To A Plan Area for a listing of these errors.
Reasons Why a Building Was Not Assigned to a Plan Area
Geo Code Building Assignments are created using the Assign buildings procedure on the Geo Code Building Assignment page. Below are several scenarios when a building cannot be assigned to a student, and a corresponding error is displayed in the log.
Physical address does not match a Plan Area. Building not assigned.
The student's address does not match any plan area.
Physical address matches more than one Plan Area. Building not assigned.
The student's address matches more than one plan area. This issue only occurs in districts that allow overlapping plan areas on the Registration District Configuration Page.
Physical address matches more than one Plan Area. Building not assigned.
The student's address matches a plan area that has multiple buildings selected as the primary residence building for the student's grade.
Plan Area does not have a building of residence for the student's grade. Building not assigned.
The student's address matches a plan area, but the plan area does not include the student's grade.
Student does not have a next year registration record. Building not assigned.
The student is missing a Registration Next Year record.
Prompts Panel
The fields in this panel determine how simulated or actual building assignments are processed. It also provides an option to clear previous simulated assignments.
Update Student Records
Determines if this run will clear prior simulated building assignments, simulate assignments without updating any student records, or perform an update of the student records by assigning buildings.
C - Clear Simulated Building Assignments - to clear prior simulated building assignments. All other prompts on this panel will be ignored. S - Simulate Assignment without Updating Student Records - to populate the Geo Code Student Plan table (REG_GEO_STU_PLAN) with simulated building assignments. This enables you to run the Building Assignment report and verify that the plan areas are correctly defined. For more information, refer to Building Assignment Page. U - Update Student Records with the Assigned Buildings - to update the registration and entry/withdrawal records for students displayed in the Selected Students panel by assigning them to the appropriate building of residence based on their address.
Assign Current Building
Select to create or simulate Geo Code building assignments for the selected students' current year building and building of residence.
Retain Assignments where Override is Locked for Current Year
Select to not update building assignments for students whose current year Override Building of Residence field is set to L - Locked. This checkbox can only be accessed if Assign Current Building is selected.
Retain Assignments where Override is Review for Current Year
Select to not update building assignments for students whose current year Override Building of Residence field is set to R - Needs Review. This checkbox can only be accessed if Assign Current Building is selected.
Assign Next Building
Select to create or simulate Geo Code building assignments for the selected students' next year building and building of residence.
Retain Assignments where Override is Locked for Next Year
Select to not update building assignments for students whose next year Override Building of Residence field is set to L - Locked. This checkbox can only be accessed if Assign Next Building is selected.
Retain Assignments where Override is Review for Next Year
Select to not update building assignments for students whose next year Override Building of Residence field is set to R - Needs Review. This checkbox can only be accessed if Assign Next Building is selected.
Add New Entry/Withdrawal Record
Select to close the current entry/withdrawal record and create a new record when the student's current building is reassigned. This checkbox is only active after you select U - Update Student Records with the Assigned Buildings.
If you do not want to retain any record that the student was previously enrolled in a different building, do not select this checkbox. When a student's building assignment changes, the building in the current entry/withdrawal record will be changed to the new building and the student's Registration record will also be updated.
If students have attendance information entered for the school year, select this checkbox.
Entry Date
Entry date to use when a new entry/withdrawal record is created. The selected date must be after the current date.
Entry Code
Entry code to use when a new entry/withdrawal record is created.
Withdrawal Date
Withdrawal date to use to close the current entry/withdrawal record when a new entry/withdrawal record is created. Make sure to follow your district's policies for withdrawal dates.
Withdrawal Code
Withdrawal date to use to close the current entry/withdrawal record when a new entry/withdrawal record is created.
Filter Panel
Use the Filter panel to select the students to receive the update information. After you enter your criteria, click Load to run the search and display the results on the Records To Be Updated panel.
Selected Students Panel
After using the Filter panel to enter criteria, click Load at the top right of the page to run the search and display the results on this panel.
Select a row's (Delete) checkbox to exclude that student's record from this update.
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