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Texas State Reporting Setup

Several validation tables and district-defined pages are used to set up Texas State Reporting.

Texas Validation Tables

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. Choose Texas State Reporting for Applications. Select the required table name for Validation Table.

This section provides information on the validation tables created specifically for use in Texas state reporting. Your state reporting team defines and maintains the data in these tables.

Campus ID of Accountability

This validates the Campus ID of Accountability and Campus ID of Residence for PEIMS reporting. Create all necessary values for these fields in this table. All e0266 values should be official Texas county/district/campus numbers.

The County ID of Residence contains the home campus number for students considered transfers (the student is not attending school in the district where he resides and has obtained official permission from the state to transfer to another district). This occurs most often with children of staff members who live outside the district but bring their children to attend school in the district where they teach.

The Campus ID of Accountability contains the home campus number for students who attend a campus that is not rated in the state accountability system. Their test scores and other data should be used in the accountability rating of a building other than the enrollment campus. This occurs most often with JJAEP placements. Discipline campuses are not included in the state accountability rating, but the test scores of students enrolled at these types of schools are included in the rating of the school in which they came from.




Enter the county/district/campus number.


Enter the description of the county/district/campus number.

Discipline Campus IDs

Define the building placement to report for disciplinary actions. You must define this record for all actions in buildings where students are placed.




Enter the local building number.

PEIMS Action Code

Enter the state equivalency code for the disciplinary action that results in placement.


Enter the local number for the county/district/campus of disciplinary campus for placement. This value defaults in the Assignment Building field on the Action page.


Enter the name of the disciplinary placement.

Lunch Group

Define the lunch times to exclude when calculating the Monthly Minutes for the 090 record and OFSDP if your district schedules students for a period that includes the times for the course and lunch. If your district schedules students for lunch, you do not need to define lunch groups.

For example, Period 4 meets from 10:45 to 12:00, but during Period 4, lunch A meets from 10:45 to 11:05, lunch B meets from 11:10 to 11:30, and lunch C meets from 11:35 to 11:55. After you define lunches, you can assign the appropriate lunch to courses where students have lunch in the class period.

Each code in this table must be unique. If you have multiple buildings for which you need to define lunch group codes, add the building number to the code to help users select the appropriate lunch group for a course. A course can have multiple lunch groups so that users can enter a comma-delimited list of lunch codes on the PEIMS Course page. However, users cannot use table help to select codes and must enter these codes manually.




Enter up to 5 characters to define the lunch group.


Enter a description of the lunch group.


Enter the building number that this lunch group applies to.

Cycle Day

Enter the cycle day that this lunch group applies to. If you need to enter the same time for all cycle days, enter ALL.

Start Time

Enter the time that this lunch starts. Enter time as HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.

End Time

Enter the time that this lunch ends. Enter time as HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.

Organization Shared Services

If your district participates in a shared services arrangement, including cooperative fiscal agents, define records for the Shared Services Type and Fiscal Agent ID.

Pass Fail Indicators

To have the Calculate Pass Fail Indicators option return a specific indicator based on the credit override reason entered for a student, enter the applicable credit override reason in the Pass Fail Indicators table.




Pass Fail indicator code.


Description of the pass fail indicator.

Override Flag

Enter the Mark Reporting Credit Override Reason code for which you want to return the pass fail indicator.

Pass/Fail Setup

Determine the semester and final mark types used by the Pass/Fail Calculation, Course Download, and Summer Staff and Student Downloads. Records must exist for each building in which courses are defined.




The building for the setup.

HS Sem Mark Types

A comma-delimited list of marks on which credit is issued and semesters are defined. This can be blank only if the building does not include high school courses. The number of times a course receives this mark determines the number of sequences processed.

HS Final Mark Types

A comma-delimited list of marks issued for a high school course's final grade. This can be blank only if the building's 415 records do not include the final grade.

Non HS Mark Types

A comma-delimited list of marks issued for a non-high school course's final grade. Middle schools and elementary schools must define this.

EOC Mark Types

Comma-delimited list of marks defined for the End of Course test. The Pass/Fail calculation references this field to find an EOC mark type for a course where the student has passing marks for the HS Sem Mark Types but fails to receive credit. If the calculation finds a failing EOC test score, it assigns the student the Pass/Fail Indicator = 07 – Course Passed, No Credit (Other Parts of Course Not Passed).

Verify the building's Average Setup in Mark Reporting includes End of Course test mark types.

Hs Building Types

A comma-delimited list of building types used to define a course as a high school course.

Attempted Ovr Reason

Code for the Credit Override Reason that indicates the student did not take a course for credit, as in an audited course. If the Pass/Fail Calculation finds this code in the Mark Entry by Student page's Attempted Credit Override Reason, it skips the course and does not assign a Pass/Fail Indicator.

Pass/Fail Setup Examples


High School

Middle School

Elementary School

HS SEM Mark Types


Mark type issued each semester that determines if a student passed the specific semester.

All high school buildings must have a mark selected.


Mark type issued each semester for courses taken for high school credit. Determines if a student passed the specific semester.

If the school offers high school courses, a mark must be selected.


HS Final Mark Types


Mark type that holds the final grade for the course.

If a final mark is not issued, leave this field blank.


Mark type that holds the final grade for the course taken for high school credit. Determines are used to indicate if a student passed the course.

If a final mark is not issued, leave this field blank.


Non HS Final Mark Types



Mark type issued at the end of middle school course indicating the final grade. Determines if the student passed the course.


The mark type issued at the end of the course to indicate whether the student passed.

EOC Mark Types

Mark types used to average an End of Course assessment into a student's course grade. If not used, leave this field blank.

The mark types selected would be used in a Mark Average Setup.

If the building includes high school courses using End of Course Assessments as part of the final grade, select the mark types identifying those tests.

To be factored into the Pass/Fail Calculation, the mark types need to be included in a Mark Reporting Average Setup for the building.

Leave the field blank if no high school courses are involved or End of Course Assessments are not used.


HS Building Types


Building type defined for high school courses.


If the building does not include high school courses, leave this field blank.


Report Periods

Define records for reporting periods 1-6. This determines the 425 reporting period and should include all dates in the reporting period, including weekends.

Texas Configuration

You can only have one record in this table. You must update this record for each submission.



Row Num

Enter the row ID.

Snapshot Date

Enter the snapshot date for the submission.

Resubmit Date

Enter the resubmit date.

Last School Date

Last day of enrollment for the submission. This date is used to determine values for fields that are date tracked.

Esy Aggregate

Indicate if extended year information aggregates totals or minutes for each service date.

  • Select if you will enter each student's total Extended School Year minutes on the Extended Year Entry By Student page.
  • Blank if you will enter the student's Extended School Year minutes daily.

Biling Summer Start Date

Start date to use to select the Bilingual/ESL Summer program records to report.

Biling Summer End Date

End date to use to select the Bilingual/ESL Summer program records to report.

Sub 4 Dual Credit School Year

The four-digit school year checked by the PEIMS download when creating 415 records (Dual Credit courses) for the Extended Year submission.

For example, enter 2022 for the 2021-2022 school year.

Sub 4 Dual Cred Env

Select if the PEIMS download should include Dual Credit courses in your regular or summer school Master Schedule. Enter R for regular year or S for summer school.

Audit Report in Tac

Select to include the ability to print the attendance verification report in TAC.

Texas GPA By Year

Specify an exception where you want to extract a GPA type other than the default GPA type for students in a building and graduation year. If there is no record, TREx uses the GPA Type to Report for AVG on the TREx Building Export Configuration.

Most districts do not need to define a GPA By Year record.




Building number of the enrollment building of the students for whom you want to use the specified GPA type.

Academic Year

Enter the academic year for the students for whom you want to use the specified GPA type.


Do not use.

GPA Type

Code for the GPA type you want to use.

Grade LevelEnter the grade level value.

Texas Medical Configuration

PowerSchool populates this table, but you may need to change values if the district adds exemption codes or uses pre-defined exemptions different from the initial configuration.




Enter 1. You should only have one row in this table.


List immunization status codes considered as current on immunizations:

  • MR – Meets Requirements
  • CO – Complete
  • DS – Disease
  • IP – In Progress

Do not list EX and NA.


List immunization status codes considered delinquent or past due on the state immunization report. This comes pre-populated with

  • OV – Overdue
  • IS – Insufficient
  • NR – No Record

Do not list EX and NA.


List immunization exemption codes that are provisionally exempt from immunizations:

  • PR – Provisional
  • K – Katrina victims


List immunization exemption codes that are medically exempt from immunizations:

  • M - Medical


List immunization exemption codes that are religiously exempt from immunizations:

  • R - Religious


List immunization exemption codes that are conscientiously exempt from immunizations:

  • C - Conscientious.

Texas Session Type

This table is used for TREx exports and specifies the type of courses offered by building/year. The options are:

  • S - Semester for two grades (default).
  • T - Trimester for three grades.
  • Q - Quarter for four grades.

No entry is required if the school only exports semester grades. This option calculates the maximum number of grades to expect for a course, so always use the option that specifies the highest number of possible grades. For example, if you have both semester and quarter courses, enter Q.

PEIMS Crisis Indicator Codes

TEA announced COVID-19 crisis codes to be used for reporting student engagement with online learning for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Summer Submission. These values are reported for all students active within the district on the last day of the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school year.

CodeDescriptionState Code Equiv
7ACOVID-19: Engaged for the majority of the time period.7A
7BCOVID-19: Not contactable for the entire time period.7B
7CCOVID-19: Not contactable before May 1st; Contact made May 1st or after but not engaged through the end of the school year.7C
7DCOVID-19: Not contactable before May 1st; Contact made May 1st or after and engaged through the end of the school year.7D
7ECOVID-19: Contactable but not engaged for the majority of the time period.7E
7FCOVID-19: Contactable but not engaged before May 1st; Not contactable May 1st or after.7F
7GCOVID-19: Contactable but not engaged before May 1st; Engaged May 1st or after through the end of the school year.7G
7HCOVID-19: Engaged before May 1st; Not contactable May 1st through the end of the school year.7H
7ICOVID-19: Engaged before May 1st; Not engaged May 1st through the end of the school year.7I
8ACOVID19: On September 28, 2020 the student is being instructed on-campus.8A
8BCOVID19: On September 28, 2020 the student is being instructed through the remote synchronous method.8B
8CCOVID19: On September 28, 2020 the student is being instructed through the remote asynchronous method.8C
9ACOVID19: On October 30, 2020 the student is being instructed on-campus.9A
9BCOVID19: On October 30, 2020 the student is being instructed through the remote synchronous method.9B
9CCOVID19: On October 30, 2020 the student is being instructed through the remote asynchronous method.9C
1ACOVID19: On January 29, 2021 the student is being instructed on-campus.1A
1BCOVID19: On January 29, 2021 the student is being instructed through the remote synchronous method.1B
1CCOVID19: On January 29, 2021 the student is being instructed through the remote asynchronous method.1C
2ACOVID19: On March 31, 2021 the student is being instructed on-campus.2A
2BCOVID19: On March 31, 2021 the student is being instructed through the remote synchronous method.2B
2CCOVID19: On March 31, 2021 the student is being instructed through the remote asynchronous method.2C

PK School Type Codes

CodeDescriptionState Code Equiv
01Non-Public Pre-K Head Start01
02Public Pre-K02
05Non-Public Pre-K Licensed Child Care05
07Public Pre-K Head Start07
08Public Pre-K Licensed Child Care08
10Non-Public Pre-K10
11In-District Charter Partnership11

Day Type Codes

Define the code and description for the school day type.

CodeDescriptionState Code Equiv
03Closed COVID19 - TEA Approved03
04Closed COVID19 - Not Approved04
ADSYAdditional Day School YearADSY
CSchool Closure due to Weather
EEarly ReleaseED
FFinal Exams
IIn-Service TrainingT
WWeather Make Up DayW

Role IDs

You must define this record for all staff in all buildings.

002Art Therapist
004Assistant/Associate/Deputy Superintendent
005Associate School Psychologist
007Corrective Therapist
008School Counselor
011Educational Diagnostician
012District Instructional Program Director or Executive Director
015Music Therapist
016Occupational Therapist
017Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
018Physical Therapist
021Recreational Therapist
022School Nurse
024Social Worker
025Special Duty Teacher
026Speech Therapist
028Teacher Supervisor
030Truant Officer/Visiting Teacher
032Work-Based Learning Site Coordinator
033Educational Aide
036Certified Interpreter
037Non-Certified Interpreter
040Athletic Director
041Teacher Facilitator
042Teacher Appraiser
043Business Manager
044Tax Assessor And/Or Collector
045Director Of Personnel/Human Resources
047Substitute Teacher
054Department Head
056Athletic Trainer
058Other Campus Professional Personnel
060Executive Director
061Assistant-Associate-Deputy Executive Director
062Component-Department Director
065Field Service Agent
079Other Education Service Center Professional
080Other Non-instructional District Professional Personnel
100Instructional Materials Coordinator
101Legal Services
102Communications Professional
103Research/Evaluation Professional
104Internal Auditor
106District/Campus Information Technology Professional
107Food Service Professional
109Athletics (Other than Athletic Director)
110Custodial (Professional/Mgmt)
111Maintenance (Professional/Mgmt)
112Business Services Professional
113Other District Exempt Professional Auxiliary
114Other Campus Exempt Professional Auxiliary
115Psychiatric Nurse
116Licensed Clinical Social Worker
117Licensed Professional Counselor
118Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
119Family and Community Liaison
120Instructional Coach

Staff Type Codes

Define the code and description for the Staff type as per the TWEDS table.

CodeDescriptionState Code Equiv
1School District Or Charter School Employee1
2Contracted Professional Staff (Instructional and Non-Instructional with ROLE-ID in C021 code table) - this is Inactive3
3Contracted Professional Staff (Instructional and Non-Instructional with ROLE-ID in C021 code table)3

As Of Status Codes

0Enrolled in Prior Year, not Enrolled Before Current Year Fall Date.
1The student Was Enrolled on the PEIMS Fall As-Of-Date.
2The student Was Enrolled in Current Year, Not Enrolled on PEIMS Fall As-Of-Date.
AEnrolled Prior Year but never enrolled Current Year.
BEnrolled in Start Window & on Current Year Fall As-of Date.
CEnrolled in Start Window, But Not on Current Year Fall As-of Date.
DEnrolled Prior Year, Not in Start Window, but enrolled on Current Year Fall As-of Date.
EEnrolled Prior Year & in Current Year, but not in Start Window or on Fall As-of Date.
FNot Enrolled Prior Year, Not in Start Window, but enrolled on Current Year Fall As-of Date.
GNot Enrolled Prior Year, was enrolled Current Year, but Not in Start Window or On Fall Date.
HThe student Was Enrolled on the final day of the school year.
IThe student Was Enrolled in Current Year, Not Enrolled on the final day.
XFor all students in grades EE-06.

Industry Certification Licensure Codes

CodeDescriptionState Code Equiv
000000 Not Applicable
010Adobe Certified Associate After Effects010
011Adobe Certified Associate Animate011
012Adobe Certified Associate Creative Cloud012
013Adobe Certified Associate Creative Suite 6013
014Adobe Certified Associate Flash014
015Adobe Certified Associate Illustrator015
016Adobe Certified Associate InDesign016
017Adobe Certified Associate Photoshop017
018Adobe Certified Associate Premiere Pro018
019Adobe Certified Associate Visual Design Specialist019
020Adobe Certified Associate Web Design Specialist020
030Adobe Certified Expert After Effects030
031Adobe Certified Expert Illustrator031
032Adobe Certified Expert InDesign032
033Adobe Certified Expert Photoshop033
034Adobe Certified Expert Web Premiere Pro034
040Aerospace Manufacturing040
100100 API Welding100
101Apple App Development with Swift101
102Apple Final Cut Pro X102
103Apple iWork103
104Apple Logic Pro X104
110110 ASE Air Conditioning110
120120 ASE Auto Transmission120
121ASE Auto Transmission Entry Level121
130130 ASE Automobile Service Technology130
131ASE Automobile Service Technology Entry Level131
140140 ASE Brakes140
141ASE Brakes Entry Level141
150150 ASE Electronic Systems150
151ASE Electrical/Electronic Systems Entry Level151
160160 ASE Engine Performance160
161ASE Engine Performance Entry Level161
170170 ASE Engine Repair170
171ASE Engine Repair Entry Level171
180180 ASE Heating180
181ASE Heating and Air Conditioning181
182ASE Heating, Ventilation, AC (HVAC) Entry Level182
190190 ASE Maintenance Light Repair190
191ASE Maintenance Light Repair Entry Level191
200200 ASE Manual Drive Train200
201ASE Manual Drive Train Axles Entry Level201
210210 ASE Mech Elec Components210
211ASE Mech Elec Components Entry Level211
220220 ASE Non-Structural Analysis Damage Repair220
221ASE Non-Structural Analysis Damage Repair Entry Level221
230230 ASE Painting & Refinishing (B2)230
231ASE Painting & Refinishing Entry Level231
240240 ASE Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling240
250250 ASE Structural Analysis Damage Repair250
251ASE Structural Analysis Damage Repair Entry Level251
260260 ASE Suspension And Steering260
261ASE Suspension and Steering Entry Level261
270270 ASE Truck Technician Brakes270
271ASE Truck Technician Brakes Entry Level271
280280 ASE Truck Technician Diesel Engines280
290290 ASE Truck Technician Drive Trains290
300300 ASE Truck Technician Electronic Systems300
301ASE Truck Technician Electronic Systems Entry Level301
310310 ASE Truck Technician HVAC310
320320 ASE Truck Technician Suspension Steering320
321ASE Truck Technician Suspension Steering Entry Level321
330330 Associate of (ISC)²330
331Autodesk Certified Professional or User AutoCAD331
332Autodesk Certified Professional or User AutoCAD Civil 3D332
333Autodesk Certified Professional or User Autodesk Revit Building Systems333
334Autodesk Certified Professional or User Revit Architecture334
335Autodesk Certified Professional or User Revit MEP Electrical335
336Autodesk Certified Professional or User Inventor336
340340 AWS D1.1 Structural Steel340
350350 AWS D9.1 Sheet Metal Welding350
351AWS Certified Welder351
360360 AWS SENSE Welding Level 1360
361Barber Operator License361
362Basic Structure Fire Protection362
365C++ Certified Associate Programmer365
366Certified Aerospace Technician366
367Certified Associate Project Management367
368Certified Cardiographic Technician368
369Certified Coding Associate369
370370 Certified Dental Assistant370
380380 Certified EKG Technician380
381Certified Electronics Systems Associate381
382Certified Engineering Technician - Audio Systems382
383Certified Fundamentals Cook383
384Certified Fundamentals Pastry Cook384
385Certified Hospitality & Tourism Management385
386Certified Insurance Service Representative386
390390 Certified Nurse Aide/Assistant390
391Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant391
392Certified Ophthalmic Technician392
400400 Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT)400
401Certified Personal Trainer401
402Certified Respiratory Therapist402
410410 Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate - Academic410
411Certified Surgical Technologist411
420420 Certified Veterinary Assistant420

Career & Tech Indicator Codes

0No Participation in Career and Technology Courses (Retired)
1Participant in a Career and Technology Course
2Participant in a Coherent Sequence of Courses (Retired)
3Participant in a Tech Prep Program
4Not CTE
5CTE Program Participant
6CTE Program Concentrator
7CTE Program Completer
ECTE Program Explorer
011Business Management (Retired)

Contact Hours

00 Contact Hours
11 Contact Hour
22 Contact Hours
33 Contact Hours
44 Contact Hours (Retired)
55 Contact Hours (Retired)
66 Contact Hours (Retired)

District CTE Program of Study Codes

You must define this record for all states. You can select these programs as applicable to the state, region, or if required to report to TSDS.

001Accounting and Financial Services
002Advanced Manufacturing and Machinery Mechanics
004Animal Science
005Applied Agricultural Engineering
006Architectural Design
008Aviation Maintenance
009Bio-Medical Science
011Business Management
013Cosmetology and Personal Care Services
014Culinary Arts
016Diesel and Heavy Equipment
017Digital Communications
018Distribution and Logistics
019Early Learning
021Emergency Services
024Environmental and Natural Resources
025Exercise Science and Wellness
026Family and Community Services
027Food Science and Technology
028Government and Public Administration
029Graphic Design and Multimedia Arts
030Health and Wellness
031Health Informatics
032Healthcare Diagnostics
033Healthcare Therapeutic
034HVAC and Sheet Metal
035Information Technology Support and Services
036Law Enforcement
037Legal Studies
038Lodging and Resort Management
039Manufacturing Technology
040Marketing and Sales
042Networking Systems
043Nursing Science
044Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
045Plant Science
046Plumbing and Pipefitting
047Programming and Software Development
048Refining and Chemical Processes
049Renewable Energy
050Teaching and Training
051Travel, Tourism, and Attractions
052Web Development
054Construction Management and Inspection
056Aviation (Flight)
059Medical Therapy
061Drone (Unmanned Flight)
062Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying
063Industrial Maintenance
064Printing and Imaging
065Retail Management

Military Connected Student Codes

0Not a military-connected student.
1The student in grade KG 12 is a dependent of an active duty member of the United States military.
2The student in grade KG 12 is a dependent of a current member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard).
3The student in grade KG 12 is a dependent of a current member of a reserve force in the United States military.
4Pre-kindergarten student is a dependent of a member of the military, member of the Texas National Guard, or member of the Reserve components of the military; who are currently on active duty or were injured or killed while serving on active duty.
5The student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a former member of one of the following: the United States military, the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard), a reserve force in the United States military.
6The student in grade KG – 12 was a dependent of a member of a military or reserve force in the United States military who was killed in the line of duty.

ADA Eligibility Codes

CodeDescription/Transcript Description
0Enrolled, Not In Membership
1Eligible For Full Day Attendance
2Eligible For Half Day Attendance
3Eligible Transfer Student-Full Day
4Ineligible-Full Day
5Ineligible-Half Day
6Eligible Transfer Student-Half Day
7Eligible - Flexible attendance program participation
8Ineligible - Flexible attendance program participation
9Enrolled, Not In Membership Due To Virtual Learning

Student Attribution Codes

Define the code and description for the ADA eligibility type.

CodeDescription/Transcript Description
00No Attribution Code For This Student
01Open Enrollment Chart School: Within Attendance/Geographic Boundaries
02Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) TEC 37.011
03Public Education Grant (PEG) Program
06Transfer Between Public School Districts
07Student Attends School In The District, Lives Outside Of Texas
08Student Lives In Texas, Outside Of District, In Juvenile Det/Correction Facility
09Student Lives In Texas, Outside District, In Res Treatment Facility
10Parent Referral To Texas School For The Deaf
12Private School, Student With Disability In Special Ed Services
13Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facility
14Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facility
15Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facility
16Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facility
17Texas Youth Commission facility
18Texas Youth Commission facility
19Texas Youth Commission facility
20Texas Youth Commission facility
21Residential treatment facility
22Residential treatment facility
23Residential treatment facility
24Residential treatment facility
25Texas Juvenile Justice Department facility By court order, not regularly assigned to the district: Student lives in the district boundaries while being served in the facility but before placement in the facility
26Texas Juvenile Justice Department facility By court order, regularly assigned to the district: Student is regularly assigned to the district and is being served in the facility
27Texas Juvenile Justice Department facility Not by court order, not regularly assigned to the district: Student lives in the district boundaries while being served in the facility but before placement in the facility
28Texas Juvenile Justice Department facility Not by court order, regularly assigned to the district: Student is regularly assigned to the district and is being served in the facility
29South Texas ISD [For South Texas ISD Use Only]
30Child of Charter School Employee
31Open Enrollment Charter School: Outside Attendance/Geographic Boundaries
32Student-Initiated Transfer Due To Remote Learning

Foster Care Indicator Codes

Define the code and description for the ADA eligibility type.

CodeDescription/Transcript Description
0The student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services
1The student is currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services
2Pre-kindergarten student was previously in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing
3Pre-kindergarten student is or ever has been in foster care in another state or territory if the child resides in this state (Texas). TEC, §29.153(b)

Graduation Type Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the graduation type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Reg Grad Prg-Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stus Recv Spc Ed & Rel Svcs5
04Cmp Iep & Ft Emp W/Slf-Help Skil W/O P Sch Srv-Tac89.1070c15
05Cmp Iep & Demonst Employability & Slf-Help Skl-Tac89.1070c25
06Cmp Iep & Acces To Srv,Employ,Edu Outsid P Edu-Tac89.1070c35
07Completion Of Iep & Age 22-Tac 89.1070(D)5
09Distinguished Achievement Program (1994-95,1995-96,1996-97)7F
10Recommended High School Program (1994-95,1995-96,1996-97)7G
11Min Hs Prg-Tac 74.11d,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced &Rel Svc7H
12Min Hs Prg-Tac 74.11d,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced &Rel Svc7I
13Min Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b2-Stu Spced & Rel Svc3
14Recommended High School Program (1997-98)8B
15Rec Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced & Rel Svc1
16Distinguished Achievement Program (1997-98)9A
17Dis Ac Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced & Rel Svc2
18Comp Min Ac Cred Req & Exmpt Ex Asmt-Min Hs Pr-Tac89.1070b23
19Comp Min Ac Cred Req & Exmpt Ex Asmt-Rec Hs Pr-Tac89.1070b11
20Comp Min Ac Cred Req & Exmpt Ex Asmt-Dis Ac Pr-Tac89.1070b12
21Min Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b2-Stu Spced3
22Rec Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced1
23Dis Ac Prg-Tac Ch 74,Incl Tac 89.1070b1-Stu Spced2
24Min Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20043
25Rec Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20041
26Dis Ac Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20042
27Min Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20073
28Rec Hs Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20071
29Dis Ac Prg-Tac Ch 74-Stu Spced Gr 9 after 20072
30Minimum High School Program TAC Ch. 74.72 for students receiving special ed services after 20133
31Recommended High School Program TAC Ch. 74.73 for students receiving special ed services after 20131
32Distinguished High School Program TAC Ch. 74.74 for students receiving special ed services after 20132
33Foundation High School Program TAC Ch. 74.1022 for students receiving special ed services (Students completing fourth/final year during 2014)
34Foundation High School Program TAC Ch. 74.1021 for students receiving special ed services (Students entered grade 9 after 2015 or entered grade 9 before 2015 and opted to graduate under Foundation HS Prog)1
35Comp Min Ac Cred Req & Exmpt Ex Asmt-FHSP Tac89.1070b1
54Cmp Iep & Ft Emp W/Slf-Help Skil W/O P Sch Srv-Tac89.1070b2a
55Cmp Iep & Demonst Employability & Slf-Help Skl-Tac89.1070b2b
56Cmp Iep & Acces To Srv,Employ,Edu Outsid P Edu-Tac89.1070b2c
57Completion Of Iep & Age 22-Tac 89.1070b2d

ASVAB Indicator Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the ASVAB indicator type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
00The district or open-enrollment charter school does not offer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test or an alternative career exploration test.00
01The district or open-enrollment charter school offers the Armed Services Vocational Battery (ASVAB) test.01
02The district or open-enrollment charter school offers an alternative career exploration test.02

Bilingual/ESL Fund Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Bilingual/ESL Fund type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
BEThe student in standard or alternative Bilingual or ESL programBE
D1The student in Bilingual Dual Language Immersion/One-Way programD1
D2The student in Bilingual Dual Language Immersion/Two-Way programD2

Alternative Language Program Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Bilingual/ESL Fund type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
00The student does not participate in the alternative language program.00
01Alternative Bilingual Language Program01
02Alternative ESL Language Program02

Calendar Waiver Event Type Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Calendar Waiver event type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Staff Development Waiver Day01
02Missed School Day02
03Shortened Waiver Day03
04Low Attendance Waiver Day04
05JJAEP School Day05
06Other Waiver Day06

Campus Enrollment Type Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Campus Enrollment type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Zoned School (no transfers accepted)01
02Zoned School (transfers accepted)02
03Open Enrollment Charter School03
04Selective Enrollment School (Criteria-Based)04
05Combined Enrollment Type School05
06Special Assignment School06
07Selective Enrollment School (Special Program-Based)07

Class Role Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the class role type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Primary Teacher or Teacher Of Record01
02Secondary Teacher or Assistant Teacher02
03Support Teacher03
04PK Classroom Aide05
05Substitute Teacher04

Course Type Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the course type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv

Locally developed course that serves as appropriate alternatives to approved state graduation courses. Only students receiving special education services may participate.

1A course for which a physical education credit or waiver is awarded through a substitution allowed.1
2A course that is part of a coherent sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, the completion of which satisfies the Technology Applications graduation requirement.2
3A course for which credit is awarded based on the district’s evaluation of the student’s records from any school that operates outside of the Texas public or charter school system.3
4A CTE course that satisfies a specific graduation requirement as allowed.4
5Course Grade Average or Final Grade Average with STAAR EOC results.5
ATech-Prep CourseA
CCorrespondence CourseC
DDual CreditD
DTDrill TeamDT
ECredit by ExamE
HHonors CourseH
IIB CourseI
JHS Course completed before grade 09J
LLocal CreditL
PAP CourseP
QPre AP CourseQ
RSummer School CourseR
RDSummer School Course/Dual CreditRD
SModified By ARDS
TCredit VerificationT
VState-approved modified by ARD - SE students only modifications for TEKSV
XInnovative course approved for credit by State Board of Education or Commissioner of EducationX
ZDistance Learning CourseZ

Disability Category Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the disability category.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
02Deaf-Blindness (Deaf-Blind)02
04Developmental Delay04
05Emotional Disturbance05
06Hearing/Auditory Impairment (Auditory Impairment)06
07Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Non-Categorical Early Childhood)07
08Intellectual Disability08
10Orthopedic Impairment10
11Other Health Impairment11
12Speech or Language Impairment12
13Specific Learning Disability13
14Traumatic Brain Delay14
15Visual Impairment15

Disability Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the disability type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
00No Disability00
01Orthopedic Impairment01
02Other Health Impairment02
03Auditory Impairment03
04Visual Impairment04
06Intellectual Disability06
07Emotional Disturbance07
08Learning Disability08
09Speech Impairment09
12Developmentally Delayed (DD)12
13Traumatic Brain Injury13
14Noncategorical Early Childhood14

Dyslexia Risk Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Dyslexia risk type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Screened and determined to be not at risk for dyslexia or related disorders01
02Screened and determined to be at risk for dyslexia or related disorders02
03Not screened for dyslexia or related disorders03

Dyslexia Screening Exception Reasons Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Dyslexia screening exception reason.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
01Grade 1 Student Withdrew from the LEA On or Before January 31st (Grade 1 Dyslexia Screen Period End Date)01
02Kindergarten Student Withdrew from the LEA On or Before the Last Instructional Day of the School year (Kindergarten Dyslexia Screening Period End Date)02
03Grade 1 Student Enrolled in the LEA After January 31st (Grade 1 Dyslexia Screening Period End Date)03
04Student Currently Identified and Receives Dyslexia Services04
05Dyslexia Screening Inappropriate for the Child (Documented by ARD or 504 Committee)05
06Dyslexia Screening included in Special Education Evaluation or 504 Evaluation Process (Documented by ARD or 504 Committee)06
07Parent or Child Repeated Refusal for Dyslexia Screening (Documentation Required)07
08Student Absent During the Designated Dyslexia Screening and No Make-Up Provided During Screening Window (Constitutes Non-Compliance)08
09No Appropriately Trained and/or Qualified Individual in the LEA, as Required, to Conduct Dyslexia Screening (Constitutes Non-Compliance)09
10Technology Access or Failure (for example, Software) Prevented the LEA from Screening the Student for Dyslexia (Constitutes Non-Compliance)10
11No Dyslexia Screening Instrument Available or No Screening Instrument Adopted by District-Level Committee (Constitutes Non-Compliance)11
12Other (Reason Not Listed Above; Documentation Required, Potential Non-Compliance)12

EB Indicator Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the EB indicator type.

CodeDescription/Transcript DescriptionState Code Equiv
0Non-Emergent Bilingual0
1Identified As Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL)1
3Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 3 (M3)3
4Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 4 (M4)4
5Former Emergent Bilingual (EB)/EL Student (effective after the fourth year of monitoring)5
FStudent Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 1 (M1)F
SStudent Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 2 (M2)S

TX Instructional Program Crosswalk Codes

Use this table to define the instructional program code with the building code and calendar state code equivalent value.

BuildingCalendar SCEInstructional Program

Post Secondary Certification Licensure Results Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Dyslexia screening exception reason.

CodeDescription/Transcript Description
01IBC Earned. All IBC requirements completed, including passing examinations and any additional requirements.

IBC Examination Passed. All IBC requirements have not been completed to earn the certification.

03IBC Examination Failed.

Evaluation Delay Reason Codes

Use this table to define the code and description for the Child Find evaluation delay reason.

CodeDescription/Transcript Description
01LEA Delay Due to Lack of Available Assessment Personnel

LEA Delay Due to Scheduling

03LEA Delay Due to Late Report from Contracted Personnel
04Parent Delay (No Detailed Records Maintained by LEA Regarding a Parent of a Child who Repeatedly Fails or Refuses to Produce the Child for the Evaluation or Eligibility Determination)
05Parent Delay (Detailed Records Maintained by LEA Regarding a Parent of a Child who Repeatedly Fails or Refuses to Produce the Child for the Evaluation or Eligibility Determination)
06LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (No Detailed Records Maintained by LEA)
07LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (Detailed Records Maintained by LEA)
08Part C (ECI) Did Not Notify/Refer Child to Part B at Least 90 Days Prior to the Child's Third Birthday

Validation Tables for Registration

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. Choose Registration for Applications. Select the required table name for Validation Table.


Use this table to define the race code with the state code equivalent value and federal code equivalent.

CodeDescriptionState Code EquivFederal Code Equiv
1American Indian / Alaskan NativeE10592
6Pacific Islander / Hawaiian NativeE10625
7More Than 1077
ZTEA Use OnlyZ
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