You can add classroom issue information for students in your class. To record the same issue for multiple students, select multiple students as you add the issue. When you save, a separate issue is created for each of the selected students.
Record a classroom issue
From Interventions, select Classroom Issues to display the Classroom Issues page.
Enter the issue information in the Issued Details section at the top of the page.
Select the students for the referral by clicking Add in the Students section header.
In the Student Chooser window, enter a check in the box for the students to select.
Click OK.
To assign all the students the same teacher action, click Add in the Teacher Actions section header. Otherwise, skip to Step 10.
In the Teacher Action window, enter the information for the action you are assigning.
If the action is completed, select Completed.
If the parent was contacted about the action, select Parent Contacted.
To spell check the comment for the action, click Spell Check.
After action information has been entered, click OK.
To spell check the Issue Detail Notes field, click Spell Check in the toolbar.
Click Save. Note: If you select multiple students, then a separate issue is added for each student.
If you need to link related issues for a student, add more teacher action information, or refer the issue to an administrator, click the issue's link on the Classroom Issues List page to display the details for the classroom issue.
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