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Assign Staff to Course-Sections

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For Texas state reporting, districts must track dates for teacher assignments for the Fall submission's Staff Responsibilities Extension and the Class Roster submission's Teacher Section Association Extension. The Master Schedule Primary Staff and Secondary Staff fields display the current staff assignments.

Turn off Staff Date tracking when you create next year's schedules as it is not necessary to track staff changes by date before the start of a school year. At the start of the school year, run Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data to create the staff date tracking records for the current staff assignments.

Primary and Secondary Staff Tracking

Menu Path: From the Scheduling menu, choose Courses, choose Course Sections, and then select Master Schedule.

You can add primary and secondary staff for courses during student enrollment or any time in the school year. Click the Primary Staff or Secondary Staff links in the Staff and Room Information section to open the Staff Date Tracking window. You can assign a teacher to a course-section or review date ranges where a primary or secondary staff member changed.

Refer to the Staff Date Tracking section of the documentation for how to assign staff members. The following field descriptions describe information for Texas state reporting.



Select the staff member to assign. You can only one primary staff member to a course-section for a date range.

Start Date (e1065)

Enter the first date the teacher is assigned to the course.

305 Record

End Date (e1066)

Enter the last date the teacher is assigned to the course. If this is the last day of the course, leave this field blank to report the last day of the last marking period of the course.

305 Record

Class Role (e1067)

Choose the role of the staff member in the course.

305 Record

Role ID (e0721)

Choose the ID to indicate the teacher's role.

090, 305 Records

Monthly Minutes Override (e1057)

Enter the monthly minutes override value if you do not want the monthly minutes to calculate from the timetable.

090 Record

Number - Days Taught - Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 (e1604, e1605, e1606, e1607)

Enter the number of days physical education instruction is provided each week during October. The last Friday in October determines Week 4.

Use only for staff members assigned to physical education course-sections.

090 Record

Number - Minutes - Taught - Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 (e1608, e1609, e1610, e1611)

Enter the number of minutes physical education instruction is provided each week during October. The last Friday in October determines Week 4.

Use only for staff members assigned to physical education course-sections.

090 Record

Do not report in PEIMSSelect to exclude the staff member from PEIMS reporting.

Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data Utility

Use this utility to create the initial staff date records for courses when a building is ready. You can update all available course-sections, and select staff members and course-sections to exclude if desired.

  1. From the Scheduling menu, choose Utilities, choose Setup Mass Updates, and then select Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data.
  2. Specify how to create records in the fields.
  3. Use the filter to define the criteria to select the courses to process.
  4. Click Load to display the courses to include when running the utility.
  5. Select the Delete field for a course to remove it from the utility.
  6. Click Run.
Delete Existing Course Staff Date RecordsSelect to delete all existing Course Staff Date records for the selected courses.
Create Course Staff Date RecordsSelect to create Course Staff Date records for primary and secondary staff members. If records already exist for a course-section, the utility skips them.
Staff IDs to Skip

Choose Staff IDs to exclude from the utility. The course-section list updates automatically to include only courses with at least one staff member not included in the list.

Physical Education Service ID Reporting

The eight fields for Number Days Taught (Weeks 1 to 4) and Number Minutes Taught (Weeks 1 to 4) only report staff members with the following Physical Education Service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055

The Number Days Taught and Number Minutes Taught fields report only for Submission 1 and the 090 Record.

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