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PEIMS Course

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PEIMS Course Page

Menu path: Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Building Courses or District Courses or Course Sections and then select PEIMS Course.

No records are saved if the following text displays: Please note that the following data has been defaulted. There is currently no data saved for this course. Click Save to create a PEIMS Course record for the course-section.

Use this page to enter additional course information required for PEIMS or for the Texas Transcript. You can define PEIMS Course information at the Building Course Catalog level so that defaults are entered for course sections as users add Master Schedule course sections. This information is reported in the 090 Staff Responsibility and 415 Student – Course Completion records. It also calculates information for the Career Tech records.

The Master Schedule Builder option does not create PEIMS Course records for course-sections that are built. If your district uses the Master Schedule Builder to create Master Schedule sections, you must contact the help desk for an SQL statement that copies the PEIMS course data from the Course Catalog to the Master Schedule sections.

PEIMS Course Page Field Descriptions


Population Served (e0747)*

Select the type of population that the teacher is serving.

090, 305 Records.

Role ID (e0721)

Select the code indicating the capacity in which the teacher serves for the course.

090, 305 Records.

Contact Hours

Select the number of contact hours to report for career and technical education courses. The Career Tech/Contact Hours option calculates student contact hours to report in Career Tech Education - Student (410) records.

District/Campus Summary report, Summer submission.

Course Type

Select the code for the type of course being offered, such as honors or advanced placement course, summer course, or special education course. The type must contain an R for the course to be included as a 415 record in the Extended Year Submission 4.

Set the Course Type to L to indicate that the course is a local credit course if your district does not use the Graduation Requirements calculation to calculate local credits.

For TREx, this field is used to report the SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE. If the code includes multiple characters, this indicates the course meets the definition for multiple explanations. The export creates a separate explanation element for each code.

Texas Transcript, TREx.

Sequence (e0948)

Select the code that identifies which portion of a course to report if a course is more than one semester. It does not refer to the semester the course is offered. For example, if the first semester of French I is being reported, the code 1 should be used, indicating the first half of a two-semester course, regardless of whether the course is offered in the fall or spring.

The number of digits in the code must match the number of semester marks that the course issues.

The Calculate Pass/Fail Indicators option and the Build Student Download Tables option use this value when you create Course Completion records.

Dual credit courses use a Sequence code beginning with D. eSchoolPlus includes Course Sequence Processing for Dual Credit Courses.

415, 300, 305, TREx Records.

Dual Credit Indicator (e1011)

Select if the student can receive both high school and college credit for the course as a 415 record in the Extended Year Submission 4.

415 Record.

Class Type Code (e1055)

Select the type of class providing instruction to students in particular class settings.

090 Record.

ATC Indicator (e1058)

Select if this is a high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a post-secondary institution under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program agreement.

415 Record.

CTE Career PrepDo not select.

Number identifying a class unique for a staff person at a campus. Leave this field blank or set to AUTO to have the Staff Download option populate the value.

Multiple sections of a course may be assigned to the same generated class ID if the course-sections are defined with the:

  • Same building
  • Same period
  • Same days
  • Same primary teacher
  • Same Service ID

If you want the course-section to have a unique class ID in this situation, select Force Unique Class ID.

090, 300, 305, 415 Records.

Lunch GroupEnter codes if the course meets during a period in which students are dismissed for lunch. To enter multiple codes, enter a comma-delimited list.
Class Role (e1067)

Select the code for the role of the primary staff member in the course. If a Master Schedule Staff Date Tracking record is created for a staff member, the Class Role value from that record will be used.

305 Record.

Non Campus Based Inst Code (e1072)

Select if a course was:

  • Offered for class credit or student achievement, but was not taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher
  • Taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled.

300 Record.

Monthly Minutes Override (e1057)

If the building does not schedule courses in a way that allows you to calculate monthly minutes, enter the number of minutes to report in this field.

Monthly minutes is the total number of minutes in a month devoted to a particular class. A month is generally considered to be the 4 weeks prior to the as-of-date.

Leave this field blank if you want to have monthly minutes calculated.

090 Record.

Force Unique Class ID

Select if you want to create a unique class ID for this section of the course even though there are other sections taught by this teacher that meet in the same day and period.

Set this field to checked if this course-section represents a unique class of students and should not be combined with other sections of the course. For example, if the building has defined all music classes to meet in period 1 to simplify scheduling, you would want to create a unique class ID for each section.

Class ID Locked Select if you do not want this Class ID to be cleared if a user should choose Clear Class IDs on the Staff Download Summary.
College Credit Hours (e1081)

Number of college hours a student earned for completion of a dual credit course. You can enter up to four digits with each digit corresponding to the number of credits associated with each part of the course. Your entry will be based on the course sequence for the course.

For example, if the course has a course sequence of 12 indicating a two-part course, the course's College Credit Hours field would need a two-digit entry showing the number of credits for sequence 1 and 2. An entry of 23 in this case would show two college credit hours for sequence 1 and three hours for sequence 2.

415 record.

PK Curricula Code (e1579)Select the curricula used in the district's pre-kindergarten program.
PK School Type (e1555)Select the PK program that is offered at the course-section level.
High Quality PK Program (e1580)Indicates if the school and course-section is participating in the High Quality Grant Program Funding at an LEA if the district meets all program standards required under subchapter TEC 29.166(b).
Homeroom Indicator (e1440)Indicates if the course should be reported as the homeroom for a student in kindergarten. This field indicates the course-section where the teacher is the one who administered the Commissioner approved assessment.
PK Student Type of Instruction (e1558)For a pre-kindergarten class, indicate if the class is full day, half-day morning, or half-day afternoon.
Program Evaluation Type (e1626)

Indicates the type of program evaluation tool that is used for each High-Quality PK course-section.

090, 300, 305 records.

TSDS Subject Area (e1186)Select the intended major subject area applicable to the course. This is used in the TSDS Class Roster submission's Course complex type. If this is not defined for a course, it populates as Other in the TSDS Download for Class Roster.

PEIMS Course Setup to Report Extended Year's Dual Credit Courses

Two settings are required on the PEIMS Course page (Master Schedule level) to report a dual credit course in the Extended Year submission's 415 records:

  • Course Type state code equiv must contain an R, indicating it is a summer course. The State Code Equiv stores in the Applications and Course Types validation tables.
  • Select the Dual Credit Indicator.

Additional fields from this page that are reported in the 415 record include Sequence, Class ID (GENERATED), and College Credit Hours. Note that Class ID is generated by the PEIMS Student Download if you leave this field blank or enter a value of AUTO.

Course Sequence Processing for Dual Credit Courses

For dual credit courses indicated with a Course Sequence beginning with D, eSchoolPlus includes the following processing:

  • PEIMS Course/Student/Staff Download:
    • Sequence code reports the first two characters for dual credit courses in these record types: Campus-Course Section (300), Staff Teacher Assignments (305), and Course Completion (415).
    • During error-checks for Campus-Course Section (300) records, the download ignores the D in a Sequence code while determining the marks get issued for a course.
  • Pass/Fail Indicators calculation:
    • The calculation ignores the D in a Sequence code so that it processes the correct number of marks, based on the number of numeric characters.
    • When the calculation finds a dual credit course, it updates the student's College Credit Hours. This occurs if:
      • Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Code = 1.
      • Dual Credit Indicator Code = 1.
      • Sequence = D0, D2, D5, or D9.
  • The TREx Export reports two characters when the Course Sequence begins with D.

Additional Information

The Class ID reports as part of the FitnessGram Download and Extract options, so you can create a comma-separated values (csv) file to load into the Texas FitnessGram state software program.

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