Graduation Requirements Procedural Outline
On this page:
This procedural outline provides an overview of the required setup, student data updates, and graduation requirement processes for the three standard Ohio graduation pathways. For information on the two additional pathways available for the class of 2018 through 2020 graduates, refer to Additional Graduation Pathways Procedural Outline.
Required Setup
- For Ohio course credit requirements, you can use the baseline eSchoolPlus Graduation Requirements Setup option. In the eSchoolPlus online help system, refer to the topic Setting Up Graduation Requirements.
- Associate Ohio state exam testing areas with the appropriate test scores. You can do this one of two ways:
- Assign Test Code, Test Level, Test Form, Subtest, and Score Code to the test subjects using the Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup Page. (Regulatory > Setup > EMIS Setup > Ohio Graduation Requirements Setup)
- Assign specific State Code Equiv values to subtest scores within Test Definitions.
- For Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams, assign State Code Equivs for the various exam subject areas to subtest scores within Test Definitions.
- In the Mark Reporting Mark Types Setup option, confirm each high school building has a Mark Type defined to report a student's final course grade. You need this for cases where a student's Ohio state test graduation points are converted from a course mark. Optionally, you may also want to create a Mark Type to store a student's Ohio state test points so you can display this value on a transcript. Refer to Ohio Graduation Points Mark Types for details.
- For cases where you need to convert course marks to graduation points, you need to set up the EMIS Course district-defined page with the following information:
- Curriculum designation of College Credit Plus if it is a College Credit Plus course.
- Mark Type for conversion purposes.
- Ohio state test subject area where the converted points apply.
- For any building requiring course mark conversion, make sure to populate the Mark Reporting Level table with State Code Equiv values showing how each mark translates into graduation points. Refer to Course Mark-to-Points Mapping for specific details.
Update Student Data
- Import test scores into eSchoolPlus for Ohio state tests, WorkKeys assessments, Ohio CTE Industry Certification, Advanced Placement exams, International Baccalaureate exams, ACT exams, and SAT exams. (Test Scores > All > Utilities > Import Scores from File)
- Make sure student course marks are updated. Refer to the eSchoolPlus online help, Report Card Cycle Procedures topic for information on entering grades and calculating final marks.
- If you set up a Mark Type to associate a student's Ohio state test results with a course on transcripts, you can use Mark Reporting > Utilities > Mass Update/Load > Mass Load Grades to update the Mark Type with graduation point values.
- If you need to adjust the minimum points required for a transfer student's Ohio state tests graduation pathway, you may do so on the student Graduation Requirements Page - Ohio Graduation Requirements Panel. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Graduation Requirements)
Process Student Graduation Requirements
- Run the Ohio Graduation Requirement Calculation.
- Review student results on the Graduation Requirements Page - Ohio Graduation Requirements Panel. You may override calculated values manually on this page if necessary.
- You can generate a complete Graduation Requirements Report running the option using the Requirements to Include setting Base and Ohio. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Transcript Reports > Graduation Requirements)