Classwork Summary View
On this page:
The student Classwork Summary View page displays the student's classwork assignments. Assignments can be by course or, if student has competency assignments, by competency. You can also view the calculated averages based on assignments with a due date of today or earlier.
To access this view, open the Student Details drawer by clicking a student name on a page that displays a student list (the Class Roster page, for example). Click Classwork to open the Classwork Summary view. This option may not be available for you.
To change the information displayed, change the settings at the top of the page and then click Refresh View. The fields that display are determined by whether you selected to view classwork for courses or competencies.
- For information on the fields that display when you select to view courses, refer to the Assignments By Courses Section and the Categories Section.
- For information on the fields that display when you select to view competencies, refer to the Assignments by Competency Section.
To view mark averages for a course, click the Show All Averages button below the assignments for the course.
View Options Section
View Classwork For
Select whether you want to view assignments based on scheduled courses competencies. Then, select a specific course, competency group, or display classwork for all courses or all competencies.
RC Run
Select the report card run for which you want to view classwork.
Group By
Order that assignments should be listed when you have selected to view classwork for all courses.
Course - to view all assignments grouped by course. If you select to view assignments in order by class, you can also see category average and overall average information for courses.
Date - to view assignments ordered by due date.
This field is inaccessible for the Competencies view.
For Home Access User
Select whether you want to display the classwork that would be displayed if the student logged in to Home Access Center or if one of the student's guardians logged in to Home Access Center.
Guardian - to display the classwork information as it would display for a guardian.
Student - to display the classwork information as it would display for the student.
Show Unpublished Assignments
Check if you want to display assignments and scores that the teacher has not published, as well as assignments that the teacher has selected to publish.
If this field is unchecked, only assignments and scores that the teacher has published will display.
Assignments By Courses Section
If you selected to order the classwork by class for the Courses view, a heading row displays above the column titles for the Assignments fields. The heading row indicates the course for which the assignments were assigned, the student's average in the course, and the date the information was last updated. Click the course link to display a pop-up with detailed information about the course. The following field descriptions pertain to the Courses view.
Date Due
Date the assignment was due. Assignments that are due in the future are not included in averages.
Date Assigned
Date the assignment was assigned.
Description of the assignment. Click the link to display the assignment detail.
Category for the assignment (such as Homework or Quiz).
Student's score for the assignment. This value is either a number from 0 - 100 or a Gradebook alpha mark.
If a score displays with a strikethrough line (such as 5.00), the assignment has been dropped or excluded. For a category, a teacher can select the number of lowest scores to drop. The teacher may select not to drop any scores for a category. When an assignment is dropped or excluded, the points for the assignment will not be included when calculating the points for the category.
Gradebook alpha marks are defined by the building. An alpha mark may indicate that the assignment should be excluded from the student's average (such as MED for Medical Exemption where the strikethrough line indicates that the assignment is excluded) or that the student earned a percentage of the possible points (such as D for 65%). To determine the number of points that a student earned for an alpha mark that is equivalent to a percentage, multiply the percent for the mark by the number of points for the assignment. For example, if a D is equivalent to 65% and the total possible points for the assignment is 10, then the student earned.65 * 10 = 6.50 points for the assignment.
Weight of the assignment within its category.
Weighted Score
Score to use in average calculations based on Score * Weight.
Average Score
Class average for the assignment. This field may not display.
Total Points
Total points students can earn for this assignment.
Extra credit assignments do not use total points; therefore, total points, weighted total points, and percentage will not be shown for these assignments. The score for the extra credit assignment will either be added to the student's points for the category or added to the overall average after it is calculated.
If the assignment was dropped as a lowest score or excluded, the total points displayed will not be included in the sum of points for the category.
Weighted Total Points
Points to use in average calculations based on Total Points * Weight.
If the assignment was dropped as a lowest score or excluded, the weighted total points displayed will not be included in the sum of points for the category.
Student's percentage correct for the assignment calculated as (Weighted Score / Weighted Total Points) * 100. This field may not display.
Y - if published.
N - if the assignment or score are not published.
Categories Section
When you select to view classwork by course, the categories section displays below the list of assignments. The columns that display in this section are based on how the teacher selected to average points for the course-section.
- Category Average Using Weights
The overall average is calculated by dividing the sum of all category points by the sum of category weights
- Category Average Using Total Points
The overall average is calculated by dividing the sum of the student's points for all categories by the sum of the maximum points for all categories.
Category included in the average (such as Homework or Quiz). Category types can be district or building-defined.
The last row is labeled Totals and displays the totals for the categories.
Student's Points
Sum of the weighted score for all assignments for the category. Dropped scores are not included in the points for the category.
/Maximum Points
Sum of the Weighted Total Points for all assignments for the category. Points for dropped or excluded assignments are not included in the maximum points for the category.
= Percent
Percentage correct for category calculated as (Student's Points / Maximum Points) * 100.
Category Weight
Weight assigned to the category for the average. This field does not display, if the average is calculated using total points.
Category Points
Points earned for the category calculated as (Percent / 100) * Category Weight. This field does not display, if the average is calculated using total points.
Student's Overall Average
Displays the calculation used for the average and the calculated average. This line displays below the grid of category information.
Assignments by Competency Section
When you view classwork by Competencies, the assignment section groups classwork based on the associated standards-based competency. For competencies tied to scheduled courses, assignments are further grouped by course-section. Click the course link to display a pop-up with detailed information about the course.
If an assignment is not associated with any competency, it will display at the bottom of the page in the Assignments not related to any Competency section.
The student's report card grade based on the Accumulator Type used for determining the competency's mark.
The Grade displays as a hyperlink; click to display the details of how the grade was calculated.
Date Due
Date the assignment was due. Assignments that are due in the future are not included in averages and do not display on this page.
Date Assigned
Date the assignment was assigned.
Description of the assignment. Click the link to display the assignment detail.
Student's competency score for the assignment. This value is either a number from 0 - 100 or a Gradebook alpha mark.
If a score displays with a strikethrough line (such as 5.00), the assignment has been dropped or excluded. For a category, a teacher can select the number of lowest scores to drop. The teacher may select not to drop any scores for a category. When an assignment is dropped or excluded, the points for the assignment will not be included when calculating the points for the category.
Gradebook alpha marks are defined by the building. An alpha mark may indicate that the assignment should be excluded from the student's average (such as MED for Medical Exemption where the strikethrough line indicates that the assignment is excluded) or that the student earned a percentage of the possible points (such as D for 65%). To determine the number of points that a student earned for an alpha mark that is equivalent to a percentage, multiply the percent for the mark by the number of points for the assignment. For example, if a D is equivalent to 65% and the total possible points for the assignment is 10, then the student earned.65 * 10 = 6.50 points for the assignment.
Gradebook alpha marks are defined by the building. An alpha mark may indicate that the assignment should be excluded from the student's average (such as M for Medical Exemption) or that the student earned a percentage of the possible points (such as D for 65%). To determine the number of points that a student earned for an alpha mark that is equivalent to a percentage, multiply the percent for the mark by the number of points for the assignment. For example, if a D is equivalent to 65% and the total possible points for the assignment is 10, then the student earned.65 * 10 = 6.5 points for the assignment.
The competency score may differ from the student's total score for the assignment if a rubric was applied. To see how the competency score relates to the overall assignment score, click the appropriate assignment link.
Total Points
Total points the student can earn toward the competency for this assignment.
The competency's point value may differ from the point value for the assignment if a rubric was applied. To see how the competency points relate to the assignment's point total, click the appropriate assignment link.