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PEIMS Course Staff

PEIMS Course Staff Page

PEIMS Course Staff does not track staff assignments. Use Staff Date Tracking in the Master Schedule.

Fall Submission

  • Verify that values are entered for Population Served, Role ID, and Class Type Code in PEIMS Course for every course where 090 Staff Responsibility records must be reported for scheduled teachers.
  • 090 records are created for any Master Schedule course section with valid PEIMS Course data and a state course number. Records do not build for a course-section with no students scheduled.
  • There are no 090 records for secondary teachers in the Master Schedule. You must define the staff assignment records for these teachers using staff date tracking.
  • If the teacher-of-record has changed for a course, you must enter all teacher assignments in Staff Date Tracking and enter records for the previous and current primary staff member. If there is any staff date tracking record for the course-section with a Class Role = 01 (Primary Teacher or Teacher of Record), the download uses the staff date tracking record to create the 090 record.
  • For non-scheduled staff members, verify you have entered Responsibilities records on the Staff District-Defined Responsibilities page.
  • For courses in buildings where the timetable is not accurate and you do not want the system to calculate Monthly Minutes (that is, elementary buildings with a timetable for PEIMS reporting and not for scheduling), you can enter Monthly Minutes on the Responsibilities page for the Staff member or enter the Monthly Minutes on the PEIMS Course or Staff Date Tracking page.

District/Campus Summary Report

  • Enter Contact Hours for career and technical education courses. The Career Tech/Contact Hours option uses the hours entered to calculate student contact hours. 

Summer Submission

  • Enter Contact Hours for career and technical education courses. The Career Tech/Contact Hours option uses the hours entered to calculate student contact hours to be reported in Career Tech Education - Student (410) records.
  • Verify every course has a course sequence and dual credit for which Course Completion (415) records should be generated.
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