Change the Current School Year field on the District Definition Page. After you change this setting, remind users to change school year selected in their environment. The School Year displays under the (Log out) icon. If the prior year is selected, it is identified with "Prior Year" and is highlighted in pink. The current year is identified with "Current Year" and displays in blue. If the next year is selected, it displays "Next Year" and is highlighted in green.
On the District Definition page, clear the Lock Out Users and Disable Scheduled Tasks checkboxes in the Lock System section of the Preference panel, then click Save. Users can access the software based on their security resources.
If you disabled audit updates, enable the Generate Audit When Any Data is Modified field on the Auditing panel of the District Definition page. Then set up the scheduled task for cleaning up the audit trail.
If your district uses SIF or the PLUS 360 PSI, navigate to the eSchoolPlus Agent and turn the publishing options back on and set the agent to Awake. Note You may need to follow specific directions in order to re-synchronize data with vendors that use the SIF Agent.
Add a News item on the News Item Page to alert users that the school year has changed.
Many tasks include the school year, so we recommend deleting existing scheduled tasks and adding new scheduled tasks for the next school year. If you want to delete scheduled tasks directly from the database, remove records from the spi_task table. Note do not delete the task for Cleanup Audit Log task you created in step 3.
Enable notifications that you disabled before running rollovers on the District Notifications Page. Notifications are toggled on/off from the (Additional options) icon.
Remind users to delete report files from the last school year as needed.
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