To help manage the various methods and locations your students may be using for learning in the 2020-2021 school year, features have been added to record the learning locations selected for students and to indicate which learning locations will be in school or virtual on a given day.
Define the available learning locations in the Learning Location validation table.
As needed, grant access for users who need to enter learning locations for REG-MAINT-PSLL.
Record Student Learning Locations
Learning locations are recorded on a district-defined page titled Learning Location.
Mass assign learning locations to students using Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update.
Enter the learning location for a student on the Learning Location page. The field is program-tracked so you can record ending and starting dates when a student's location changes.
Assign Learning Locations to Calendar Days
Learning Locations in eSchoolPlus can be categorized by day as In School, Virtual/Synchronous, or Virtual/Asynchronous. You can also create mixed days where students change locations throughout the day. For each calendar day, you will specify the student learning location codes that are using each location/method.
For example, assume your middle school offers students to either learn Virtual/Synchronous or In School hybrid where students with a last name starting with A - M are in school on Monday and Tuesday and students with a last name starting with N - Z are in school on Thursday and Friday. You have assigned learning location codes to students of V - Virtual, HA - Hybrid Group A, or HZ - Hybrid Group Z.
In your middle school calendar, you would set the learning locations as follows for each day:
In School
Learning locations are assigned to each calendar day.
To update many calendar days at the same time, use Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Mass Update Days.
Within eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center, a visual indicator is displayed to show where a student is learning today.
Student banner on student-related pages in eSchoolPlus
Attendance Entry pages in eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center
Class Roster, Gradebook Entry, and Photo Attendance in Teacher Access Center
Substitute Attendance Sheets
The student's learning location is in school today.
The student's learning location is virtual/synchronous today.
The student's learning location is virtual/asynchronous today.
If a student is assigned to a learning location set up to have different locations over the course of a day, then the location is shown as follows:
On the TAC Attendance page, the appropriate In School, Virtual/Synchronous, or Virtual Asynchronous icon will display based on the attendance period.
A new Mixed Day icon will appear in other locations. The tooltip for the icon shows the student's location by attendance period. For example, the student banner in eSchoolPlus. To view the locations by attendance period, hover over the icon. In Home Access Center, the tooltip does not include this detail because parents and students are not familiar with the attendance period names.
Use Home Access to Show Student Learning Locations
Students and guardians can view the student's learning location for the day in Home Access Center on the banner. They can also see the learning location for tomorrow by hovering over the icon.
Additionally, they can view their learning location for the week on the Week View page or by the month on the Calendar page.
Learning locations are shown in HAC by default, but at the building level it can be hidden using the HAC Building Configuration.
If a student is assigned to a learning location set up to have different locations over the course of a day, then the location is shown as a Mixed Day. In HAC, the details related to the student's location by attendance period are not shown in the tooltip to avoid confusion where parents and students are not familiar with the attendance periods.
Review Learning Location and Location Type Totals for a Day
On the Home page, you can add the Learning Location widget to display totals by learning location and location type (In School, Virtual/Synchronous, Virtual/Asynchronous). Click the Settings icon to select the building and day to view.
The widget also shows two totals that can help you identify issues where students are not appropriately signed to a learning location for the day.
The Learning Location Not Assigned row shows the number of students not assigned to a learning location for the day.
The Unknown column shows the number of students where their learning location has not been assigned to a location type for the date.
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