/Use this procedure to populate scores for assignments that were due before a student was added to your class. For example, use this option for a student who is added to your class three weeks into the marking period to enter scores for the assignments you collected in those three weeks. You can enter a walk-in grade to use for the assignments or import scores from assignments from a class the student has dropped.
If you can import scores for assignments that were due before the student enrolled in the class, Gradebook displays next to a student's name. It continues to display until a score has been entered for one of the assignments due before the student's add date.
This feature is available only if your administrator has configured Gradebook to allow teachers to enter scores for assignments where the due date is before the student's add date for the class. This option is supported for courses, not student competency groups. Also, the import is available only if the student's add date is in the marking period that includes today's date.
Import scores based on a walk-in grade
Use this procedure if you want to enter a grade to calculate the assignment scores. The student's score for an assignment will be calculated as: Assignment Points * Walk-in Grade Percentage. For example, if you enter a walk-in grade of 85, then an assignment worth 10 points will be calculated as: 10 *.85=8.5.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
Clicknext to the student's name.
On the Import Scores pop-up, select Enter Walk in Grade of.
Enter the percentage numeric value to import to the student's assignments due prior to the course add date. For example, to indicate the student should have an 85% score, enter 85.
Click Import.
Review the imported scores.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
To import scores from assignments from a dropped class:
Use this procedure if you want to import scores from assignments from classes the student has dropped.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
Click next to the student's name.
On the Import Scores pop-up, select Transfer scores from.
Select the dropped course-section you want to import scores from. After selecting, an assignment list displays including the assignments from that course-section where the student has scores.
On the row of the assignment you want to transfer scores from, expand the drop-down menu and select the assignment to transfer scores to.
Repeat step 6 for the assignment scores you want to import.
Click Import.
Review the imported scores.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
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