Some districts want to administratively define the categories that can be used for Gradebook and enforce that teachers are using the same averaging rules. For example, your district may require that all math department courses use the same categories of assignments and that every course averages assignments using the same rules. For more information, refer to Gradebook Category Types Overview.
This procedure steps you through the process to define category types and assign the category types to course-sections. Note that categories are assigned to course-sections, not teachers. When the teacher of a course changes, you do not need to make any changes to Gradebook for the new teacher.
To implement Gradebook category types
Gather information about the Gradebook averages that are required. Consider if there are courses that use different categories or have different weighting rules for averaging. You will need a separate Gradebook category type for each pattern you identify. Category types are defined by duration. If you offer courses in multiple durations, you need to define separate category types for each duration.
In the MR Building Configuration (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration), select the appropriate boxes in the Limit Teachers to Pre-defined Gradebook Category Types section. You can define Gradebook Category Types even if the Categories, Weights and Marking Periods checkbox is not selected, but you cannot assign category types to course-sections unless it is selected. Note that at this point all teachers can still edit category and average settings.
Use Building Category Types (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type) to define the required category types.
Assign the category type to course-sections that should use the defined category and average rules.
To assign a category type to multiple course-sections, use the Building Category Types option to display the category. Then click (Additional options), and then select Assign Category to Master Schedule. For a detailed procedure, refer to Assign category type to courses.
Use the Master Schedule option (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule) to assign a category type to a course-section.
Do not use the Master Schedule Mass Update to assign the category type to a course-section. This option will not load the defined category setup to a course-section. Note If there are course-sections where you do not want to limit teachers to a pre-defined setup, do not assign a Gradebook category type. If no category type is assigned, the teacher can select categories and define the average rules in Gradebook.
If a teacher needs to be able to change the Gradebook setup for a course-section, update the Master Schedule and remove the Category Type value. You can only remove a category type if no assignments have been created for the course-section. The course-section's Gradebook setup will be retained, but the teacher will be able to edit the Gradebook setup options that were previously locked. Note If you are in the next year environment and you remove the Gradebook Category Type value for a course-section, the Gradebook category setup records for the course-section will be deleted.
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