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Registration Setup

Registration Validation Tables

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose General Setup, choose District, and then select Validation Tables. Choose Registration.



Day Types

Define the State Code Equiv to map local day types to the codes used for the DC018 table, which validates Calendar-Event-Type.


Define the State Code Equiv.

If the district prints transcripts by department, enter the Dept Order to specify the correct order for departments.

Diploma Type

Diploma Type is included in the 203 School Leaver Data record, Graduation Type Code field. Define the State Code Equiv for the Grant Eligibility value that prints on the transcript and in TREx.

Use the Transcript Description to determine how the Diploma Type prints on the Texas transcript.


Define the State Code Equiv.


Define the State Code Equiv.

Meal Status

Define the State Code Equiv.


Define the State Code Equiv.

Requirement Groups

To use Career Planner to support HB 5 Foundation High School Program, define the requirement groups for the Foundation plans and endorsements:

  • Define a requirement group for the Foundation plan. Set Grad or Supp to G (Graduation Requirement Group) and State Code Equiv to FD.
  • Define a requirement group for the Foundation with Endorsement plan. Set Grad or Supp to G (Graduation Requirement Group) and State Code Equiv to FDE.
  • Define requirement groups for each possible endorsement. Set Grad or Supp to S (Supplementary Requirement Group). Set the State Code Equiv as defined below:
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): ST
    • Business and Industry: B1
    • Arts and Humanities: AH
    • Public Service: PS
    • Multi-Disciplinary Studies: MS
  • Define a requirement group for Distinguished Level of Achievement. Set Grad or Supp to S (Supplementary Requirement Group) and State Code Equiv to DLA.


Define the State Code Equiv for all codes that should be reported to Texas:

  • Leave the State Code Equiv blank for codes that should not be reported to Texas, such as end-of-year withdrawal and grade change.
  • All codes that are equivalent to a mover withdrawal code must have State Code Equiv set to M.

Building Definition

Menu Path: From the Administration menu, choose Registration Setup, choose Building, and then select Building Definition.

You must define a separate building for summer school.

If your district needs to have transfer records reflect different marking patterns (trimester and semester), you must define a transfer building for each marking pattern.



State Equivalency Code

For all buildings that should be reported to PEIMS, enter the nine-digit state code for the campus. Use leading zeros if needed.

Do not enter a state equivalency code for buildings not reported to PEIMS, such as the summer school building and transfer buildings.

Registration Building Configuration

Menu Path: From the Administration menu, choose Registration Setup, choose Setup, and then select Registration Building Configuration.

The following settings only display if your district's District Configuration has Automatically Assign State IDs set to B - State IDs are assigned at building level.



Starting State ID

The first number available.

Maximum State ID

The last number available.

Highest Used State ID

When you add configuration, Starting State ID and Highest Used State ID should be the same.

State ID Prefix


Allow Override of State ID Assignment

Select if you want to allow users with appropriate security to update update the State ID field manually.


Menu Path: From the Administration menu, choose Registration Setup, choose Calendars, and then select Calendar.

You must create full day, half day, and non-membership calendars for every building. Use the Copy option to copy calendars between buildings. It is recommended to use the same calendar code and description for the same calendar type in all buildings.

You can define a separate calendar for OFSDP (Optional Flexible Student Day Program) campuses. Students participating in OFSDP can be assigned to the calendar, and you can use the calendar to select students to process when calculating OFSDP attendance totals.




Enter the calendar code. The general types of calendars are full day, half day, and non-membership. For example, full day calendars in all buildings might have a code of R for regular, full day.


Enter the description.

First Day of School

Start date of the school year.

Last Day of School

Date after the last day of the school year. Calendars must have an extra day at the end of the school year, so rollover can withdraw students on the first date after the last day of attendance.

Default Membership Value

The type of calendar determines what value you should enter.

  • Full Day Calendar: 1
  • Half Day Calendar: .5
  • Non-ADA/Non-Membership Calendar: 0

State Equivalency Code

You must enter a code from 0 through 9.

This code is used as the instructional setting for students assigned to the calendar on attendance reports and attendance records.

If this field is blank, students assigned to the calendar will not be reported.

Calendar Days

Menu Path: From the Administration menu, choose Registration Setup, choose Calendars, and then select Calendar. Click Detail Page, then select the date.

To report the minutes for the school year for HB 2610, you must enter the minutes for all calendar days. For each day, enter the planned instructional minutes and, if needed, enter waiver minutes if a waiver was used for a school day waiver.

To update these fields for multiple dates, use the mass update.



Instructional/Operational Time (e1571)

If Instructional Program Types = 01 or 02, enter the total number of planned minutes of instruction for the date.

For all other Instructional Program Type codes, enter the operational minutes for the day. Refer to the Texas District-Defined District Pages section for defining the Instructional Program Type for a calendar.

This value is used to calculate Operational Minutes in the CalendarDateExtension. Operational minutes calculate as: Instructional Minutes - Waiver Minutes.

Waiver Minutes (e1572)

The number of minutes of waiver to apply for time where instruction did not occur. This number must not exceed 420 minutes for a day.

This also determines the School Day Event Code (E1582) value. If Waiver Minutes > 0, then 01 is reported. Otherwise, 02 is reported.

Waiver Type (e1570)

Select the type if you enter waiver minutes.

Total Minutes (e1571)

Displays the total minutes for the day. This value does not store in the database. It calculates as: Instructional Minutes - Waiver Minutes.

Marking Periods

  1. Navigate to the Marking Periods page.
  2. Within a building, use a single duration type. If you have to define multiple durations, verify that all sections of a course combined in a state course use the same duration.


  1. Navigate to the Grades page.
  2. Define the State Code Equiv. You also need Federal Equivalency Codes set up to include students in the FitnessGram Download and Extract. The federal codes include:
    • Kindergarten = K
    • Grades 01 through 12 get defined with the numerical equivalent of 1 for first grade, 2 for second grade, and so on.
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