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Classroom Issues Entry Page

Use the Classroom Issues Entry page (Interventions > Classroom Issues) to enter and record issues that occur in your classroom, including any actions you have taken to address them. If needed, you can refer an issue as a conduct referral to a student's disciplinarian or as a Student Success Plan referral to a student's counselor or success plan coordinator.

Add Classroom Issues
Manage Classroom Issues
Refer Classroom Issues

Issue is Resolved

Checked if the issue is resolved. This sets the issue's status to Completed.

If you refer an issue and it is escalated to either a discipline incident or Student Success Plan, the box is checked by default.


Status of the issue. When you add a new issue, the status will not display.

The possible statuses are:

Recorded - The issue has been recorded.

Assigned - An action has been assigned for the issue.

Referred - You referred the issue to the student's disciplinarian, counselor, or success plan coordinator.

Returned - The disciplinarian, counselor, or success plan coordinator returned the referral with either a suggestion for resolving the issue or a request for more information.

Completed - You resolved the issue, and no further action is needed.

No Infraction - The issue was closed by the disciplinarian without the need for a discipline incident.

Incident Created - The disciplinarian escalated the referral to a discipline incident.

Success Plan - Reason Created - A success plan reason was created for the issue, with the possibility of adding a plan later.

Success Plan - Assigned - The counselor or success plan coordinator escalated the referral to a Student Success Plan.

Not Escalated - The counselor or success plan coordinator closed the issue as not requiring a success plan

Refer Date

Date for the referral detail records. For records with a Refer Status of Referred, this is the date that you referred the issue.

Referred To

Name of the disciplinarian to whom you referred the issue or who processed the referral. For an issue referred to Student Success Plan, the field displays the name of the counselor or success plan coordinator.

Refer Status

Indicates the action taken for the referral.

The possible statuses are:

Referred - The issue was referred to a disciplinarian, but no action has been recorded.

Returned - The disciplinarian returned the referral and may have offered a suggestion to help you address the issue.

No Infraction - The issue was closed by the disciplinarian without the need for an incident.

Incident Created - The disciplinarian escalated the issue to a discipline incident.

Success Plan - Reason Created - A success plan reason was created for the issue, with the possibility of adding a plan later.

Success Plan - Assigned - The counselor or success plan coordinator escalated the referral to a Student Success Plan.

Not Escalated - The counselor or success plan coordinator closed the issue as not requiring a success plan.

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