Use the Competencies and Rubrics window to define an assignment's competencies and/or rubric criteria and performance levels. The fields that display on this page are determined by the mode you select to use. The mode is selected from the Use selection field. The three options are:
No Rubric - to attach competencies to an assignment. The assignment is then scored in the gradebook, and each attached competency receives the full assignment score.
Simple Rubric - to score an assignment based on one or more competency scores with each competency's score contributing to the assignment score. One or more competencies are selected, and the assignment is then scored by the Simple Rubric Score Entry page.
Full Rubric - to create a rubric with multiple criteria and performance levels. You can also associate a competency or multiple competencies with a rubric's criterion. Full rubrics are scored on the Full Rubric Score Entry page.
To learn more about assignment rubrics, refer to the What is a Rubric? topic.
Note: Your school district determines at the building level whether teachers may link rubrics and competencies to assignments. TAC building setup also determines whether you can create new public rubrics and copy information from public rubrics.
To add a rubric:
From the Gradebook page, click the Add Assignment icon and then click the icon adjacent to the Rubrics/Competencies label.
From the Gradebook Setup page, select the Assignments Tab, click the Edit icon for the desired assignment, and then click the icon in the R & C column of assignment's row.
Use the No Rubric mode to attach competencies to an assignment. The assignment is then scored in the gradebook, and each attached competency receives the full assignment score. This mode is active if No Rubric is selected in the Use field. If you want to be able to enter different scores for each competency, you must use a Full Rubric and associate the competencies with the rubric's criteria rows or use Simple Rubric mode.
To associate competencies with an assignment, click to display the Competency Selection pop-up dialog box. Select a competency by clicking in the row of the desired Competency and then click OK to enter it in the criterion's row. You can use SHIFT + click or CTRL+ click to select multiple competencies. If your district has a large number of competencies, you can use the Competency Selection pop-up's sort and search features:
You can sort and search competencies in the Competency Selection pop-up window.
To sortby a column header: Click on a column header (Group, Description, or State Standard) to select and sort by the header's column. Subsequent clicks of the selected column header reverses the sort direction.
To search by a column: Under each column header (Group, Description, or State Standard) a blank field lets you enter text to search for matching entries in that column. As you enter text, a drop down displays with matches from the column to let you select an expanded search string. You can either select Enter to search based on the text you've entered so far, or click on one of the drop-down suggestions and then select Enter to search based on the suggested matching text from the drop-down. Any content matching the search text is displayed. You can search multiple columns to further narrow your search.
Note: Competencies that are calculated from child competencies cannot be attached to Assignments, and they will not display in the Competency Selection pop-up.
Simple Rubric Mode
Use the Simple Rubric mode to score an assignment based on one or more competency scores with each competency's score contributing to the assignment score. To enter Simple Rubric mode, select Simple Rubric from the Use menu. You can select either Average or Sum for the Assignment Points option:
Average - To average the scores for each competency to calculate the student's assignment score. Each competency contributes equally to the score. When Average is selected, you enter the assignment's maximum points value in the Assignment Points field at the bottom of the grid. The Competencies and Rubrics pop-up window then copies this entered value for each competency in the Points column.
Sum - To sum the scores for each competency to calculate the student's assignment score. You can weight how much each competency contributes to the assignment score. When Sum is selected, you enter the maximum point value for each competency in the Points column. The sum of these values is the maximum points possible for the assignment and is displayed in the Assignment Points field at the bottom of the grid. To associate competencies with an assignment, click to display the Competency Selection pop-up dialog box. Select a competency by clicking in the row of the desired Competency and then click OK to enter it in the criterion's row. You can use SHIFT + click or CTRL+ click to select multiple competencies. If your district has a large number of competencies, you can use the Competency Selection pop-up's sort and search features:
You can sort and search competencies in the Competency Selection pop-up window.
To sort by a column header: Click on a column header (Group, Description, or State Standard) to select and sort by the header's column. Subsequent clicks of the selected column header reverses the sort direction.
To search by a column: Under each column header (Group, Description, or State Standard) a blank field lets you enter text to search for matching entries in that column. As you enter text, a drop down displays with matches from the column to let you select an expanded search string. You can either select Enter to search based on the text you've entered so far, or click on one of the drop-down suggestions and then select Enter to search based on the suggested matching text from the drop-down. Any content matching the search text is displayed. You can search multiple columns to further narrow your search.
Note: Competencies that are calculated from child competencies cannot be attached to Simple Rubrics, and they will not display in the Competency Selection pop-up.
Full Rubric Mode
Use the Full Rubric mode to use multiple criteria to score assignments. You can select either Average or Sum for the Assignment Points option. If Sum is selected, you can weight how much of the assignment's total score is contributed by each criterion. If Average is selected, each criterion contributes equally, and the assignment score is the average of each of the student's criterion scores.
To enter Full Rubric mode, Select Full Rubric from the Use menu. In this mode, you can associate a rubric with the assignment by defining a new rubric or attaching an existing rubric. When creating or modifying rubrics, you can define or change:
the number of criteria rows and performance levels that you want to include in your rubric,
the labels for your criteria and performance levels,
the text to describe the expected results for a level of performance,
the high score for each of the performance levels for a criterion,
the availability of the rubric. For example, it can apply just to the current assignment or be available for all your assignments.
the way the assignment is scored: either as the average of all criterion scores (with each equally-weighted) or as the sum of all criterion scores (with the weighting of each criterion determined by you).
To simplify rubric setup, you can copy information from an existing rubric to create a new one. You can select from rubrics you previously made available for your assignments and from public rubrics defined by others in your district.
If you report competency marks for students, you can associate a competency with a rubric criterion. The student's competency score for the assignment will be the score you enter for the rubric criterion.
If scores have already been entered for an assignment, you cannot add a rubric to that assignment.
In the upper-left portion of the pop-up, you can select an existing rubric or define the name and structure for a new rubric. You can also use an existing rubric as the basis for the one you are defining.
Rubric Code
The rubric's name. This field holds up to 20 characters.
Text to describe the rubric. This field holds up to 255 characters.
When creating a public rubric, make sure that your description explains the rubric in sufficient detail that other teachers can determine if they can use it.
Number of Performance Levels
Number of performance levels for this rubric. For example, if the rubric should have levels for Needs Improvement, Proficient, and Advanced, you would enter 3.
When you add a new rubric, the default is 2 performance levels.
Number of Criteria
Number of criteria defined for this rubric. For example, if the rubric for an English paper assignment has criteria for Grammar Usage and Vocabulary, you would enter 2.
When you add a new rubric, the default number of criteria is 2.
Rubric Type
Determine how this rubric may be accessed. Select:
Saved For This Assignment Only - To make rubric available only to the current assignment.
Available For All My Assignments - To make rubric available for any of your assignments.
Public For All Teachers - To make rubric available for all teachers in your district who work in buildings that grant access to public rubrics. Your building's TAC configuration determines whether you can create a public rubric.
Assignment Points
Determine how this rubric will be scored. Select:
Average - To average the scores of each criterion to calculate the student's assignment score. Each criterion carries equal weight. When Average is selected, you enter the assignment's maximum points value in the Assignment Points field at the bottom of the grid. The Competencies and Rubrics pop-up window then populates the grid; each criterion's highest performance level will be equal to the value entered in the Assignment Points field. The highest performance level of each criterion cannot be changed, but you can adjust the levels in the lower performance levels.
Sum - To sum the scores of each criterion to calculate the student's assignment score. This selection lets you weight each criterion differently. When Sum is selected, you enter a distinct maximum point value for each criterion in the highest Performance Levels Score field (the rightmost column). The sum of these values is the maximum points possible for the assignment and is displayed in the Assignment Points field at the bottom of the grid. You then populate the grid with each criterion's Performance Levels Score value being less than the score to its right.
Note: If your administrator has configured TAC so you cannot override the default assignment Points Value, then the following rules apply:
If using Average for Assignment Points, the maximum score for the rubric's criteria is the default assignment Points value.
If using Sum for Assignment Points, the sum of the maximum scores for each criteria must be equal to the default assignment Points value. For example, if the default assignment Points value is 100 and the rubric has four criteria rows, the sum of maximum scores for the four rows must equal 100. If their sum is not equal to the default assignment Points value, the maximum Score fields will be outlined in red after clicking Save; their sum must match the default assignment Points value before the rubric can be saved.
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