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Medical Configuration Page

On this page:

Use this page to configure building-specific options for the Medical system. This information affects the display of immunization shots, immunization validation, entry in the daily log, and immunization letters.

View configuration for building

  1. Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration.
    • If a search page displays, select the building.
    • If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.

Add configuration for a building

  1. Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration.
    • If a search page displays, select the building.
    • If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
  2. Define values as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Change configuration settings

  1. Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration.
    • If a search page displays, select the building.
    • If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
  2. Change values as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Delete configuration

  1. Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration.
    • If a search page displays, select the building.
    • If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
  2. Click
  3. Click Yes.


Immunizations Panel

Calculations Section



Auto Create Blank Records

Checked if the system automatically creates blank immunization records for students for shots that have Auto Generate = Y in the Vaccinations validation table. Each system-generated record will have a status of NR (for no record) to show that there is no immunization data for the student.

Blank student immunization records are created for a student:

  • The first time the student’s Immunization page is accessed
  • When the Immunization Validation calculation is run.

If unchecked, default records will not be created. The Immunization Validation program will not create blank records, even if the immunization is required for that student.

Reset Count

When the count of notifications (letters) should be reset.


None - to never reset the count.
Status - to reset when the immunization status changes. For example, when a student’s status changes from overdue to meets requirements, the number of letters would be reset to 0.
School year - to reset with the rollover at the end of the school year.

Use Month/Year in Calculation

Checked if the Immunization Validation should use the month and year, instead of the exact day, for all shots. This increases the allowed dates for a shot to the entire month. If unchecked, the Immunization Validation uses the exact day for each shot.

Force Warning on Invalid Dates

Checked if you want the system to issue a warning, but allow you to enter a shot date that should be considered invalid (for example, before the student's birthdate). Districts may want this if they need to track exactly what was entered on the immunization record presented.

Leave unchecked if you want the system to reject invalid dates.

Use Due Date as 1st Overdue Date

Determines the first date on which the shot is considered overdue.

Checked if the date on which a shot is due, based on the Time From Event or Overdue field, is the first day it is overdue.

Leave unchecked if the date on which a shot is due is counted as part of the In Process period.

Use Immunization Records Alerts

Checked if alerts should be created when a student is overdue for immunizations after the student's grace period has expired. If this feature is turned on, you can choose how overdue immunization series alerts are used in your building. You can alert teachers, parents, and an internal user.

For detailed information on the alerts available for immunizations and an overview of how to set up the alert options, refer to Overview of Immunization Alerts.

If this checkbox and the 'Allow Option to Update Immunizations on Save' checkbox are selected, then the Student's Immunizations page will include the 'Generate Grace Period Alert' checkbox. If that checkbox is selected when the user saves student immunization data, then the validation will send an email alert if the student is overdue for immunizations and the student's grace period has expired.

Immunization Alert Grace Period

Enter the number of days to use as the period of time that your district allows a student to be enrolled before the student must be in compliance with all required immunizations. For example, enter 90 as the grace period if a student has up to 90 days after enrolling to meet all immunization requirements.

This value and the Grace Period Entry Date value are used to calculate the student's grace period expiration date if the student's overall immunization status is Overdue. This date is displayed in the Student Center's Immunizations page Expiration Date field.

If you want to send immunization alerts, but you do not want to allow a grace period for immunization compliance, enter 0 (zero).

Grace Period Entry Date

Select the entry date to use to calculate the expiration date for the immunization grace period.


Current Year Entry Date - to use the entry date from this school year's entry/withdrawal record. Use this option if every student is given a grace period to meet immunization requirements at the start of every school year.
Earliest Entry Date - to use the entry date from the student's first entry/withdrawal record. Use this option if a student is given a grace period to meet immunization requirements on initial enrollment and not at the start of every school year.

Clear Expiration Date Upon Compliance

Checked if the Expiration Date field should be cleared when the student is compliant with immunization requirements and no longer has a grace period alert.

If checked, then a student's Expiration Date will be set to blank in the following circumstances:

  • The Grace Period Alert box is manually unchecked.
  • The Immunization Validation option calculates that a student with a grace period alert now has a compliant status (MR - Meets Requirement or CO - Complete).

If unchecked, the Expiration Date value will remain after the grace period alert is removed.

Alerts Section



Send Alert Email to Parents

Checked if emails should be sent to parents when the Immunization Validation processes a student whose overall status is OV - Overdue and the student's grace period has expired. If you intend to use Home Access Center's Immunization alert, you do not need to check this box. In that case, use the Home Access Center Building Configuration to set up the alert.

Send Internal Alert Emails to

Enter the email address for the user who should receive Immunization Validation's email alert that lists students who are overdue for immunizations after the grace period has expired. Character/255

Subject Line

Enter the subject line to include in Immunization Validation's alert emails. Character/50

From Email Address

Email address to use as the From Address for the email. This will be the address to which guardians will reply. Character/255

Email Header Text

Text to print as the body of the email above the alert information. Character/Unlimited

Email Footer Text

Text to print as the body of the email below the alert information. Character/Unlimited

Student Immunization Entry Section



Allow Option to Update Immunizations on Save

Checked if the student's Immunizations page should include the Run immunization calculation on save field to allow users to run the immunization validation calculation when saving data. When the Immunization page's box is checked, clicking Save validates the student's immunization status based on immunization criteria and schedules.

Default to Validate on Save

Checked if the Run immunization calculation on save checkbox on the Student Center's Immunizations page should be selected by default. When that checkbox is selected, clicking Save validates the student's immunization status based on immunization criteria and schedules.

Note that if the Use Immunization Records Alert checkbox and this checkbox are selected, then the Generate grace period alert checkbox on the student's Immunizations page also will be checked by default.

Default Margin of Error

If you want to accept student vaccinations that occur ahead of schedule when running the immunization validation from the student's Immunization page, enter the number of days to use as the margin of error for the immunization validation calculation.

Example: If a vaccination should have been administered on or after the student’s first birthday, but occurred 2 days beforehand and you entered 0 as the margin of error, the immunization would be invalid. If you entered 2 or more days, then the immunization would be valid.

If you run the Validate Immunization option, the margin of error can be entered as a number of days, weeks, or months. When the immunization validation is run from a student's Immunizations page, the validation always uses a number of days for the margin of error.

Letter Print Setup Section



Use Language Templates

If the building sends notifications to parents, indicates if notifications are sent in multiple languages.


D - Default Language - to send notifications in one language.
M - Multiple Languages - to send notifications in multiple languages. Specify the languages in the Languages field.
N - Not Sending Notifications - to indicate notifications will not be sent to parents.

Form Letter Filename

The name of the data source file used to create the form letter template name.

List of Letter Language Codes

The languages used for letters.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Medical User Defined Screen

The program where you store additional information to print on the Medical letters.

Registration District-Defined Screen

The district-defined screen where you store additional information to print on the Medical letters.

Data Download Path

The path to where the data source file and templates should be downloaded.

Send Email Option

Checked if you send email as well as letter notifications.

Sender Email Address

Email address to use as the email sender. This email address will be used as the reply to address to which guardians can send replies. This email address will also receive messages about undeliverable addresses.

Exams and Office Visits Panel



Allow Update on Prior Days

The number of prior days for which users in your building can update entries on the Daily Log and exam pages, as well as the student's medical pages. Users will always be able to add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals.

If this is set to 0 or blank, users will not be able to update or delete entries for prior days, although they can add additional entries or medical notes.

Allow updates to notes for locked days

Checked if users should be able to edit notes, comments, and referral comments on entries that are locked based on the Allow Update on Prior Days setting. Note that a user may always enter a referral comment when a new referral is added.

Use Outcome on Office Visits

Checked if the Outcome field should display for office visits on the Daily Log and Office Visit pages.

Use Homeroom as Default for Daily Log

Checked if the Room field on the Daily Log page should default to the student's homeroom. Otherwise, no value defaults for the Room field.

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