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Finding a Contact

If you want to find a contact's record but don't know which students are linked to a contact, you can use the Advanced Search option on the Student Search Page.

Find a contact

  1. Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, skip to Step 5.
  3. If the Contact List Page displays and includes the name of the desired contact, click their link in the Name field to display their contact record.
    Otherwise, click Search at the top right of the page, and continue to Step 4.
  4. Click Advanced on the Student Search Page.
  5. Enter criteria rows selecting Contacts in the Area field to search for the contact.
  6. If you expect several names to be returned from the criteria entered in Step 5, you can add columns to the Search Results by adding criteria rows in the List Field Selection section.
    • Select Contacts in the Area field for each row and any items in the Field Name column that would help you identify the contact.
  7. Click Load at the top right of the page to run the search. The records retrieved display on the Search Results panel.
  8. If necessary, you can click on column names in the Search Results panel to sort the results to help identify the desired contact.
  9. Identify the contact, and click the Student Name link for the student linked to the contact.
  10. Click the contact's Name link on the Contact List Page to display the Contact Page.
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