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Frequently Asked Questions about Registration Rollover

Why does the Registration Rollover need to be run prior to other rollovers?

The Registration Rollover must be run first, so that any students who are deleted by the process can have the rest of their records removed when subsequent rollovers are run. Refer to Year-End Rollover Procedures for an overview of steps to take prior to beginning rollover processing.

How do I define how rollover will update Registration information?

You define Registration Rollover Criteria to indicate how the Registration Rollover will update students. Each criterion includes:

    • The criteria that selects the students to update.
    • The status to assign to the selected students. The assigned status determines if and how entry/withdrawal data is updated for students. Refer to the Registration Rollover Criteria Processing Flow Chart for more information.
    • The fields to update and their update values for the selected students.

What if a student could be selected by multiple criteria?

A student is processed by only one criterion. Once a student is processed, a record is created for the student in the Registration Year End Students table (REG_YREND_STUDENTS). If there is a record for a student in this table, no subsequent criteria will select the student for processing. It is important that you define criteria so more specific criteria are processed first, and generic criteria are processed last.

For example, if you define a criterion to promote students who have their Academic Promotion field set to Y (yes) and another criterion to update the calendar for students being promoted from Kindergarten to first grade that selects students who are in grade KG and have the Promotion field set to Y, the Kindergarten students would meet both selection criteria. Thus, you must process the criterion that selects the students in grade KG prior to the criterion that selects any student who should be promoted.

If a student is selected by a criterion, but an error occurs while updating the student's records, the student's record is not updated, an error will be logged, and the student can be processed by a subsequent criterion.

What happens to a student who is not selected by any criteria?

If a student is not processed by any criteria, the student's status is not changed, and the current year entry/withdrawal record is not closed. Thus, a student could have a status of Active, but not have an entry/withdrawal record for the school year.

How do I define the withdrawal code to use when rollover closes entry/withdrawal records for the current year?

The Registration Rollover closes the current year entry/withdrawal records for all students who are selected by a criterion that is defined to set the student status to Graduated, Inactive, or Active.

You can define the withdrawal code to use when closing the current year record.

    • Define the value to use for most students in the Rollover Withdrawal Code field on the Registration Building Configuration page (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration). This value is used as the withdrawal code for all students, except students who are selected by a criteria that has a rollover withdrawal code defined.
    • To override the building's withdrawal code for students who are selected by a Registration Rollover Criteria row, specify a Rollover Withdrawal Code value on the Registration Rollover Criteria Page. For example, you can set up a criterion to select students whose Academic Promotion's Value field is N, and set a Rollover Withdrawal code to a value that indicates the student was retained.

How do I define the entry code to use when rollover creates Entry/Withdrawal records for students who are made Active?

The Registration Rollover creates a new entry/withdrawal record for all students who are selected by a criteria that is defined to set the student status to Active.

You can define the entry code to use when creating a new entry/withdrawal record.

    • Define the value to use for most students in the Rollover Entry Code field on the Registration Building Configuration page (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration). This value is used as the entry code for all students, except students who are selected by a criteria that has a rollover entry code defined.
    • To override the building's entry code for students who meet a year end criteria, specify a Rollover Entry Code value on the Registration Rollover Criteria Page. For example, you can set up a criterion to select students whose Academic Promotion's Value field is N, and set a Rollover Entry code to a value that indicates the student was retained.

How does rollover process entry/withdrawal records for pre-registered students?

For pre-registered students whose status is updated to Active, the Registration Rollover does not create a new vector but replaces the existing one. It uses the entry code and calendar information in the existing entry/withdrawal record but replaces the entry date with the information for the next school year. If you want to override the entry code entered in the existing records for all students processed by a criterion, enter a code to assign to the students in the Rollover Entry Code field on the Registration Rollover Criteria Page.

How does rollover assign students to a calendar for the next year?

If no calendar is specified in the rollover criteria, the Registration Rollover will use the student's calendar from the Registration Page as the calendar for the next school year in the new entry/withdrawal record. Any students who have a calendar code that has not been created in the next-year environment will be recorded as errors in the Registration Year-End Rollover Log.

How do I specify the withdrawal date to use to close this year's records?

The Rollover Withdrawal Date Rule field in the Rollover section of the District Definition Page determines the calendar day to use as the withdrawal date.

    • To use the last membership day in the calendar as the withdrawal date, select Use Last Membership Day in Calendar for the Rollover section's Withdrawal Date Rule. Note that if there are no membership days in the student's calendar, then the last day of the calendar is used.
    • To use the last day of the calendar, select Use Last Day for Calendar for the Rollover section's Withdrawal Date Rule. If your district uses the alternate withdrawal rule where students are required to be withdrawn after the last day of membership, use this selection.

Note that the selection chosen for the Membership Day Rule field of the Entry/Withdrawal section affects which selections are available for the Rollover section's Withdrawal Date Rule. For more information, refer to the[ District Definition Page|../HelpProjects/Content/Topics/Registration/SETUP/reg_District_CSH.htm].

How do I specify the entry date to use to open next year's records?

The Rollover section's Entry Date Rule field on the District Definition page (Administration > General Setup > District > District) determines the calendar day to use as the entry date.

    • To use the first membership day in the calendar as the entry date, select Use First Membership Day in Calendar for the Entry Date Rule. Note that if there are no membership days in the student's calendar, then the first day of the calendar is used.
    • To use the first day of the calendar, select Use First Day for Calendar for the Entry Date Rule. Your school may enroll students on a non-membership day at the beginning of the year so that students who do not show up at the start of the year are not enrolled on a membership day.

Note that the selection chosen for the Membership Day Rule field of the Entry/Withdrawal section affects which selections are available for the Rollover section's Entry Date Rule. For more information, refer to the District Definition Page.

How can I move the next year registration information to the current year fields?

In the Student Update Values section of the Registration Rollover Criteria Page, select the Next checkbox in the Value column instead of specifying a value. You can move next year values to current year fields for the following fields: Building, Override Building of Residence, Override Reason, Grade, Primary Homeroom, Secondary Homeroom, Counselor, and House/Team.

What do the Selected Records and Modified Records values in the Registration Year-End Rollover Log indicate?

The Registration Year-End Rollover Log lists the number of records selected and modified.

Selected - Number of student records that have been selected to be checked against the specified criteria.
Modified - Number of student records that have actually been changed.

Number of students modified may differ from those selected for a criterion. Number modified excludes students selected but already modified by a previous criterion and students who could not be modified due to a listed error.

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