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Behavior Incidents Page

Use this page to view the behavior incidents in which the selected student has been involved as an offender, witness, or victim. The information displayed on the Student Behavior Incidents page is entered on other pages in the Behavior package. To view or change information for an incident, click the Incident link or the Incident Role link to display the appropriate detail page.

To add an incident that involves the selected student, click Add and then select to add the student as the offender, victim, or witness.

Note: Click anywhere in the grid and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll to view all columns.

How To

View incidents

View a student's incidents

Add incident for a student

Add incidents in Quick mode

Add incidents in Full mode

Change incidents

Delete incidents

Recording Attendance for Incident Actions

Incidents Created from Behavior Referrals

Review behavior referrals

Print reports for behavior incidents created from referrals (from Behavior Incidents Page)


Student Information Bar

For field descriptions, refer to Student Information Bar.

Incident List Panel


To scroll vertically within the Incident List panel to view more options, use the vertical scroll bar.

To change vertical scrolling to scroll within the page, click the Additional Options icon on the Incident List panel, and then select Scroll on Page.

To change back to grid scrolling, click the Additional Options icon on the Incident List panel, and then select Scroll in Grid.



School Year

School Year when the incident occurred.

Summer School

Displays Y for Yes or N for No to indicate whether the incident occurred during Summer School.


The incident type. Click the link to display the Incident Detail page for that incident ID.

Incident Category

Category of the incident, if any.


Building where the incident occurred.


Location where the incident occurred.

Incident Date/Time

Date and Time when the incident occurred.

Incident Role

Student's role in the incident. Click the link to display the Offender Detail, Victim Detail, or Witness Detail page for the student.

Incident Role Category

Category of the incident role.


Displays the actions issued to the student, if any.

Action Dates

Displays the dates for executing the actions issued to the student. This field only displays if the district has selected to tracks actions by occurrence in the Behavior District Configuration. This field does not display if the district has selected to track actions by duration by unchecking the Track Occurrences checkbox on the Behavior District Configuration page.

Offense/Action Totals Panel

This panel displays the offense/action totals of the selected student. This panel only displays if the Show Offense/Action Totals field is selected on the Behavior District Configuration Page.



Show Only Current Year Totals

Checked to restrict the Offense/Action Totals to display only for current year. This selection defaults to the setting the user set the last time they used the screen.


Offense committed by the offender.


Total number of offenses committed by the offender.

Action Totals

Action totals of each action group for the offender that were included in the action group.

Action Durations

Action duration of all actions for the offender that were included in the action group. The Behavior District Configuration page determines whether this total reflects the current year only or all years of behavior data.

In eSchoolPlus, an offender can be assigned multiple offenses and multiple actions for an incident, and an action is not linked to any single offense the offender has been assigned for the incident. In these cases, the Action Duration for an action, or the number of times the action code is assigned, will be summed under each of the offenses reported for the incident.

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