Use these procedures to manage the classroom issues you have recorded. You can track actions taken to address the issue and link related issues that you want an administrator to know about when an issue is referred.
Update a classroom issue
From Interventions, select Classroom Issues to display the Classroom Issues page.
Click (Issues List) to display the list of classroom issues.
If the issue you want to view is not listed, use the Find Records or Page options at the bottom of the page to look for it.
Click the link for the issue to view details.
As needed, record information for the classroom issue.
Edit issue information in the Issue Detail fields. Click Save after your changes are completed.
Indicate that the issue is resolved and needs no further action by selecting the Issue Is Resolved checkbox. Click Save.
Record teacher actions that you have assigned to address the issue. You can add actions, edit action information, or delete an action.
If you made changes in the Issue Details section, click Save.
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