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ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE IAR Pre-ID Test Selection

Use this page to enter the student's ELA and Math test information for the IAR (Illinois Assessments of Readiness) Pre-ID file. In a case where it finds a student without a record on this page, the IAR Pre-ID download assigns the student the Default ELA Test Format and Default Math Test Format you select when you run the option.

ELA Test Format - Paper/PencilChecked if the student is taking the ELA test using the paper form. Clear this box to indicate the student takes the online ELA test.
ELA Session Location

Description of the place where the ELA assessment is administered. For an Online test, this could be a session location. For a Paper test, this could be a room number or classroom name.

You can submit blanks in this field.

ELA Class Name

Number or code assigned to a room by a school, district, state, or other entity. This entry gets submitted with the student's ELA Test Code record.

You can submit blanks in this field.

MAT Test Format - Paper/PencilChecked if the student is taking the Math test using the paper form. Clear this box to indicate the student takes the online Math test.
MAT Session Location

Description of the place where the Math assessment is administered. For an Online test, this could be a session location. For a Paper test, this could be a room number or classroom name.

You can submit blanks in this field.

MAT Class Name

Number or code assigned to a room by a school, district, state, or other entity. This entry gets submitted with the student's Math Test Code record.

You can submit blanks in this field.

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