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For file layout and mapping information, refer to the ISBE File Layouts document. For help accessing the file layouts, refer to the eSchoolPlus Illinois State Reporting Documentation section.

IAR Pre-ID Download/Extract Field Description

Menu path: Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL IAR Pre-Id

Fiscal YearSchool year that applies for the IAR Pre-ID records you are creating.
Reporting DateDate the download uses to determine the students to include. Records are created for students active in the applicable grade levels (3 through 8) as of this date.
Default ELA Test FormatDefault Test Format value to use for ELA tests for cases where the student has no record on the district-defined page ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection.
Default MAT Test FormatDefault Test Format value to use for Math tests for cases where the student has no record on the student district-defined page ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection.
Blank Out Assessment Session LocationSelected if the download should make Assessment Session Location blank for each record, even if the student has a value. If you check this box and Class Name Same as Assessment Session Location, then Class Name will be blank as well.
Class Name Same as Assessment Session Location

Selected if the download should use the Assessment Session Location value in the Class Name field as well. This applies only when Class Name is blank for the student.

If you check this box and Blank Out Assessment Session Location, then Class Name will be blank for every record, even if the student has Class Name defined.

DownloadSelected to run the download and create IAR Pre-ID records in the table IL_STU_IAR_PREID. You can review downloaded records in IL Student Download Summary.
Extract - ISBESelected to create the final ISBE extract file from data in the download table.
Extract - PAN

Selected to create the final Pearson Access Next (PAN) extract file from data in the download table.

ISBE has changed the process of submitting Accommodations for the IAR Pre-ID records. Accommodations will be submitted as the Personal Needs Profile (PNP) through Pearson Access Next (PAN). This will create a separate file during the extract.

Update Existing RecordsSelected to have the download update existing download table records with the latest eSchoolPlus data. If you leave the box un-checked, the download adds records not already in the download table.
Log File TypeSelect PDF or CSV. If you want to be able to open the error/warning log file in a spreadsheet program, select CSV.
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