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Range View Page

On this page:

Use this page to view or enter a student's attendance for a range of dates. Records display in the Attendance section after you select dates and periods on the Selections panel and then click Load.

When the student has attendance for a period, the period's background will display a color from the Color Legend. You can move the mouse pointer over a period that has attendance entered to view details. For example:

Attendance records can be entered and updated at any time. The exceptions is when your building has locked attendance prior to a reporting submission. In this case, you cannot add or change records for the locked dates, unless you have the proper security. The Attendance Lock Date is set in your building's Attendance Building Configuration.

View attendance

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Range View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Selections panel, enter the appropriate dates, days, and periods.
  4. Click Load to display the attendance. The page may take a few moments to refresh.

Add or change attendance for selected periods

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Range View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Selections panel, enter the appropriate dates, days, and periods.
  4. Click Load to display the attendance. The page may take a few moments to refresh.
  5. In the Attendance section, click on periods to select them.
    (Checkmark) displays to indicate a date is selected. Click
    (Checkmark) in the Date field to select all periods for a date.
  6. Click
     (View detail) on the Range View panel to display the Student Attendance Detail page.
    The page displays the attendance periods selected. Attendance has been entered for a period if a code displays in its Code field.
  7. On the Selection panel, select Office or Teacher as the source, then select Apply to All Periods if you want to use the same source for all your entries.
  8. On the Attendance panel, enter or change attendance as needed. For field descriptions and other information, refer to Student Attendance Detail.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Back to return to the Range View page.

Delete attendance records

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Range View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Selections panel, enter the appropriate dates, days, and periods.
  4. Click Load to display the attendance. The page may take a few moments to refresh.
  5. Click on periods to select them.
    (Checkmark) displays to indicate a period is selected. Click
    (Checkmark) in the Date field to select all periods for a date.
  6. Click
     (View detail) on the Range View bar to display the Attendance Detail page.
    The page displays the attendance periods selected. Attendance has been entered for a period if a code displays in its Code field.
  7. On the Selection panel, select Office or Teacher as the source, then select Apply to All Periods if you want to use the same source for your deletions.
  8. On the Attendance panel, select the Delete box for each record you want to delete.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Back to return to the Range View page.

For a procedure on how to view and delete attendance that is invalid, refer to Delete Invalid Attendance.

View the color key for attendance codes

On the Color Legend section's bar, click

 (Expand) to view the color key.

Toggle printable view

To view additional attendance (if available) without having to scroll vertically within the Range View panel, click

 (Additional options) on the panel's title bar, then select Toggle Printable View.

This option removes the panel's vertical scroll bar and provides a continuous list of the attendance records available for the student during the selected range of dates and days. Depending on the number of attendance periods being reported, the horizontal scroll bar may still display to allow you to access periods that are off screen to the right.


Selections Panel

Dates Section




Select this option, then select the interval to display, such as marking period or year.

Date Range

Select this option, then enter the range of dates to display.

Selected Dates

Select this option, then select the dates to display.

Days of the Week

Select the appropriate days of the week to display.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Periods Section




Displays the buildings where the student attends classes.


For each building, select the periods that apply.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Range View Panel

To display attendance in the Attendance section, click Load after completing the fields on the Selections panel.

Color Legend Section

This section displays the color key for the attendance codes entered for the student. To expand the section for viewing the color key, click  


Some of the colors shown may not be visible on the range view, because they were entered along with other codes on the same date and thus are represented by the color for Multiple codes. However, you can view the individual colors in these cases by moving the mouse pointer over the date.

Attendance Section




The date attendance was entered. Clicking the

(Checkmark) selects all periods for a date.


The day corresponding to the date attendance was entered.


The attendance periods for the selected date.

A background color displays if attendance was entered for a period. To display the color key for a period's attendance code, click

(Expand) on Color Legend bar.

To select a period, click on it to display a

(Checkmark). To select all dates for a period, click
(Checkmark) in the period's header.

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