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Staff Student Course File Layout

On this page:

The following table shows field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Tables and Columns and where the data is coming from in eSchoolPlus for the Staff Student Course file.

* = Required for all students

+ = Required only for specified students

Field #

FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME)as used by NYSED, if different from eScholar name


NYS or Local Purpose

eSchoolPlus Table.Column

Where in eSchoolPlus?



1 - 8

NYS Reporting


Administration > General Setup > District > District: State Equivalency Code



9 – 20

NYS Reporting


Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff> General Information panel: Staff State ID field



21 – 40

NYS Reporting


Administration > General Setup > District > District: State Equivalency Code




41 – 52

NYS Reporting


Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click link for appropriate course



53 – 62

NYS Reporting

schd_ms.school_year. Use June 30 of the reported school year. Ex: For 2011-12, use 2012-06-30.

School Year from Master Schedule



63 – 82

 NYS Reporting


Administration > General Setup > District > District: State Equivalency Code



83 – 94

NYS Reporting


Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule: Building



95 – 119

NYS Reporting

schd_ms_staff_user.field_value where field_number = '3'

Or if there is no course defined in Staff Date Tracking,

schd_course_user.field_value where screen_number = '2000' and field_number = '5'

Or if there is no override,


Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > click Secondary Staff link: Course field

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > NY Course Information: Override Local Course Number

Or if there is no override,

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule: Course



120 – 122

NYS Reporting

Default to N/A




123 – 147

NYS Reporting


Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule: Course Section



148 – 157

NYS Reporting

The download checks to see if the Master Schedule course code maps to ny_evaluation_date.code. If so, ny_evaluation_date.evaluation_date gets used as the Reporting Date. Refer to the Reporting Date section following this table for more details.

Unless the student has schd_stu_user.field_value where screen_number = 2010 and field_number = 5. If so, use the field_value.

A course is sent only if it is associated with an Evaluation Date.

Determine if the course is linked to an Evaluation Date. If so, use Regulatory > Setup > Setup > NY Evaluation Dates: Evaluation Date

The student-level override is stored in Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course description link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override: Evaluation Retest field

Refer to the Reporting Date section following this table for more details.



158 – 167

NYS Reporting


For a summary of the dates compared to determine this field, refer to the explanation of the Enrollment Linkage Duration calculation.



168 – 177

NYS Reporting


Or if there is no definitive date in the database use Reporting Date

If the course is tied to an Evaluation Date and the student-teacher link lasts to the end of course duration, the Relationship End Date is the last calendar membership day before the Evaluation Date.

For a summary of the dates compared to determine this field, refer to the explanation of the Enrollment Linkage Duration calculation.




178 – 185

NYS Reporting

schd_stu_user.field_value where screen_number = 2010 and field_number = 1


System calculated. See Enrollment Linkage Duration section in Calculated Staff Student Course Values following this table.

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override: Potential Attendance Override






186 – 193

NYS Reporting

schd_stu_user.field_value where screen_number = 2010 and field_number = 2

System Calculated. See Attendance Linkage Duration section in Calculated Staff Student Course Values following this table.

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override: Actual Attendance Override






194 – 199

NYS Reporting

System Calculated. See Linkage Duration Adjustment section in Calculated Staff Student Course Values following this table.




200 – 202

NYS Reporting

Enter "N"





203 – 210

NYS Reporting

schd_stu_user.field_value where screen_number = 2010 and field_number = 4

schd_course_user.field_value where screen_number = 2000 and field_number = 3


System Calculated. See Course Duration through Assessment Date section in Calculated Staff Student Course Values following this table.

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override: Course Time Override


Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > NY Course Information: Override Total Course Minutes





211 – 230

NYS Reporting


where reg_mp_weeks.Term = nytb_terms.Code

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables >New York State Reporting>Term: State Code Equiv



231 – 236


Leave blank


Reporting Date and Relationship End Date

Following are more detailed explanations of how the download determines Reporting Date and Relationship End Date for the Staff Student Course template:

Reporting Date

The download first looks to see if it can map the Master Schedule course code (schd_ms.course) to an Evaluation Date. It tries to do this through the State Course Code (mr_crsequ_det.state_id) associated with the local course code. If a State Course Code is associated with the local course code, the download looks in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup to see if the same State Course Code exists in the Code field (ny_course_eval.code). Based on a match, the download uses the Evaluation Code from the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup (ny_course_eval.evaluation_code) to link with the appropriate Evaluation Dates setup.

The download gets the Reporting Date from the Evaluation Dates setup. It checks the Regents/Common Core box to determine whether a student gets a Staff Student Course record. If the Regents/Common Core box is not checked, only non-high school students (grade levels 09, 10, 11 and 12) get a record for the course on that date. High school students get records based on the Evaluation Date with a checked Regents/Common Core box.

If the Master Schedule course's State Course Code does not map to a Code entry in NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup, the download checks to see if the local course code (schd_ms.course) maps to one of the Codes (ny_course_eval.code). If so, the download finds the linked Evaluation Dates record and draws from the Evaluation Date to get the Reporting Date. Again, non-high school students get a Staff Student Course record regardless of the Regents/Common Core setting. High school students (grades 09, 10, 11, or 12) get a record only if the Regents/Common Core box is checked.

If the download finds no link between the course and an Evaluation Date, the course is not reported. 

Relationship End Date 

For the Staff Student Course collection, the download uses additional logic to determine the student-staff Relationship End Date as long as this connection did not end via some other means, whether through the student's withdrawal from the building, student dropping the course, staff member leaving the course, or a push-in/pull-out situation ending. If staff and student are linked through the end of the course and the course-section maps to an Evaluation Date, the download makes the Relationship End Date the membership attendance date before the Reporting Date.

Secondary Staff – Co-Teacher or Push-In/Pull-Out Teacher?

The processing for some system-calculated fields in the Staff Student Course file differs for secondary staff assigned to a course based on whether the teacher is considered a co-teacher or a push-in/pull-out teacher. Following are definitions of and setup considerations for staff filling these roles.

A co-teacher is a staff member who is teaching a Master Schedule course-section session with the same level of responsibility as the assigned Primary Staff member. The co-teacher is responsible for all the students in the class 100% of the time. In terms of eSchoolPlus maintenance, the co-teacher:


  • Is assigned to the course-section session through the Secondary Staff link (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
  • Has a Start Date on the Staff Date Tracking page for Secondary Staff (Secondary Staff link on Master Schedule Course Information page).
  • Has the Co-Teacher field checked on the Staff Date Tracking page.

Important: For a Secondary Staff co-teacher, do not update the Push In/Pull Out Time Override field on Staff Date Tracking. This field is used for a teacher who is responsible for a student or group of students for partial time on a "push in/pull out" basis. 

A push-in/pull-out teacher is a staff member who is responsible for a portion of the students in a course-section for a portion of the instructional time. The term is based on the idea that the teacher either is "pushed into" the classroom or "pulls students out of" the classroom, figuratively speaking. In eSchoolPlus, the push-in/pull-out teacher:

  • Is assigned to the course-section session through the Secondary Staff link (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
  • Has a Start Date on the Staff Date Tracking page for Secondary Staff (Secondary Staff link on Master Schedule Course Information page). A Course needs to be selected on this page as well associating a course number with the instruction provided by the push-in/pull-out teacher.
  • Is associated with at least one student for the course-section session on the Student Staff Course Linking page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Student Linking). This association is based on checking the box next to each student taught by the staff member.
  • Has one of the following: (1) Push In/Pull Out Time Override defined on the Staff Date Tracking page. This value applies to all students linked to the teacher unless there is a student-level override; or (2) Minutes of Responsibility values set up for the appropriate students on the Student Staff Course Linking page; or (3) Push In/Pull Out Full-Time box checked on the Staff Date Tracking page. This sets the teacher's Linkage Duration Adjustment to 1 for all associated students.

These fields are used to determine the percentage of instructional time allocated to primary and secondary staff for each student when a course-section uses push-in/pull-out teachers. The type of data entered in the fields depends on the NY State Information building page's Pull Out Minutes Format setting. Refer to the NY State Information section for information on the configuration.
Staff setup is covered in the Staff Data for New York State Reporting section.

Calculated Staff Student Course Values

Following are detailed explanations of how the four system-calculated fields in Staff Student Course are derived.

Enrollment Linkage Duration (Potential Student Instructional Time)

This field tracks the time in minutes that a course is scheduled from the start and through the end of the student and staff member relationship. In other words, how much instructional time could there have been based on dates student and staff member were associated with each other for the reported course?

As a first step, the download references dates only if they fall in a Marking Period with an associated State Code Equiv value defined (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods).
It references the student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar when determining valid dates to include. 

The download then determines the range of dates the student and staff member were "linked" for the course. For a Primary Staff member or Secondary Staff set up as a co-teacher, the download compares a series of date ranges for the student, staff member, and course-section session in order to arrive at an intersection of dates where all three components meet.

Student Dates

Teacher Dates

Course Dates

Entry/Withdrawal Entry and Exit Dates (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal)

Course Add and Drop Dates (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course link)

Staff Start and End Dates for course-section session (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Primary Staff link or Secondary Staff link if co-teacher)

Marking Period Start and End Dates associated with the Master Schedule course-section session (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods)

For a Secondary Staff member set up as a push-in/pull-out teacher, the download also uses the Start and End Dates from the Student Staff Course Linking page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Student Linking).
There is additional logic to determine Relationship End Date if a course-section session maps to an Evaluation Group. Refer to the section on Reporting Date and Relationship End Date for details.
Once the download has the dates where the student and teacher are linked for the course-section, it calculates total minutes of potential instruction time based on those dates:

  1. The download determines which Timetable to reference, depending on whether the course building uses Multiple Bell Schedules.
  2. If the building's Scheduling configuration does not have the Multiple Bell Schedules box checked, there is no further complication over timetables since the building has only one.
  3. If the Multiple Bell Schedules box is checked, the download looks at the student's House/Team (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration) to determine which Timetable to use.
  4. The download uses the appropriate Calendar to determine the Cycle Day timetable assigned to each calendar date. It checks only Cycle Days when the course is assigned to meet based on the Master Schedule.Alternate Cycle Day timetables are included when an Alternate Cycle Day applies to a calendar date. When an Alternate Cycle Day timetable is used, the calculation checks Period and Parent Cycle Day to see if a course met and minutes need to be counted.
  5. The download refers to the course-section session's Start and End Periods from the Master Schedule so it can calculate period minutes for each Cycle Day. If the course meets across multiple periods, the Passing Time between those periods is included in the total.

Attendance Linkage Duration (Actual Student Instructional Time)

This field shows the total minutes of linked instructional time for student and teacher with the student's absence minutes subtracted. Subtract the student's absence minutes from the Enrollment Linkage Duration value. The Enrollment Linkage Duration is derived as described above. The absence minutes are determined by looking at the Attendance Bottom Line table (att_bottomline). 

Absence minutes are included in the calculation based on Absence Codes and Tardies Codes selected when you run New York Teacher Course Download for Staff Student Course:

  • For Absence Codes, the download will count absence minutes anywhere it finds the codes you select on a Cycle Day and period(s) when the course meets. If you do not select any Absence Codes on the Download page, the calculation counts absence minutes anywhere it finds an Attendance Code with no Arrive or Dismiss Time. If the student's enrollment building takes Homeroom attendance, the student is considered absent for all periods in the day if an Attendance Code is recorded for a particular day.
  • For Tardies Codes, the download counts absence minutes anywhere it finds the codes you select on a Cycle Day and period(s) when the course meets. If the student's building uses Homeroom attendance, then Arrive or Dismiss Times need to be entered for the absence minutes to be counted. If you do not select any Tardy Codes on the Download page, then for a Period attendance building, the calculation counts absence minutes wherever it finds an Attendance Code. Arrive and Dismiss Times are required to determine minutes for a Homeroom attendance building.

Important: You are not limited to using the State Codes of U, T, and E.

Linkage Duration Adjustment (Instructional Responsibility Weight)

This section describes calculation of Linkage Duration Adjustment. Following is an explanation of when this calculation is and is not used for primary staff, co-teachers, and push-in/pull-out staff (this information is also provided in the Staff Data for New York State Reporting section):

  • For primary staff and co-teachers, the calculation is used if the NY State Information page's Use 1 for Primary Adjustment box is not checked, the staff member does not have a Primary Teacher Adjustment override set on the Staff Date Tracking page, and there is no student-level override in the NY Course Override page's Primary Teacher Adjustment field
  • For a push-in/pull-out teacher, the calculation is used if the Staff Date Tracking page's Full-Time box is not checked for the course-section session.

Linkage Duration Adjustment is a decimal value, between 0 and 1 inclusive, representing the percentage of minutes assigned to a teacher and student for a course during their relationship start and end dates. This field essentially shows the percentage of instructional time available between a teacher and student for the dates they are linked. 

The calculation of this percentage is based first on a building-level district-defined page setting, Pull Out Minutes Format on the NY State Information page (Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > NY State Information). Then, the download determines what kind of staff members are associated with the course-section session: primary staff (always at least one for each course), secondary staff co-teacher (optional), and secondary staff push-in/pull-out teacher (optional). 

For primary staff and co-teachers, the calculation populates a Linkage Duration Adjustment of 1 for each teacher and student unless there is at least one push-in/pull-out teacher assigned to the student through the Student Staff Course Linking course district-defined page. If there is a push-in/pull-out teacher for a student, the download either needs a Push In/Pull Out Time Override value from the Staff Date Tracking page or a Minutes of Responsibility value for the student and teacher on the Student Staff Course Linking page. This is the number of minutes of responsibility between staff and student, with the entry depending on the Pull Out Minutes Format setting. Push In/Pull Out Time Override tells the download the value to use for calculating every student linked to the push-in/pull-out teacher. The Minutes of Responsibility field lets you set a different value for individual students.

For a course using push-in/pull-out staff, the download first determines Linkage Duration Adjustment for the push-in/pull-out teachers. The following chart summarizes the relationship between the Pull Out Minutes Format configuration, the entries either for Push In/Pull Out Time Override or Student Linking Minutes of Responsibility, and the formula used to calculate Linkage Duration Adjustment: 

Pull Out Minutes Format

Minutes of Responsibility field on Student Linking

Linkage Duration Adjustment for Push/Pull Staff

A – Adjustment

Enter percentage of time student is with teacher (50% entered as .5)

Student Linking Minutes entry

T – Total time

Enter total minutes student is served by teacher for entire course

Student Linking Minutes ÷ Secondary's Enrollment Linkage Duration

C – By cycle

Enter minutes in a single cycle student gets instruction from secondary

(Student Linking Minutes X Number of cycles for staff/student linkage duration) ÷ Secondary Enrollment Linkage Duration

W – By week

Enter minutes in a calendar week student gets instruction from secondary.

(Student Linking Minutes X Number of weeks for staff/student linkage duration) ÷ Secondary Enrollment Linkage Duration

For this calculation, a cycle is determined by first finding the Cycle Day associated with the first membership day where attendance is taken in the Calendar (student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar). A cycle is then the span of membership attendance days from the first occurrence of that Cycle Day to the next one. If a student-teacher association begins in the middle of a cycle, the download considers the first cycle to be the span from the Relationship Start Date to the next occurrence of the cycle start identified in the calendar. 

A week is any calendar week the course meets and the student-teacher relationship exists which also contains at least one membership day where attendance is taken.
Once the download has the Linkage Duration Adjustment for the push-in/pull-out teachers, it can calculate this percentage for Primary Staff and co-teachers assigned to the course-section and student. To find the Adjustment for these staff members, use this formula: 

Primary staff and co-teacher Linkage Duration Adjustment = 1 – [(Push-In/Pull-Out Teacher Enrollment Linkage Duration ÷ Primary or co-teacher Enrollment Linkage Duration)(Push-In/Pull-Out Teacher Linkage Duration Adjustment) + repeat Enrollment Linkage Duration ratio X Linkage Duration Adjustment for any additional Push-In/Pull-Out Staff]

Illustrating Setup and Calculation for Linkage Duration Adjustment

Important: The following example assumes you are not using staff or student overrides for Linkage Duration Adjustment, and push-in/pull-out staff do not have the Full-Time box checked on the Staff Date Tracking page. For more information on how to use these overrides, refer to Staff Data for New York State Reporting

You need to understand the Linkage Duration Adjustment calculation before you determine how your districts will enter the minutes students are served by Secondary push-in/pull-out teachers. The method for minute entry is defined in the NY State Information building district-defined page, Pull Out Minutes Format field. The minutes themselves are either entered at the Secondary Staff level in Staff Date Tracking's Push-In/Pull-Out Time Override field, applying to all students linked to the teacher via the Master Schedule menu's Student Staff Course Linking option, or at the individual student level through the Staff Student Course Linking page's Minutes of Responsibility field. 

For a walk-through of the setup decisions central to push-in/pull-out staff entry, please refer to the Staff Data for New York State Reporting section. 

The following illustration shows how the setup decisions affect the Linkage Duration Adjustment calculation. 

Illustration 1 – Handling Partial Cycles 

There are four ways you can track student/teacher minutes in a push-in/pull-out scenario. Specifically, the Pull Out Minutes Format setting lets you either:

  • Enter the percentage of time the student and teacher are linked for the course (A – Adjustment)
  • Enter the total minutes the student and teacher are linked for the course (T – Total time)
  • Enter the total minutes the student and teacher are linked on a per-cycle basis (C – By cycle)
  • Enter the total minutes the student and teacher are linked on a calendar week basis (W – By week)

For this scenario, we will look at a building set up C – By cycle. Here are the key data points:

Building – High School

Course – English 9

Staff – 1 Primary and 1 Secondary

Student – 3 Students Linked to the Secondary Staff Member

4 Marking Periods (all Marking Periods have State Code Equivs)

4 Days in a Cycle

Marking Period 1 Starts 9/6/2012

Marking Period 4 Ends 6/25/2013

Calendar's First Membership Attendance Day is on Cycle Day A

Meets all 4 Marking Periods

Meets all 4 Cycle Days

Meets for 184 Membership Attendance Days total

Course lasts for 1 period, 45 minutes

Primary – Andrew Allentown (Start 9/6/2012; No End Date)

Secondary – Drew Doylestown (Start 9/6/2012; No End Date)

For Drew Doylestown:

No entry in Push In/Pull Out Time Override. Minutes needed on Staff Student Course Linking page for appropriate students.

Rosaria Rockford is linked to Drew Doylestown on Staff Student Course Linking page (Start Date 9/6/2012; End Date 12/12/2012)

Rockford gets 100 Minutes of instruction per cycle from Doylestown.

Based on this data, the download goes through these steps to calculate Linkage Duration Adjustment for student Rockford and her Secondary teacher (Doylestown) and her Primary teacher (Allentown):

  1. Enrollment Linkage Duration is calculated for primary Allentown and student Rockford. Take Membership Attendance Days the course meets where staff and student are linked (184). Multiply by the appropriate per-period minutes based on the Cycle Day Timetable for each date. For our example, assume the course met 45 minutes for each membership day. 184 x 45 = 8280 minutes
  2. To calculate Enrollment Linkage Duration for secondary Doylestown and student Rockford, the download determines the number of membership attendance days the course meets where staff and student were linked. For this example, the download finds 74 membership attendance days based on the Staff Student Course Linking page Start and End Dates and the building calendar.
  3. Enrollment Linkage Duration is calculated for secondary Doylestown and student Rockford. 74 x 45 = 3330 minutes
  4. To calculate Linkage Duration Adjustment for secondary Doylestown and student Rockford, the download needs to know the Cycle Day start for the building calendar. It then finds how many times the Cycle Day occurred during the dates teacher and student were linked. The calendar started with Cycle Day A. The download finds 19 occurrences of Cycle Day A from 9/6/2012 to 12/12/2012. This includes a partial cycle, since 12/12/2012 is Cycle Day B.
  5. Secondary Doylestown's Linkage Duration Adjustment is the number of cycles (19) multiplied by student Rockford's Minutes per cycle (100), dividing the product by Doylestown's Enrollment Linkage Duration (3330). (19 x 100) ÷ 3330 = 0.57
  6. Now the download calculates Linkage Duration Adjustment for the primary staff member, Allentown: 1 – [(3330 ÷ 8280)(0.57)] = 0.77


At this point, consider the setup used in this example and the results we received:

  • The Pull Out Minutes Format setting here was C – By cycle. You can see that the download in this case looks at the Entry/Withdrawal calendar, determines the Cycle Day associated with the calendar's first Membership Attendance Day, then derives a count of that Cycle Day's occurrence for the duration of the student/staff linkage. The download takes this count and multiplies by the per-cycle minutes the staff member is dedicated to the student's instruction. This model assumes that the student gets a uniform number of minutes each cycle, and it also assumes that whenever the calendar's starting Cycle Day occurs, the student receives those minutes. So, if the student/staff linkage duration includes partial cycles, the download responds as though a regular cycle occurred and the regular instruction time was fulfilled. The download does not prorate the instruction time according to days missed in a partial cycle.
  • The T – Total time Pull Out Minutes Format lets you account for cases where a student's instruction time might vary from one cycle to the next. Consider the way our example would change based on this setting. This would mean that for the push-in/pull-out teacher, you would enter the total minutes the staff member serves each student, either using the Staff Date Tracking override or entering Minutes student-by-student through the Student Linking option. Going back to our example, the student Rosaria Rockford might have had a Minutes entry of 1750 to account for several partial cycles in the Entry/Withdrawal calendar. This figure might better reflect reality than a calculation based on 100 minutes every time the download finds a particular Cycle Day.
  • In the example, notice that the primary teacher has a Linkage Duration Adjustment of 0.77 and the secondary teacher has a Linkage Duration Adjustment of 0.57 for student Rosaria Rockford. You might wonder why these figures do not add up to 1.00. This is due to the fact that each teacher's percentage is assessed over a different duration. Student Rockford is associated with the secondary teacher (Doylestown) for only a portion of the course. For the calendar dates Doylestown taught Rockford, there was a potential of 3330 instructional minutes. The By cycle calculation determined Doylestown had 1900 of those minutes.

If the primary teacher (Allentown) had served Rockford for the exact same date range as Doylestown, then, as long as no other teachers were involved, you would see the sum of the teachers' Linkage Duration Adjustments equal 1.00. However, Allentown taught Rockford for the full year. In fact, once secondary Doylestown stopped connection with Rockford, Allentown was 100% responsible for this student in the course. The Linkage Duration Adjustment calculation accounts for this, leading to a percentage showing primary Allentown's responsibility for the entirety of his duration with Rockford, not just from 9/6/2012 through 12/12/2012.

Course Duration through Assessment Date (Total Planned Class Time)

This is the total instructional minutes for the course-section session from its start through the Reporting Date.

  1. The download first finds which Marking Periods are associated with the course. It then looks at Marking Periods setup for Start and End Dates (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods). It only considers Marking Periods with a State Code Equiv defined.
  2. The download determines which Timetable to reference, depending on whether the course building uses Multiple Bell Schedules.
    • If the building's Scheduling configuration does not have the Multiple Bell Schedules box checked, there is no further complication over timetables since the building has only one.
    • If the Multiple Bell Schedules box is checked, the download looks at the student's House/Team (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration) to determine which Timetable to use.
  3. The download uses the student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar. The download checks the appropriate calendar to determine the Cycle Day timetable assigned to each calendar date. It checks only Cycle Days when the course is assigned to meet based on the Master Schedule. It uses membership days when attendance is taken.  Alternate Cycle Day timetables are included when an Alternate Cycle Day applies to a calendar date. When an Alternate Cycle Day timetable is used, the calculation checks Period and Parent Cycle Day to see if a course met and minutes need to be counted.
  4. The download refers to the course-section session's Start and End Periods from the Master Schedule so it can calculate period minutes for each Cycle Day. If the course meets across multiple periods, the Passing Time between those periods is included in the total.
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