Use this page to view a list of student notes for which you have security access. Notes display in order by Entry Date.
User security determines whether a user can see notes created by other users, notes designated as Private by other users, and notes designated as Sensitive by other users. Only users granted the rights to view Sensitive notes will see Sensitive note records in the list. If a user has security to view (but not edit) other people's notes, the Student Note page will display text, but the user will not be add to or alter the notes. A user must have additional security to be able to add to and edit other users' notes. For more information about how security affects note options, refer to About Student Notes and Security.
Add a student note
You can add a note for a student using the Student Note page. Your security resources determine the options available to you. For more information about how security affects note options, refer to About Student Notes and Security.
Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Student Notes or click the notes icon on the Student information bar if you are on a student page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Notes list page, click Add on the page's title bar.
Complete the fields and enter the note text on the Add Note window.
If you do not have security resources for creating Sensitive notes, the Sensitive box is inaccessible.
If you enter a check in the Private box, you and other users who have the appropriate security will be able to view the student's notes. Users with additional resources can also edit and delete notes marked as Private.
Click Save.
View Or edit a student note and its fields
You can edit a note for a student using the Student Note page. Your security resources determine the options available to you. For more information about how security affects note options, refer to About Student Notes and Security.
Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Student Notes or click the notes icon on the Student information bar if you are on a student page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Notes list page, click the link in the Entry Date column of the note you wish to view or edit.
If you wish to make changes, update the desired fields and note text on the Edit Note window.
If you do not have security resources for creating Sensitive notes, the Sensitive box is inaccessible.
If you enter a check in the Private box, you and other users who have the appropriate security will be able to view the student's notes. Users with additional resources can also edit and delete notes marked as Private.
If you made changes, click Save.
Expand to view the text of long notes
By default only the first two lines of each note display in the Note column of the Student Notes page. You can expand all notes or only selected notes to display the full content.
Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Student Notes or click the notes icon on the Student information bar if you are on a student page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
If you want all notes to display their full content, click (Collapse) next to the Note heading.
If you an individual note to display its full content, click (Collapse) next to the note's text.
Click (Expand) to reverse the action of either step 3 or 4.
Delete a note
By default only the first two lines of each note display in the Note column of the Student Notes page. You can expand all notes or only selected notes to display the full content.
Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Student Notes or click the notes icon on the Student information bar if you are on a student page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the (Delete) column, enter a check for the note you want to delete.
Click Save.
Notes Panel
Notes are listed by row. Click a note's entry date link to open the note in the Edit Note dialog.
Entry Date
Displays the date and time the note was entered. To view the note record for this entry, click the link in this column to display the Student Note detail page.
Displays the first two rows of note's text. If the text from the Student Note detail page exceeds this, you can display the full note within the Note column by clicking the triangle to the left of the note's text. To collapse the expanded text, click the triangle again.
Entered By
Displays the user name associated with the login ID of the person who created the note.
Note Type
Displays the type of note entered.
Alert Type
If the note has an alert type, it is displayed.
Enter a check to select the corresponding note for deletion. You can click (Delete) to select all notes; click it again to deselect all notes. You can also click on a checked box to deselect the note for deletion. Click Save to delete all checked rows.
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