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Run the Gradebook Missing Scores Report

On this page:

Use this procedure to run the missing scores report. The Gradebook Missing Scores report lists any students with missing scores for a course. It includes the due date, short description, points, and weight of the missing assignment.

When you run this report in SBGB Detail mode, the report lists missing scores from assignments associated with the selected competency.

Run the Gradebook Missing Scores Report

  1. From Gradebook, click Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.
  2. If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click
     for GB Entry mode or
     for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector
  3. If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
  4. If you want to view missing scores for competencies, select
     from the Gradebook mode selector
  5. Use the Categories and Marks filter or Competencies and Marks filters to select which assignments to display.
  6. To run for only a single student, select the student by clicking the number on the left of the student's row.
  7. If you want to run for only a single assignment, select the assignment by clicking on any score entry box in the assignment's column (this also selects the student in that row).
  8. Select Actions/Reports > Missing Scores to open the Missing Scores Report Options pop-up window.
  9. On the Missing Scores Reports Options pop-up window, select how you want to run the report. Refer to Report Options below for more information.
  10. Click Run. The report will open. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.



Click to open the save settings menu.

      • Save Current Settings - Click to save the current display settings. Once saved, these settings will remain in effect if you leave and return to this page.
      • Restore Default Settings - Click to restore settings to their TAC default.

Report Options

No Page Break

Check to remove page breaks.

Group By

Select how information should be grouped on the report. The options are:

Student - to list all the assignments missed by a student grouped together.

Assignments - to list all the students missing an assignment grouped together.

Show Withdrawn Students

Select how you want to display withdrawn students.

Selected Assignment Only

Check to print the missing scores for only the assignment you had selected on the Gradebook Scores page. To print all assignments, do not check this box.

Selected Student Only

Check to run the report for the selected student only. If you did not select a student prior to running this report, this field does not display.

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