Use this page to add or change a building's mark reporting configuration. This configuration determines how the Mark Reporting package processes report cards, progress reports, and standards and competency information. The configuration also specifies how mark reporting information can be entered in Teacher Access Center (TAC).
View configuration
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Add configuration
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Define values as needed.
Click Save.
Change configuration
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete configuration
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Click (Delete).
Click Yes.
General Panel
Current RC Run
Report card run that is being processed currently for Report Cards and Standards and Competencies programs.
Displays the term that is associated with the current report card run.
Include Transfer Courses on Report Card
Checked if the courses for this transfer building should print on the report card. The field only displays if the building is defined as a transfer building.
Display MBS Buildings
Determines when Multiple Building Scheduling (MBS) course information should be displayed when you are looking at mark reporting information for this building. Multiple Building Scheduling refers to the ability for a student to take courses in multiple buildings while being enrolled in a single building.
A - Always - to display the building information for all courses. N - Never - to not display the building information for any course. D - Only display if different - to display the building information if the course building is different from this building.
Maintain Attendance
Checked if attendance information can be maintained on the report card entry pages in eSchoolPlus and TAC.
Use Course Catalog for Transfer Courses
Checked if the courses added for a transfer building must be validated against a pre-defined Course Catalog.
If this checkbox is selected, users will be required to select a course from the transfer building's Course Catalog when adding a transfer course for a student. Only users with security to override Course Catalog defaults will be able to change course information that displays from the Course Catalog. If you use this option, you must define the Course Catalog for the building before users can enter transfer courses for students.
Unchecked if users should be able to add a transfer course for a student as needed for transfer buildings.
It users should be able to select courses from the Course Catalog, but also create a transfer course that has not been defined, leave this box unchecked and create Course Catalog records for the transfer building.
Most districts will not validate courses for transfer buildings.
Do not check this box for a building that is not a transfer building.
Allow RC Course Free Text
Checked if eSchoolPlus and TAC users can enter free text comments to print on report cards for students' courses.
Selecting the checkbox has the following effects in eSchoolPlus:
Adds Free Text Comment fields to the Mark Entry By Course and Mark Reporting Detail pages.
Adds a Free Text Comment button to the Mark Entry By Course page. Clicking the button displays the Course Free Text Comment by Student page. This page, which displays all the students listed in the Mark Entry By Course page, is intended solely for entering free text comments. Selecting the checkbox has the following effects in TAC:
Adds Free Text fields to the Report Card page.
Adds a button to the Report Card page to show or hide free text comment fields for students' courses.
Note that the default report card template does not include free text comments. To print free text comments on the report card, you must edit your building's report card template.
Number of Free Text Characters (Max 700)
Enter the number of characters that can be used in a free text comment for a student's course. The maximum allowed is 700 characters.
This field can only be accessed if the Allow RC Course Free Text checkbox is selected.
Assign Credit Overrides
Determines where users should override course credit. Credit can be overridden at the course level or for each marking period when the course receives a mark type used to assign credit. District reporting requirements determine how credit should be overridden. For detailed information about the effect of each option, refer to Overview of Course Credit.
C - At the Student Course Level - to have users override credit for the entire course. M - Per Credit Marking Period - to have users override credit in each marking period where credit can be earned. The course credit will be the sum of the marking period credits.
Progress Reporting Panel
Process Progress Reports
Checked if the building processes progress reports.
Standards and Competencies Panel
Process Standards and Competencies
Checked if the building uses Standards and Competencies to track student progress.
Number of Free Text Characters (Max 8000)
Number of characters of free-text comments that a teacher can enter for a student. You can allow up to 8,000 characters, but keep in mind that longer comments could cause report cards to run to additional pages.
Teacher Access Panel
Entry Options Section
Progress Information May Be Entered By
Checkboxes that indicate who may enter progress information in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may enter grades and comments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if progress information will not be entered in TAC.
RC Information May Be Entered By
Checkboxes that indicate who may enter mark reporting information in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may enter grades and comments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if mark reporting information will not be entered in TAC.
Earned Credit May Be Changed By Teachers
Checkbox that indicates whether teachers can change the Earned Credit value for a student in TAC. If a teacher changes the earned credit, the Earned Credit override checkbox in the student's course record is checked and the Course Credit Calculation will not update the credit.
S & C information May Be Entered By
Checkboxes that indicate who may enter Standards and Competency information in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may enter grades and comments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if Standards and Competency information will not be entered in TAC.
Report Cards Can Be Printed in TAC by
Checkboxes indicating whether teachers and substitutes can print report cards from the Report Card page in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to allow report card printing by teachers and substitutes.
Uncheck the checkboxes to prevent teachers and substitutes from printing report cards in TAC.
Secondary Staff Access to MR Options
Determines what access is granted to secondary staff on the following TAC Mark Reporting pages:
Gradebook Menu:
Copy Assignments
Entry (Gradebook page)
Setup (Gradebook Setup page)
Grade Reporting Menu:
Competencies (Competency Entry page)
Interim Progress
Report Card
Only Mark Reporting pages are affected; secondary staff access to all other TAC pages is unaffected.
0 - No Access - to prevent secondary teachers from accessing TAC Mark Reporting pages. When No Access is selected, these changes apply for secondary staff members that are not assigned as primary staff for any course-sections:
Mark Reporting page icons will not display on the Home page.
The TAC menu will not display Mark Reporting options.
1 - Read Only Access - to enable read-only access to TAC Mark Reporting pages for secondary teachers. Mark Reporting pages will display in TAC, but secondary staff cannot make changes. If multiple classes are combined and a secondary teacher is also the primary staff member for one or more sections, read-only access only applies to students for which the staff member is the secondary teacher. 2 - Read / Write Access - to allow secondary teachers the same access as primary teachers.
Student Drawer Access Section
Progress Information May Be Viewed By
Checkboxes that indicate who may view progress reporting information on the Student Details drawer in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may view grades and comments for all of a student's classes.
RC Information May Be Viewed By
Checkboxes that indicate who may view mark reporting information on the Student Details drawer in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may view grades and comments for all of a student's classes.
Enable Gradebook Detail from Progress and RC Marks
Checkboxes indicating whether teachers and substitutes can view a student's Gradebook assignments by clicking a link on the IPR or Report Card displayed from the Student Details drawer in TAC.
Check the appropriate checkboxes if hyperlinks should display on student grades for all mark types defined to receive Gradebook results. Staff can click a link to view the Gradebook assignments in the Student Detail Report for a particular course. The report is limited to course assignments for the selected mark type and report card run. Links display even in cases where a course has no Gradebook assignments defined.
Uncheck the appropriate checkboxes if staff should not be allowed to view Gradebook assignments from the Progress or Report Card accessed from the Student Details drawer.
S & C Information May Be Viewed By
Checkboxes that indicate who may view Standards and Competency information on the Student Details drawer in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may view grades and comments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if Standards and Competency information should not be displayed in TAC.
Transcript Summary May be Viewed By
Checkboxes indicating whether teachers and substitutes can view student transcripts in TAC's Student Details drawer. Check the appropriate checkboxes to allow teachers and substitutes to view transcripts. Uncheck the checkboxes to prevent teachers and substitutes from viewing transcripts.
Classwork May Be Viewed by
Checkboxes indicating whether teachers and substitutes can view classwork information similar to the Home Access Center Classwork page by clicking a Classwork button on the TAC's Student Details drawer. Check the appropriate checkboxes to allow teachers and substitutes to view classwork. Uncheck the checkboxes to prevent teachers and substitutes from viewing classwork.
The Gradebook Summary page displays when a user clicks the Classwork button. Note that this page displays classwork information for all of the student's courses.
Gradebook Section
Assignments May Be Defined By
Checkboxes that indicate who may define Gradebook assignment information in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may define assignments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if the building does not use Gradebook.
Assignments May Be Scored By
Checkboxes that indicate who may score Gradebook assignments in TAC. Check the appropriate checkboxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may score assignments.
Uncheck both checkboxes if the building does not use Gradebook.
Allow Teachers to Set Default Gradebook Scale
Checked if teachers should be able to specify a Gradebook scale to default for all students in a course.
If you define Gradebook scales for the building, teachers can select the scale to use for a student on the Gradebook Entry page. If you allow them to specify a default, the teacher can select the scale to apply to all students in the course initially.
Note that if a Gradebook Category Type is assigned to a teacher's course, the default Gradebook scale is specified in the category type. The teacher cannot change the value regardless of how this field is set.
Allow Teachers to Override Average Weights
Checked if teachers should be allowed to override the weights for marks used when calculating averages based on an average setup. If you choose not to allow teachers to override weights, the teachers will not be able to view the mark type's average definition on the Gradebook Setup page's Report Card Averages tab.
Note that this option does not affect whether teachers can change averages that are calculated based on assignments. For marks that are calculated based on the average of assignments for categories, the Limit Teachers to Pre-defined Category Types fields determine if the teacher can change the average.
Allow Teachers to Select Rounded or Truncated Averages
Checked if teachers should be able to select whether category and mark averages are rounded or truncated. Unchecked if averages should always be rounded.
Note that if a Gradebook Category Type is assigned to a teacher's course, the rounding or truncating rule is specified in the category type. The teacher cannot change the value regardless of how this field is set.
Allow Score Entry Before Enrollment
Checked if teachers can enter grades for students for assignments that occurred before the student was enrolled in the course.
For example, teachers may want to do this if a student switched sections, or if the student makes up assignments.
Assignment Date Validation
Indicates assigned and due dates that are valid in Gradebook.
S - Scheduled Class Dates - to require teachers to enter dates that students are scheduled to attend the session of the course. For example, day A falls on 12/4/2015, day B on 12/5/2015, and day C on 12/6/2015. The course meets days A and C so teachers would not be able to enter an assignment with a due date of 12/5/2015. M - Any Membership Day - to allow teachers to enter any membership day within the marking period. For example, day A falls on 12/4/2015, day B on 12/5/2015, and day C on 12/6/2015. Even though the course meets days A and C, teachers would be able to enter an assignment with a due date of 12/5/2015. You might use the membership day option if there are courses that have multiple sessions that meet on different cycle days and one session is not graded. For example, session 1 meets days A, C and session 2 meets day B.
Limit Teachers to Pre-Defined Gradebook Category Types Section
The next three fields are used to indicate if Category Types are used to predefine how categories and mark types are used in Gradebook. To use category types, you must define the category types using the Administration > Mark Reporting > Gradebook Setup > Building Category Types. Then you can assign category types to course-sections in the Master Schedule.
Checked if category types are used to select the categories and mark type averages that are used in Gradebook. If this checkbox is selected and a category type is assigned to the course-section, the teacher:
cannot change the categories and weights on the Categories tab,
cannot change the calculation defined on the IPR Averages tab, and
cannot change the calculation defined on the Report Card Averages tab for mark types that do not use an average setup.
You cannot change this setting after assignments have been entered for a course-section that has a category type assigned.
If your building has some teachers that should be able to define their own Gradebook categories and averages for mark types, then do not assign a Gradebook Category Type to their courses and those teachers will be able to access fields on the Categories, Progress Averages, and Report Card Averages tabs in TAC.
Note that this setting does not control access to override the weights for mark types defined to receive Gradebook results from an average setup. The Allow Teachers to Override Average Weights field determines access to override those weights.
Lowest Scores to Drop
Checked if the category type is used to define how lowest scores are dropped from categories and mark types and teachers are not able to change the Drop Lowest fields.
This field is only accessible when the Categories, Weights, and Marking Periods checkbox is selected.
How to Handle Missing Scores
Checked if the category type is used to define how missing scores are processed for categories and mark types and teachers are not able to change the Exclude Missing fields.
This field is only accessible when the Categories, Weights, and Marking Periods checkbox is selected.
Missing Submission Section
Sender Email Address
Email address to use as the email sender when the missing submission report is sent to teachers. This email address will be used as the reply to address. This email address will also receive messages about undeliverable addresses.
Email Report To
The user IDs for the users to whom the report cards missing submissions report should be sent. If multiple users should receive the missing submission report, enter IDs in a comma-delimited list.
The missing submission report will be sent to the email address specified in the user profile for the selected user ID.
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