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Overview of Immunization Alerts

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Your district can select to email parents of students who are overdue for immunizations and to notify teachers and other staff when a student's immunizations are out-of-compliance with requirements. Additionally, you can provide a grace period for a student who has recently enrolled or for all students at the beginning of each school year.

Options to Alert People When Students Are Out-of-Compliance for Immunizations

You can use immunization alerts to notify teachers, parents, and an internal user.

  • Teachers can be alerted in Teacher Access Center. The student's Medical alert icon will display with an orange background to indicate that the student has an immunization alert. When the teacher clicks the alert, the alert will include the series records for which the student is overdue for a vaccination after the student's grace period has expired.
  • Parents can be alerted by email. You can use Home Access Center's Immunization email alert or select to have the Immunization Validation send an email to parents. The email lists the series records for which the student is overdue for a vaccination after the student's grace period has expired.
  • An eSchoolPlus user can be alerted by email when the Immunization Validation option is run. The email lists all students with overdue immunizations whose grace period has expired and the series schedules for which the students are overdue.

Grace Period Option for Immunization Alerts

You can provide a grace period for students to meet immunization requirements. For example, your district policy may allow students who recently enrolled up to 90 days to meet immunizations requirements.

For each building, you can specify the length of the grace period, and indicate whether the grace period is based on the student's enrollment date or the first day of the current school year.

If the building's Medical Configuration is set up to use a grace period, then the Immunization Validation option will calculate whether a student is within a grace period when the student's overall immunization status is calculated as OV (Overdue). If the student is within the building's grace period, then the calculation sets the Expiration Date field in the student's immunization record.

No immunization alerts will be generated for a student who has an expiration date that is after the current date.

Setting Up Immunization Alerts

  1. In the Medical Configuration, select the Use Immunization Records Alert checkbox.
  2. To allow a grace period for students who have recently enrolled or for all students at the beginning of the school year, define the grace period in the Medical Configuration. The following fields specify the grace period options:
    • Immunization Alert Grace Period
    • Grace Period Entry Date
    • Clear Expiration Date Upon Compliance
  3. To display alerts in TAC, select the Teacher and/or Substitute checkboxes for the Immunization Grace Period Alert field on the TAC Building Configuration page.
  4. To notify parents, set up the appropriate options based on how you want parents to be notified of immunization alerts.
    • To use the Home Access Center Immunization alert, set up the email alert using Home Access Center Building Configuration's Email Alerts panel. Select the appropriate Send Immunizations Alert checkbox, and enter values for the remaining fields to schedule when and how the email alert task runs. In order to receive the email, parents must have a valid email address on the Contact page and be subscribed to the Immunization alert in HAC.
    • To set up the Immunization Validation to send the alert, select the Medical Configuration's Send Alert Email to Parents checkbox, and then enter values for the email fields below it. Parents must have a valid email address and have the Medical Letters box checked on the Contact page. These emails are generated when the Immunization Validation option is run with the Generate Grace Period Alerts checkbox selected.
  5. To send an email to an internal user when the Immunization Validation option is run, enter an email address in the Medical Configuration's Send Internal Alert Emails to field, and then enter values for the email fields below it. This email is generated when the Immunization Validation option is run with the Generate Grace Period Alerts checkbox selected.
  6. To allow users to select to calculate the student's immunization status and send immunization alerts when data is saved on the Immunizations page, then select the Medical Configuration's Allow Option to Update Immunizations on Save checkbox. Additionally, you can select the Default to Validate on Save checkbox so the default is to have the student immunization status calculated when data is saved.
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