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IAR Pre-ID Procedural Outline

The Illinois Assessments of Readiness (IAR) Pre-ID option creates records for students based on their Entry/Withdrawal grade level. It creates two records for each student in grades 3 through 8, one for the ELA test and one for the Math test. In terms of student entry, you will use two district-defined pages to track the information included in the IAR Pre-ID record:

The following outline shows the student entry, processing, and review steps for creating your IAR Pre-ID file for submission.

Student Entry



Use the ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection page to update a student's ELA and Math test information for the Illinois Assessments of Readiness. This includes test format, assessment session location, and session name for ELA and Math (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection).

The IAR Pre-ID download lets you choose a default ELA Test Format and Math Test Format for students who do not have a record on the ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection page.


Verify student program information is up to date for testing accommodations.

  • IEP Accommodation program is available on Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE.
  • ELL Accommodation and 504 Accommodation programs are available on Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE EL with ELL Screener.


Update the student's specific ISBE IAR Pre-ID Accommodations using Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE IAR Pre-Id Accommodations.


You can exclude a student from IAR Pre-ID processing by adding the ILPARCCPREID code on the Exclude Students from State Reports page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Exclude Students from State Reports). Refer to the How to Exclude a Student from State Reporting section for excluding students.

IAR Pre-ID Procedures



Run the IAR Pre-ID option with the Download checkbox selected. Refer to the IAR Pre-ID Download/Extract Field Descriptions section for information on the page prompts (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL IAR Pre-Id).


Review the error log that appears under Tasks/Reports (IL IAR Pre-ID Log) and fix data as necessary.


Re-run the IAR Pre-ID download using the same prompts as in Step 1 above as many times as you need to make sure all errors are resolved.

Check the Update Existing Records box if the download should update previously downloaded records with the most recent data from eSchoolPlus.


Run the IAR Pre-ID option with the Extract - ISBE and Extract - PAN checkbox selected (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL IAR Pre-Id).

ISBE has changed the process of submitting Accommodations for the IAR Pre-ID records. Accommodations will be submitted as the Personal Needs Profile (PNP) through Pearson Access Next (PAN). This will create a separate file when the Extract - PAN checkbox is selected.


The IAR PRE-ID file is created under Tasks/Reports. The file name includes the School Year and Date/Time you ran the file.

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