Use this page to define Gradebook category types which allow administrators to set up the categories and average rules for courses and to lock down Gradebook setup for teachers. These setups pre-populate categories, Progress Report Average Overrides, and Report Card Average Overrides so you can enforce that teachers are using the same averaging rules. For example, your district may require that all math department courses use the same categories of assignments and that every course averages assignments using the same rules.
Defines the category type and specifies the duration type that the category type applies to.
Additionally, this section includes fields to specify the general rules for how the average is calculated and the Gradebook scale to assign to all students in a class. These selections set the teacher's values as shown at the top of the Categories tab in Gradebook Setup.
Defines the categories that will be used for assignments and the rules for calculating averages. These selections set the teacher's values as shown at the bottom of the Categories tab in Gradebook Setup.
Every category selected must have a row for Default. Categories may also have overrides to set different rules by marking period.
Progress Report Average Overrides
Defines the progress report average overrides for the classes when a mark is not calculated using the rules specified in the Categories panel. These selections set the teacher's values as shown on the IPR Average tab in Gradebook Setup.
This panel displays all progress reporting mark types that receive results from Gradebook. If no categories are selected for a mark type, then the mark type does not have an override defined.
If a mark type's average should include assignments from some, but not all, categories, then an average override is needed.
Report Card Average Overrides
Defines the report card average overrides for the classes. These selections set the teacher's values as shown on the Report Card Average tab in Gradebook Setup.
This panel displays all report card mark types that receive results from Gradebook per marking period, per term, year to date, or at end of course. If no categories are selected for a mark type, then the mark type does not have an override defined.
If a mark type's average should include assignments from some, but not all, categories, then an average override is needed.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type.
Search for the category type, then click its link.
Add category types
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type.
Click Add.
On the Building Category Type page, define the category type and its general rules in the General panel.
In the blank row in the Categories panel, select a category to include for courses.
Define the rules for the Default settings for the category.
Repeat steps 4-5 until you have selected the categories for the course.
Click Save.
Define other category settings as needed. Refer to the additional procedures that follow for detail on these tasks:
Add category overrides to category type You must first add the category before you can add a category override.
In the Category panel, click Add in the category's Add Override column.
In the new row that displays below the category's default settings, select the marking periods and define the rules.
Repeat steps 1-2 as needed to add more categories.
Add progress average overrides for a mark type
In the Progress Report Average Overrides panel, locate the mark type for which you want to create an override.
In the blank row, select a category to include when calculating the mark type's average.
Define the rules to use for the category.
Repeat steps 2-3 until you have selected all categories that should be included in the average calculation.
Add report card average overrides for a mark type
In the Report Card Average Overrides panel, locate the mark type for which you want to create an override.
In the blank row, select a category to include when calculating the mark type's average.
Select the marking periods for which the rules will apply.
Define the rules to use for the category and marking period.
If you need to add the category for another marking period, repeat steps 2-4 for the category.
Repeat steps 2-5 until you have defined all categories that should be included in the average calculation.
Click Save.
Change category types
When you make changes to a category type that is already assigned to course-sections, the changes you make are pushed out to teachers' Gradebooks. You can add categories and change the weight and other rules for categories.
If the MR Building Configuration is defined to allow teachers to change the:
Drop Lowest rule, then changes to Drop Lowest values in the category type will not be pushed out to Gradebook.
Exclude Missing Assignments rule, then changes to Exclude Missing values in the category type will not be pushed out to Gradebook.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type.
Search for the category, then click its link.
Change category settings as needed. Refer to the additional procedures that follow for detail on these tasks:
Change values as needed. Refer to appropriate procedures for the following tasks:
Add categories to category type You must add the category and save before you can add a category or mark type override.
In the Categories panel, select a category in the bottom row.
Define the rules for the Default settings for the category.
Repeat steps 1-2 as needed to add another category.
Click Save.
Add category overrides to category type You must first add the category before you can add a category override.
In the Category panel, click Add in the category's Add Override column.
In the new row that displays below the category's default settings, select the marking periods and define the rules.
Repeat steps 1-2 as needed to add more categories.
Add progress average overrides for a mark type
In the Progress Report Average Overrides panel, locate the mark type for which you want to create an override.
In the blank row, select a category to include when calculating the mark type's average.
Define the rules to use for the category.
Repeat steps 2-3 until you have selected all categories that should be included in the average calculation.
Add report card average overrides for a mark type
In the Report Card Average Overrides panel, locate the mark type for which you want to create an override.
In the blank row, select a category to include when calculating the mark type's average.
Select the marking periods for which the rules will apply.
Define the rules to use for the category and marking period.
If you need to add the category for another marking period, repeat steps 2-4 for the category.
Repeat steps 2-5 until you have defined all categories that should be included in the average calculation.
Click Save.
Delete category types
You can only delete a category type that is not assigned to any course.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type.
Search for the category type.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
Manage Category Types for Courses
Gradebook data is only populated if you assign the category type using the Assign Category to Master Schedule option or the Master Schedule (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule) to update the Category Type field. Do not use other options to update a course's category type.
Assign category type to multiple course-sections
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Category Type.
Define a new category type or select an existing category type from the search results.
On the Building Gradebook Category Type page, click (Additional options), and then select Assign Category to Master Schedule.
On the Assign Category Type to Master Schedule page, define the filter to select the course-sections.
Click Load.
Review the list of courses displayed in the Filter Results panel.
If you do not want to assign the category type to a course-section, enter a check in the (Delete) box. Note that the Delete box is checked and disabled for course-sections where assignments have been entered.
Click (Delete) in the Filter Results panel to remove the course-sections where the Delete box is checked.
Click Run to update the Master Schedule for the course-sections and populate the Gradebook tables.
Find all courses assigned to category types
Use the Master Schedule search to review the category types that are assigned to course-sections.
On the Master Schedule Search page, click Advanced to create an advanced search.
To find course-sections that have been assigned a category type, include the following in the criteria specified in the Advanced Search Criteria section: Area: Master Schedule, Field Name: Category Type, Condition: is not blank.
To find course-sections that have been assigned to a specific category type, include the following in the criteria specified in the Advanced Search Criteria section: Area: Master Schedule, Field Name: Category Type, Condition: = (equals), Value: Enter code for category type.
To show the category type assigned in the search results, select the following in the List Field Selection column: Area: Master Schedule, Field Name: Description. Area: Master Schedule, Field Name: Category Type.
Click Load to display the search results.
General Panel
Select the course building that use this Gradebook category type.
Checked if the category type is currently active and can be assigned to courses in the Master Schedule.
Category Type
Enter the code for the Gradebook category type. Character/5
Calculate Average Using Total Points
Checked if the course-sections that use this category type will calculate the average using total points, instead of category weights. For information on how using total points versus category weights affects the calculation, refer to Overview of Load Gradebook Averages Calculation.
Enter the description for the category type. Character/255
Select whether the calculation will round or truncate category averages to the second position.
Round - to round the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is rounded to 87.35, and 87.3561 is rounded to 87.36. Truncate - to truncate the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is truncated to 87.35, and 87.3561 is truncated to 87.35.
Course Duration Type
Select the duration of the courses that will use the category type. For example, if the category type is used for courses with an M (Marking Period) duration, select M.
In the Categories and Report Card Average Overrides panels, the available marking periods for the categories and mark types will be based on the selected duration.
Default Scale
Select the Gradebook scale to default for all students in the course-sections associated with the category type.
Note that when a category type is assigned to a course, the teacher cannot access the Gradebook Setup page's Default Scale field even if you do not specify a default scale in the category type.
Categories Panel
Enter rows in this panel to define the categories that will be available for the teachers. Every category must have a row where the Marking Periods field is set to Default. You can also add overrides for marking periods if weights, the drop lowest rule, and the exclude missing rule are different per marking period.
Indicates if the row defines the rules to use as the default for all marking periods or specific marking periods. This field displays different options depending on whether you are adding a category or adding a category override.
When you add a category, the first row has a value of Default. This record defines the default settings for the category.
After you click Add in the category's Add Override column, a blank row displays below the category's Default row. In the Marking Periods field, select the appropriate marking periods. The options available are based on the duration selected in the Course Duration Type field.
If teachers are allowed to change the drop lowest or exclude missing rules and teachers should have the ability to define different rules for each marking period, then a separate row should be added for each marking period.
When Gradebook setup records are created for a course-section, the system creates records for the marking periods when the course meets. For example, if you apply a category type that defines the rules for 4 marking periods to a course that meets in marking periods 1 and 2, the teacher's Gradebook setup will reflect only the rules defined for marking periods 1 and 2.
Indicate the weight that should be used for the category.
This field does not display if the Calculate Average Using Total Points checkbox is selected.
Drop Lowest
Enter the number of lowest scores to drop for a category. For example, if set to 2, the lowest two scores in this category for a student are dropped. The lowest score is determined as the lowest percentage score; not the lowest number. For example, if a student got 4 out of 5 on a quiz and 20 out of 100 on a test, the 20 out of 100 assignment would be dropped first.
The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook.
If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Exclude Missing
Indicates how to handle assignments with no score. A score is considered missing when the current date is on or after the due date.
E - Exclude Missing Scores from the Average - to exclude the score and its possible points so the student's average is not affected. Z - Missing Scores Count as Zero (0) in the Average - to include a score of 0 and the possible points for the assignment. The student's average will be affected by missing assignments. The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook. If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Add Override
To define the rules for a category for individual marking periods, click the Add icon on the category's row. This icon displays on the row where the Marking Periods field is set to Default.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox does not dispaly on the Default row.
Progress Report Average Overrides Panel
A separate section displays for each progress report mark type defined to receive results from Gradebook.
Enter rows in this panel if the average for the mark type:
Includes some, but not all, categories selected in the Categories panel.
Has different rules than the rules specified in the Categories panel.
You may also choose to define an override if you want to allow teachers to override the category type's rules for drop lowest and missing scores. The MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can override those rules.
If no categories are selected for a mark type, then the mark type will not have an override on Gradebook Setup's IPR Average tab after you assign the course to a course-section.
Select whether the calculation for this mark type will round or truncate category averages to the second position.
Round - to round the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is rounded to 87.35, and 87.3561 is rounded to 88.36. Truncate - to truncate the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is truncated to 87.35, and 87.3561 is truncated to 88.35.
Select category to include in the mark type's average.
Indicate the weight that should be used for the category.
This field does not display if the Calculate Average Using Total Points checkbox is selected.
Drop Lowest
Enter the number of lowest scores to drop for a category. For example, if set to 2, the lowest two scores in this category for a student are dropped. The lowest score is determined as the lowest percentage score; not the lowest number. For example, if a student got 4 out of 5 on a quiz and 20 out of 100 on a test, the 20 out of 100 assignment would be dropped first.
The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook.
If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Exclude Missing
Indicates how to handle assignments with no score. A score is considered missing when the current date is on or after the due date.
E - Exclude Missing Scores from the Average - to exclude the score and its possible points so the student's average is not affected. Z - Missing Scores Count as Zero (0) in the Average - to include a score of 0 and the possible points for the assignment. The student's average will be affected by missing assignments. The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook. If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Displays a percent to reflect how category weights are affecting how the mark is calculated.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Report Card Average Overrides Panel
A separate section displays for each report card mark type that receives results from Gradebook per marking period, per term, year to date, or at course end.
Enter rows in this panel if the average for the mark type:
Includes some, but not all, categories selected in the Categories panel.
Has different rules than the rules specified in the Categories panel.
You may also choose to define an override if you want to allow teachers to override the category type's rules for drop lowest and missing scores. The MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can override those rules.
If no categories are selected for a mark type, then the mark type will not have an override on Gradebook Setup's Report Card Average tab after you assign the course to a course-section.
A category type can include mark types that are not issued to all courses that will use the category type. When you assign the category type to a course-section, the system will only create overrides for the mark types that apply to the course-section.
Select whether the calculation will round or truncate category averages to the second position.
Round - to round the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is rounded to 87.35, and 87.3561 is rounded to 88.36. Truncate - to truncate the calculated average to the second position. For example, 87.3532 is truncated to 87.35, and 87.3561 is truncated to 88.35.
Select category to include in the mark type's average.
Marking Periods
Indicates the specific marking periods that the category rule applies to. The options available are based on the duration selected in the Course Duration Type field.
When Gradebook Setup records are created for the mark type, a separate record is created for each marking period, even if you select all marking periods on one row of the category type. Note that this is different from how records are created for the rows in the Categories panel where a single category override row is created for a comma-delimited list. Refer toe the Marking Periods field in the Categories panel for more information.
Indicate the weight that should be used for the category.
This field does not display if the Calculate Average Using Total Points checkbox is selected.
Drop Lowest
Enter the number of lowest scores to drop for a category. For example, if set to 2, the lowest two scores in this category for a student are dropped. The lowest score is determined as the lowest percentage score; not the lowest number. For example, if a student got 4 out of 5 on a quiz and 20 out of 100 on a test, the 20 out of 100 assignment would be dropped first.
The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook.
If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Exclude Missing
Indicates how to handle assignments with no score. A score is considered missing when the current date is on or after the due date.
E - Exclude Missing Scores from the Average - to exclude the score and its possible points so the student's average is not affected. Z - Missing Scores Count as Zero (0) in the Average - to include a score of 0 and the possible points for the assignment. The student's average will be affected by missing assignments. The building's MR Building Configuration determines whether teachers can change this setting in Gradebook. If they can change this setting, then the changes you make to this field after the category type is assigned to a course-section will not be published to the teacher's Gradebook.
Displays a percent to reflect how category weights are affecting how the mark is calculated.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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