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Student Detail Drawer

The Student Details drawer gives you access to demographic and academic information for students that are either enrolled in any of your classes or are displayed on the Attendance Bulletin. The Student Details drawer can be accessed from Teacher Access pages that provide a student list.

  • When Student Details drawer is opened from a student link on any student list page, other than the Conduct Referral List page, all other student rows are hidden so you can focus on the selected student.
  • On the Gradebook Entry page, all assignment grades and gradebook features remain active for the selected student, so you can use the gradebook to focus only on this student's assignments and scores. This capability is especially useful if you want to meet one-on-one with the student and perhaps show the impact of how individual assignment scores can affect the student's overall grade.
  • When you select a student using the Student Search at the top of Teacher Access pages, the Student Details opens as a window and not as a drawer.

Warning: Note that changing the course, marking period, or the selection of the Categories and Marks filter will close the drawer and refresh with the full class list and scores.

Add Student Notes
View Student Attachments

To display information for another student, use the arrows on either side of the student's name.

Move your pointer over the District Links tab to see a list of links defined by your district that enable you to navigate to websites or other software applications for the selected student. This tab displays only if your district has defined links to display on the Student Details drawer.

If you have been assigned a Teacher Account security profile, these links include eSchoolPlus student menu options available to you. Click the menu option to open eSchoolPlus in a new browser tab. When in eSchoolPlus, you can select other students you teach or work with. This includes students in your activities, homerooms, and classes. The student information you can access is not based on your building assignment.

Views within the Student Details

Click a button on the left column to open the desired view. You can also press the down arrow or up arrow key to select the view directly above or below the column's current view.

Quick View

The Quick View displays the student's basic information. The student's photo is displayed, and any alerts are shown below the photo. If today's date is the student's birthday, Happy Birthday displays below the photo. Grids display the student's Primary Contact Information, Notes, Today's Schedule, and Missing Assignments (Notes and Missing Assignments are included only when a student is selected from a page displaying a course-section or competency group).

Primary Contact Information

This section displays the student's contact information. In Quick View, only the student's first two guardians are displayed (in priority order). If the guardian is identified as living with the student in eSchoolPlus, then (Living With) displays next to the guardian's name.


Notes are supported for course-sections and competency groups. The Notes section does not display when you navigate to a student from a page where you are viewing a homeroom or activity.

Click the Add Note

icon to add a new note.

Show Published Only

Check to display only notes published to Home Access Center.

View Full Schedule

Click this link to display a pop-up with the student's full schedule. Click

to print. When you are done looking at the schedule, click Close.

Attendance Year View

Click this link to display the student's attendance information in the AttendanceYear View pop-up. To view attendance information for the year, click

to display the Student Attendance Report in a new browser tab. When you are done viewing attendance, click Close.

Today's Schedule

The student's schedule for the current date is displayed in a grid with columns for the Period, Description, Room, Teacher, starting/ending times, and Building. The class period currently in session is highlighted in blue.

Missing Assignments

The Missing Assignments section only displays when a student is selected from a page displaying a course-section or competency group.

The Missing Assignment grid lists assignments with columns for the due date, assignment name, and an indication if the student was absent when the assignment was due.


The Contact view displays the student's contact and emergency information. The student's photo and alerts display as they do in Quick View. Two sections display: Contact Information and Emergency Information.

Contact Information

This section displays the student's complete contact information. Click a tab to select the student or a contact. Contact tabs are listed in contact priority order.

Emergency Information

The student's emergency information is displayed.


The Registration view displays the student's registration information, their district registration information, and their personal information. The student's photo and alerts display as they do in Quick View.

Registration Information

This section displays the general registration information for the student. It includes the student's status, calendar, house/team, age and birth date. The counselor and homeroom teacher(s) for the student are also listed.

District Registration Information

This section displays information about the family/census number assigned to the student's family, the student's resident district, and the student's alternate district and building.

Personal Information

This section only displays if you have security to view the Personal page in eSchoolPlus.


This view displays summaries for the student's report card, interim progress report, and transcript. Click the RC|IPR|TRN selector button in the top-right corner to choose which view to display.

Report Card Summary

This view displays the student's report card summary. You can select different report card runs from the drop-down. Click any mark to display the student detail report for that class' score.

Click Settings to customize the view to your needs.

Interim Progress Summary

This view displays the student's interim progress summary. Use the drop-downs to select a different IPR run date or building.

Transcript Summary

This view displays the student's transcript summary. Use the drop-down to change the subject area course grouping.


This view displays the student's standardized test information. By default, only tests for which the student has scores are displayed. To display all tests your district tracks for the selected student, enter a check in the Show All checkbox.

If you can edit a test's scores, the Test Date displays as a link. Click this link to display the Test Score pop-up. Add test results for a student, click Add in the test's header.


This view displays the student's classwork assignments in the Classwork Summary View. Assignments can be displayed by course or, if student has competency assignments, by competency.

You can select from several display options and then click Refresh View.


(Print) to print the student's classwork assignments.

Success Plan

Success plans defined for the student. Each of the student's success plans are listed with columns for Plan Date, Title, and Completion Date.

You can click on the plan's row to display the Success Plan details page for a plan. The page displays the reasons the plan was created, interventions assigned, progress marks and comments entered for interventions, and student and parent goals.

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