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Reporting Graduation Requirements

This section describes the steps needed to record Graduations Requirements for students.

Process Overview

  1. Import test scores into eSchoolPlus using the menu path: Select Test Scores from the main menu, select All submenu, select Utilities, and then select Import Scores from File.
  2. Import test scores into Mark Reporting (optional).
  3. Enter EOC marks for students without Test Scores records (optional).
  4. Run Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation utility.
  5. Mass update graduation points for exception students (optional).
  6. View/Edit student progress on Graduation Requirements page.

Import Test Scores

Menu path: Select Test Scores from the main menu, select All submenu, select Utilities, and then select Import Scores from File.

Use this option to import EOC, Workkeys, or College Admission exam scores into eSchoolPlus. For more information on required setups and using the Import option, refer to the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup Page.

Running the Graduation Calculation

Refer to the Ohio Graduation Requirement Calculation section for information on how to run the calculation.

Graduation Requirements Page - Ohio Graduation Requirements Panel

Menu path: Select Mark Reporting from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Graduation Requirements.

Use the Ohio Graduation Requirements panel to see the results of running the Ohio portion of the Graduation Requirements Calculation. You can see an individual student's overall progress toward fulfilling Ohio graduation requirements, broken into details for all three pathways: Ohio state exams, industry credentials and WorkKeys assessment, and college readiness exams. The student needs to fulfill requirements for one of these pathways. Students graduating in 2020 are also eligible to use either of two alternate pathways.

You may override calculation results within any pathway if needed. Once set, an override value overrules future calculation runs for the student.

The following field descriptions explain how values are calculated and note which values you may override.

Fields related to the 2020 alternate pathways only display if you have the appropriate security resource access.

Totals Panel

This panel shows the student's graduation summary and breaks down the display into the Requirement Group (default and MS-Master Setup) and Graduation Year (the year to be graduated) details followed by the Course Requirements subpanel showing the Subject Area with the credits Required to complete the course, followed by Earned and Remaining credits till date, since a student must meet minimum thresholds within course categories. The details are updated by the Graduation Requirements Calculation from the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup in the student summary records.

Courses Panel

This panel shows the student's course completion records retrieved from the EMIS Courses and Student Summary pages highlighting the progress toward completing the requirements defined in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup. Every Course-Section entry of a Subject Area is represented in a separate row with course completion details such as the School Year, Building in which the course was completed, having the Course-Section ID and Description, Teacher's name who approved the course completion along with the Attempted Credit and Earned Credit values.

Ohio Graduation Requirements Panel

This panel shows the student's progress toward completing the Ohio graduation requirements. Each requirement is represented in a separate panel on this page and the described in detail.

Graduation Requirements Status

The page indicates the student's overall progress toward fulfilling Ohio graduation requirements for the three pathways displayed, and it shows the student's progress for each individual pathway. The page updates with the latest test score and course data each time you include the student in processing the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation.

  • The status displays Graduation Requirements Met if the student fulfilled requirements at a given level. Displays Graduation Requirements In Progress if the requirements are not yet met.
  • To achieve Graduation Requirements Overall Met, the student needs to meet requirements for one of the three pathways: Ohio state tests, Industry Credentials and Workforce Readiness, or college admission exam. Students graduating in 2020 are also eligible to use either of two alternate pathways.
  • The Overall status does not factor the additional credit requirements for graduation.
Total Overall Points

Student's total graduation points from Ohio state tests. This is the sum of the Math, English, and Science/Social Studies subject areas.

To determine if the student fulfills the Ohio state exam pathway, the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation compares the student's total overall points to the Minimum Total Graduation Points Required.

The status displays Ohio State Testing Requirements Met if the student fulfilled requirements at a given level. Displays Ohio State Testing Requirements In Progress if the requirements are not yet met.

Total Graduation Points Required

Minimum total graduation points the student needs to fulfill the Ohio state tests pathway.

You may manually override the default value in a case where the student took courses outside your district, thereby reducing the number of tests required.

To override the value:

  1. Select the associated Graduation Points Required Override.
  2. Choose an Graduation Points Required Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  3. Enter the new value in the Total Graduation Points Required field.
  4. Click Save.

Refer to Transfer Student Override Entry and Processing for information on using the Graduation Points Required Override Reason to identify the student as a transfer. This enables an additional transfer student processing rule in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation.

If the student's graduation year is 2023 or later, the following fields are hidden:

Graduation Points Required Override
Graduation Points Required Override Reason
Total Graduation Points Required

Student has taken all required end-of-course exams

Indicates if the student has taken all of the end-of-course state tests. This setting applies to the two alternate graduation pathways available for 2020 graduates and also for graduation years 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation considers this fulfilled if the student has a Test History record for the following OHIO-AIR subtests:

  • Algebra I and Geometry or Integrated Math I and Integrated Math II
  • English I and English II
  • Biology
  • American History and American Government

You can manually override the calculated setting as follows:

  1. Select Taken all required end-of-course exams override (Alternate Pathways).
  2. Click Save.

Student has passed or retook all taken exams (Alternate Pathway 1)

This is applicable to classes of 2017 and prior

Indicates if the student has fulfilled the end-of-course exam requirement by either passing each test or retaking any exam not passed on the first attempt. This setting applies to the alternate graduation pathways available for 2020 graduates; specifically, it applies to alternate pathway Option 1.

The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation checks student Test History records for the following OHIO-AIR subtests:

  • Algebra I and Geometry or Integrated Math I and Integrated Math II
  • English I and English II
  • Biology
  • American History and American Government

The student needs an Overall Performance Level score of at least 3 for each exam. The student needs to have a retake for any subtest with a score below 3 in order to fulfill this requirement.

You can manually override the calculated setting as follows:

  1. Select Passed or retook all taken exams override (Alternate Pathway 1).
  2. Click Save.

Ohio State Tests Panel

This panel shows the student's progress toward earning enough graduation points through Ohio state tests. It breaks down the display into subject areas since a student needs to meet minimum thresholds within exam categories. If the student met an exam requirement through an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam, the appropriate points display for the area tested. The same is true if the student took a College Credit Plus course instead of using an Ohio state exam to fulfill a testing requirement.

You can manually override calculated point values if needed. You also can override the minimum points required if the student took a course and exam outside your district, thereby reducing the number of graduation points needed.

Ohio State Testing Area

Specific Ohio state test, categorized within its appropriate subject area. Each test displays its own row of information, showing the student's highest score for that test. You can also see if the student has an Advanced Placement exam score, International Baccalaureate exam score, or College Credit Plus score for the test.

Overrides are available for each point total taken from Test History and student Mark Reporting records.

Subject Area

The Ohio State Tests panel is organized into three grids representing the subject areas where students must earn a minimum number of graduation points.

Each grid lists a separate row for the individual Ohio state testing areas within the subject area, followed by points earned from Test History records or, if applicable, a converted course mark. A Minimum Subject Area Points Required value displays for Math, English, and Social Studies/Science.

End-of-Course Exam Points

Highest graduation point value the student scored for a specific test. This value is calculated by the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation. Typically it comes from a student Test History record, unless the student took a course set up with a Course Mark-to-Points Mapping. Following are the sources used by the calculation:

  • Test History subtest scores mapped to the testing area using Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup Page, if your district used this setup option.
  • Test History subtest scores associated with the testing area's State Code Equiv in the Test Definition. Refer to Test Definitions for a listing of the codes for each Ohio state test.
  • Student course Mark Reporting grade converted to Ohio graduation points. This is used for cases where the student took the associated course before its Ohio state exam was implemented or when the student took a course outside your district. Refer to Course Mark-to-Points Mapping for the setup details.

The Graduation Requirements Calculation gives the student the highest point value if multiple sources exist for the same test.

You can manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.
AP/IB Exam Points

Highest Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam result for the Ohio state exam testing area. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation gets the graduation points from a student's Test History records as follows:

  • Test History subtest score associated with the testing area's Advanced Placement exam State Code Equiv.
  • Test History subtest score associated with the testing area's International Baccalaureate exam State Code Equiv.

Refer to Test Definitions for a listing of the State Code Equivs for AP and IB exams.

You can manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.
College Credit Plus Points

Highest converted College Credit Plus course grade for the Ohio state exam testing area. For details on setting up a College Credit Plus course, refer to Course Mark-to-Points Mapping.

You can manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.
Testing Area Total PointsTesting area graduation point value the Graduation Requirements Calculation uses to determine the student's subject area and Ohio state tests progress. The calculation uses the highest point value out of the three values displayed for a given testing area.
Subject Area Total Applied Toward Graduation

A separate total displays for Math, English, and Science/Social Studies. Each subject area total is assessed by the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation to determine whether the student meets the minimum points required for that subject.

For the Math total, the calculation uses the following rules:

  • The testing areas are grouped into two levels. One level comprises Algebra I and Integrated Math I. The other level comprises Geometry and Integrated Math II.
  • The student can earn their required points based on the following combinations: Algebra I and Geometry; Algebra i and integrated Math II; Integrated Math I and Geometry; Integrated Math I and Integrated Math II.
Minimum Subject Area Points Required

Minimum graduation points required for each subject area. A separate value applies to each subject. The calculation uses these values to determine whether the student meets the point threshold in Math, English, and Science/Social Studies.

You may override these values in a case where the student took a course out of district, thereby reducing the number of points required for a particular subject.

You can manually override the value as follows:

  1. Select the associated Override box.
  2. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  3. Enter the new value in the appropriate Minimum Points field.
  4. Click Save.

ACT Test Scores Panel

This panel shows the student's ACT subscores for English, Reading, and Mathematics. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation gets these scores from the student's Test History records, specifically for Test Definition ACTeSchoolPlus-1-1.

The student meets the college exam pathway requirement as long as scores meet each subject area's minimum score threshold. You may override the calculated subject area scores if necessary.

The status displays ACT Test Requirements Met if the student fulfilled requirements at a given level. Displays ACT Test Requirements In Progress if the requirements are not yet met.

ACT Test Scores Subject AreaThree ACT subscores the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation needs to assess: English, Reading, and Mathematics.

Student's score for a specific ACT subject. Scores come from student Test History records for the ACTeSchoolPlus-1-1 Test Definition.

The Graduation Requirements Calculation gets the highest score from the subtest score field tied to the following State Code Equivs:

  • For English, use ACENG.
  • For Reading, use ACR.
  • For Mathematics, use ACM.

The calculation compares each score to its Minimum threshold to see if the student meets the ACT "remediation-free scores" requirement.

You can manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.

Minimum ScoredRemediation-free score requirement the student must meet for each ACT testing subject area. The student meets the college exam pathway requirement if each testing area score meets the defined minimum value.

SAT Test Score Panel

This panel shows the student's SAT scores for Writing, Reading, and Mathematics. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation gets these scores from the student's Test History records, specifically for Test Definition SAT-1-1.

The student meets the college exam pathway requirement as long as scores meet each subject area's minimum score threshold. You may override the calculated subject area scores if necessary.

The status displays SAT Test Requirements Met if the student fulfilled requirements at a given level. Displays SAT Test Requirements In Progress if the requirements are not yet met.

SAT Test Scores Subject AreaThree SAT scores the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation needs to assess: Writing, Reading, and Mathematics.

Student's score for a specific SAT subject. Scores come from student Test History records for the SAT-1-1 Test Definition.

The Graduation Requirements Calculation gets the highest score from the subtest score field tied to the following State Code Equivs:

  • For Writing, use SAW.
  • For Reading, use SAR.
  • For Mathematics, use SAM.

The calculation compares each score to its Minimum threshold to see if the student meets the SAT "remediation-free scores" requirement.

You can manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.
Minimum ScoredRemediation-free score requirement the student must meet for each SAT testing subject area. The student meets the college exam pathway requirement if each testing area score meets the defined minimum value

Show Competency Panel

This panel shows the student's demonstration of competency in Math and English by passing the Algebra 1 and English 2 tests. Students who do not pass the test will be offered additional support and must retake the test at least once. If tests are not the student's forte, there are three alternate requirements to show competency as described in the Career-Focused Activities Panel, Military Enlistment Panel, and the College Credit Plus Panel. This panel will display only if the graduation year is 2021 or later.

Took End of Course ExamsDisplays Has Taken All Seven End-of-Course Exams or Has Not Taken All Seven End-of-Course Exams as applicable depending on the student's exam status.
Algebra 1 and English 2

Displays one of the following values depending on the test result of the two subjects, Algebra 1 and English 2:

  • Passed both Algebra 1 and English 2 tests
  • Did not pass Algebra 1 test - Not eligible for alternate requirements (if tests are not retaken at least once)
  • Did not pass English 2 test - Not eligible for alternate requirements (if tests are not retaken at least once)
  • Did not pass Algebra 1 test - Eligible for alternate requirements (if tests are retaken)
  • Did not pass English 2 test - Eligible for alternate requirements (if tests are retaken)
Algebra 1 and English 2 Test OverrideSelect to manually override the two tests requirement and set the Show Competency Requirements Met alert requirements toward the overall Graduation Requirements Met alert message only if the value in the Algebra 1 and English 2 field is Did not pass Algebra 1 and English 2 tests - Eligible for alternate requirements.
IEP Exemption - MathSelect if the student has an excusal from the consequences of assessments is excused from demonstrating competency, but has earned two seals.
Retook but Did Not Pass Math Exam

Displays Did Not Meet Exemption Requirement after the student attempted the IEP Exemption - Math test, received remediation, and took retest but did not pass. If the student has taken and failed the exam twice, Met Exemption Requirement will be printed in the Graduation Requirements report.

Displays and prints Met Exemption Requirement in the Graduation Requirements report if the student has taken and failed the exam twice. Otherwise Did not Meet Exemption Requirement will be printed in the Graduation Requirements report

The Retook but did not pass Math Exam and Retook but did not pass English Exam fields show “Did not met exemption requirements” when the student has not taken and failed the exam twice. On the other hand, “Meets exemption requirements” is when the student has taken the exam multiple times and failed each time. Also, whatever is in the two fields is what gets reported on the graduation requirements report not just “Meets exemption requirements”.

Retook but Did Not Pass Math Exam - OverrideSelect to manually override the IEP Exemption - Math test requirement and set the Show Competency Requirements Met alert requirements toward the overall Graduation Requirements Met alert message only if the value in the Retook but Did Not Pass Math Exam field is Did Not Meet Exemption Requirement.
IEP Exemption - EnglishSelect if the student has an excusal from the consequences of assessments is excused from demonstrating competency, but has earned two seals.
Retook but Did Not Pass English ExamDisplays Did Not Meet Exemption Requirement after the student attempted the IEP Exemption - English test, received remediation, and took retest but did not pass. If the student passed the test, Met Exemption Requirement will be printed in the Graduation Requirements report.
Retook but Did Not Pass English Exam - OverrideSelect to manually override the IEP Exemption - English test requirement and set the Show Competency Requirements Met alert requirements toward the overall Graduation Requirements Met alert message only if the value in the Retook but Did Not Pass English Exam field is Did Not Meet Exemption Requirement.

Career-Focused Activities Panel

This panel shows the first option of the three alternate requirements to show competency.

The status displays Career-Focused Activities Requirements Met if the student fulfilled requirements at a given level. Displays Career-Focused Activities Requirements In Progress if the requirements are not yet met.

Alternative Competency Career Experience and Technical Skill Requirement Met Program Code

Displays one of the following values depending on the student's career experience and technical skill:

  • Has Program Code (with the "Show Competency Requirements Met" alert message displayed)
  • Does Not Have Program Code
Scored Proficient on WebXam

Select if the student has completed the WebXam requirement with Proficient performance level.

Student must earn a score of proficient or higher on three or more WebXams in a single career pathway.

Work-Based Learning

Select if the student has completed the work-based learning requirement.

If the student's graduation year is 2023 or later, this field will be read-only text instead of a checkbox. Program Code will be 310499 or 310500.

Student must complete 250-hours of work-based learning.

Ohio Means Jobs

Displays one of the following values if the student earned a OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal:

  • Achieved
  • Has Not Achieved
Pre-apprenticeship or acceptance into an approved apprenticeship program

Select if the student is participating in a pre-apprenticeship program or is accepted into an approved apprenticeship program.

If the student's graduation year is 2023 or later, this field will be read-only text instead of a checkbox. Program Code will be 305014.

State-Issued License for Practice in a Vocation

Select if the student has completed a foundational program as part of the graduation requirement.

This field will display only if the graduation year is 2023 or later.

Based on the pre-apprenticeship or approved apprenticeship completion status, "Met Requirement" or "Did Not Meet Requirement" will be printed in the Graduation Requirements report.

Industry Credentials and WorkKeys Subpanels

This panel shows the student's progress toward completing the Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness pathway for Ohio graduation requirements. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation updates values based on the student's Test History records for the Ohio CTE Industry Certification and WorkKeys assessment.

You may manually override scores for the three WorkKeys assessment subject areas.

For the alternate pathways in class of 2020 or prior, this Industry Credentials and WorkKeys Subpanels will display as a separate panel named Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness with the same fields and details.

Total Industry Credentials Required in a Career Field

For the standard three pathways graduation requirements, the student needs at least 12 Industry Credential points within a single career field. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation compares this value to the student's Total Points in a Career Field.

To meet the Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness pathway's requirements, the student also must achieve workforce readiness scores on the WorkKeys assessment.

For the alternate pathways in class of 2020 or prior, the student can meet an Option 1 requirement by earning an industry credential worth at least 3 points. Students can meet an Option 2 requirement by earning industry credentials worth at least 12 points.

Total Points in a Career Field

Highest total Industry Credential points value the student earned in a single career field. To determine career field totals, the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation uses the Industry Credentials validation table. It figures out the career fields in which to count each earned credential. You can see the applicable career fields displayed in a Credential's Applies To field.

The Graduation Requirements Calculation compare this total to the Minimum Required, and this determines if the student meets the Industry Credentials portion of the pathway. The student must also meet the WorkKeys assessment requirement to meet the Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness requirement.

Industry Credentials Requirement OverrideSelect if the student met the Industry Credential requirements. This override is for both Graduation Requirements and the Industry Credential Seal to display what is achieved.
Date EarnedTest date for the Ohio CTE Industry Certification record when the student earned the listed credential. The source Test Definition is OH-CTEIND-CERT.
CredentialAssessment Area code for the earned Industry Credential, taken from the Ohio CTE Industry Certification record in the student's Test History. Using this code and the Industry Credentials validation table, the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation determines how many points the student earned and the Career Fields where those points count.
DescriptionCredential description taken from the Industry Credentials validation table.

Industry Credential points the student earned. Based on the student's Test History record for Ohio CTE Industry Certification, the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation finds the Assessment Area code in the Industry Credentials validation table. It finds the Points value for that Assessment Area and displays it on the student Graduation Requirements page.

The calculation totals points grouped by Career Field to determine where the student has the most Industry Credential points.

Applies toCareer Fields where the earned Industry Credential applies. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation uses the Industry Credentials validation table to determine the Career Fields associated with a credential's Assessment Area code. The earned points count toward each listed Career Field.
Total WorkKeys Score RequiredDisplays the minimum total WorkKeys assessment score required for the student to fulfill the Workforce Readiness part of the pathway.
WorkKeys Test AreaThree WorkKeys assessment areas used to determine the student's Total WorkKeys Points: Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information.

Student's score in each WorkKeys assessment area. The scores come from the student's Test History record for Test Definition WorkKeys-1-1.

Within the WorkKeys Test Definition, subtest score setups determine which score stores each WorkKeys assessment area value:

  • Applied Mathematics comes from the AppMath subtest's Scale Score.
  • Locating Information comes from the LocInfo subtest's Scale Score.
  • Reading for Information comes from the ReadInfo subtest's Scale Score.

The calculation uses the student's highest score for each assessment area.

You may manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the appropriate Points field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Choose an Override Reason. This prints on the student's Graduation Requirements Report.
  4. Click Save.

Minimum ScoredDisplays the minimum point value required for each WorkKeys assessment area. The student must meet each area's minimum score threshold as well as the overall minimum score for the entire WorkKeys assessment.
WorkKeys Total PointsSum of the student's highest scores in each WorkKeys assessment area. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation compares this total to the Minimum WorkKeys Points Required when determining whether the student fulfilled the Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness pathway.

Military Enlistment Panel

This panel shows the Alternative Competency Military Readiness Requirement Met Program Code status as "Has Program Code" or "Does Not Have Program Code" depending on the student's achievement or the selected pathway. Competency can be achieved by meeting the requirements to enlist in the military,
as demonstrated by a contract with the military to enlist upon graduation.

College Credit Plus Panel

This panel shows the Alternative Competency College Credit Plus Requirement Met Program Code status as "Has Program Code" or "Does Not Have Program Code" depending on the student's achievement or the selected pathway.

SAT or ACT Proficiency Panel

This panel shows the Scored Proficient in a Subject Area on the SAT or ACT Assessment status as "Scored Proficient" or "Did Not Score Proficient" depending on the student's subject area in the SAT or ACT Assessment.

Diploma Seals Panel

This panel shows the status of the 12 Diploma seals if the student earned as "Achieved" or "Has Not Achieved". See the 12 Diploma seals for more information about the requirement and completion of each seal.

The following panels are displayed for students graduating in the year 2020 and prior.

Full Year Courses Panel

This panel tracks GPA and full-year course requirements for the Option 1 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates. The GPA fields update by the Graduation Requirements Calculation applying the GPA Types from the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup to student GPA Summary records.

  • You will need to manually update the full-year course setting for applicable students.
  • This panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.
11th Grade GPA

The student needs at least a 2.50 GPA on a 4.00 scale for courses taken in 11th grade. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation applies this rule taking the student's GPA from the latest Report Card Run and Term in 11th grade for the 11th Grade GPA Type defined in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup.

You may manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the 11th Grade GPA field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Click Save.
12th Grade GPA

The student needs at least a 2.50 GPA on a 4.00 scale for courses taken in 12th grade. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation applies this rule taking the student's GPA from the latest Report Card Run and Term in 12th grade for the 12th Grade GPA Type defined in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup.

You may manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Enter the new value in the 12th Grade GPA field.
  2. Select the associated Override box.
  3. Click Save.
Completed a minimum of four full-year courses in both 11th and 12th grade

Checked if the student completed at least four full-year courses in both 11th and 12th grades.

The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation does not automatically update this setting.

You will need to review and update this field for students who do not meet one of the other graduation pathway requirements.

This setting applies to the Option 1 alternate pathway available for 2020 graduates.

Community Service Hours Panel

This panel tracks whether the student meets the community service hours graduation requirement based on the OH Community Service student page. This requirement applies to the Option 1 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

  • You may override the calculated hours if needed.
  • This panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.
Community Service Hours

Student's community service hours determined by adding hours from the OH Community Service page for the student's 12th grade year. The student needs to meet the Community Service Hours Required total defined in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup. This requirement applies to the Option 1 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

The calculation bases the 12th grade school year on the student's Entry/Withdrawal records. It limits the hours counted to those associated with the appropriate School Year on the student's OH Community Service page.

You may manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Select the Override box.
  2. Enter the override value for Community Service Hours.
  3. Click Save.

Workplace Experience Hours Panel

This panel tracks whether the student meets the workplace experience hours graduation requirement based on the OH Workplace Experience student page. This requirement applies to the Option 2 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

  • You may override the calculated hours if needed.
  • This panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.
Workplace Experience Hours

Student's workplace experience hours determined by adding hours from the OH Workplace Experience page. The student needs to meet the Workplace Experience Hours Required total defined in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup. This requirement applies to the Option 2 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

You may manually override the calculated value as follows:

  1. Select the Override box.
  2. Enter the override value for Workplace Experience Hours.
  3. Click Save.

Career-Technical Program Panel

This panel tracks whether the student completed a career-technical program, a requirement which applies to the Option 2 alternate pathway available for 2020 graduates.

The panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.

Completed Career-Technical Program

Checked if the student completed a career-technical program. This requirement applies to the Option 2 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation does not automatically update this setting.

You will need to review and update this field for students who do not meet one of the other graduation pathway requirements.

Career-Technical Exams Panel

This panel tracks whether the student earned a total score of Proficient or better on all career-technical exams or test modules. This requirement applies to the Option 2 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

The panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.

Career-Technical Exams Requirement Met

Checked if the student earned a total score of Proficient or better on all career-technical exams or test modules. This requirement applies to the Option 2 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates.

The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation does not automatically update this setting.

You will need to review and update this field for students who do not meet one of the other graduation pathway requirements.

Other Graduation Requirements Panel

This panel tracks the remaining requirements related to the Option 1 alternate graduation pathway available for 2020 graduates. These settings are all updated through the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation.

The panel only displays if you have the appropriate security resource access.

First AP or IB course/exam pair that meets requirement

Indicator stating if the student has a course and Test History score with either matching AP Subject Codes or matching IB Subject Codes. The course has the code assigned on the EMIS Course page in the Master Schedule. The Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test has the matching subject code assigned in the Test Definition score for the appropriate subtest. Refer to Graduation Requirements Setup, Test Definitions.

  • The calculation verifies the student earned at least a 3 for the subject test.
  • The calculation verifies the student earned credit for the course.
Ohio Means JobsIndicator stating if the student earned the transcript seal for the Ohio Means Jobs program. This is based on the student having a record for EMIS Program code 510001 on the EMIS Programs student page or participating in a Registration Activity defined with EMIS Program code 510001 on the Activity Setup page.
Capstone ProjectIndicator stating if the student completed a capstone project per guidance provided by the Ohio Department of Education. The calculation bases this on the student having a Project Completion Date on the EMIS Capstone Project page.
College Credit Plus During High SchoolCollege Credit Plus credits the student earned, calculated based on adding credits earned in courses set up with a Curriculum code of PS - College Credit Plus on the EMIS Course page. The student needs at least 3 of these credits to meet this requirement.

Transfer Student Override Entry and Processing

You can use the Graduation Points Required Override on the Ohio Graduation Requirements panel to identify a student as a transfer student, if appropriate. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation considers the student a transfer if one of this override is also defined as a Transfer Reason in the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup. Based on this scenario, the calculation applies the following rule when determining if the student fulfilled one of the standard graduation requirement pathways:

The student needs to earn 5 graduation points from Ohio testing requirements in a combination of English II and either Geometry and Integrated Math II.

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