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Classroom Issues List Page

Use this page to view a list of the issues that occurred in your classroom and to select an issue for entering additional information.

Add Classroom Issues
Manage Classroom Issues
Refer Classroom Issues

Issue Status

Status of the issue. The possible statuses are:

Recorded - The issue has been recorded but no action has been assigned.

Assigned - The teacher has assigned a corrective action for the issue.

Referred - You referred the issue to the student's disciplinarian, counselor, or Success Plan coordinator.

Returned - The issue was returned with either a suggestion for resolving it or a request for more information.

Completed - You resolved the issue, and no further action is needed.

No Infraction - The issue was closed by the disciplinarian without the need for a discipline incident.

Incident Created - The disciplinarian escalated the referral to a discipline incident.

Success Plan - Reason Created - A success plan reason was added to the issue with the intention of assigning the issue to a plan later.

Success Plan - Assigned - The student's counselor or Success Plan coordinator has escalated the issue by assigning it to a new or existing success plan.

Not Escalated - The issue was closed by the counselor or Success Plan coordinator without the need to create a success plan.

Note: You can only update issues with a status of Recorded, Assigned, or Returned. All other issues are display only and cannot be changed.

Administrative Action

The actions assigned when the issues were escalated to either discipline incidents or student success plans. Values only display here if the status is either Incident Created or Success Plan - Assigned.

If an incident was created, the incident code displays, and any categories or actions also display.


Displays the discipline incident code with its description.


Displays the category code with its description.


Displays the action code and its description.

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