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API Profiles

On this page:

Use this page to add or change API profile settings for the PLUS 360 API. These settings determine what eSchoolPlus content can be accessed on a per vendor basis. The PLUS 360 API allows approved third-party vendors access to data in PowerSchool PLUS products.

The OneRoster version 1.2 endpoints are available in eSchoolPlus version 21.4 only.

Add a new API profile

New profiles can only be created by authorized PowerSchool third parties. Contact PowerSchool Technical Support for more information.

Change or view information for an API profile

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> API Profile to display the API Profile Search page.
  2. If the desired configuration does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
  3. Click the desired configuration's Consumer Key link on the Search Results panel to display the API Profiles.
  4. View or change information.
  5. If you changed any information, click Save.
  6. If you set the Authentication Method to OAuth 2.0, then the integration details required to register the vendor are shown. Copy these details and share the information with the vendor.

Change or view Advanced Settings for an API profile

Profiles that have advanced settings display

(View detail) in the API Profile page's Advanced Settings field.

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> API Profile to display the API Profile Search page.
  2. If the desired configuration does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
  3. Click the desired configuration's Consumer Key link on the Search Results panel to display the API Profile Page.
  4. Click
    (View detail) to display the API Profile Endpoint Advanced Settings Page.
  5. Select the endpoints to make active in the profile.
  6. View or change information.
  7. If you changed information, click Save.

View API call log information

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> API Profile to display the API Profile Search page.
  2. Click
    (Additional options) and then select API Status Logs to display the API Status Logs Page.
  3. To filter the list, type values press ENTER in any of the top-row fields.
  4. Click a Log GUID to display its API Log Detail Page.

Delete an API profile

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> API Profile to display the API Profile Search page.
  2. If the desired configuration does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
  3. Select the
    (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
  4. Click Save.


Details Panel



Consumer Key

The public consumer key for the requester. This is the Caller ID in the PLUS 360 API for eSchoolPlus. Character/128

Consumer Secret

The consumer secret used to create the OAuth signature. Use the Show button to display or the Hide button to obscure its value. Character/128

Vendor Description

Informational text to identify the API profile. This field displays on the API Profile Search page to identify the profile. Character/128

Summer School

If selected, endpoints that are summer-school specific will only return data for summer school. If unchecked, endpoints will only return regular school year data.

Include Pre-Registered Students

Selected to also include pre-registered students for this profile. If unchecked, only registered students can be accessed by this profile.

Include Out of District

Selected to also include schools or buildings that have their Building Definition Page's Out of District checkbox selected.

Include Delta Filters

Selected for any existing API Profiles. If you or your vendor are NOT using Delta Filters for this API, please deselect this for performance improvements.

New records will default to deselected and will have to be selected if you want to include them.


Selected to make the profile active. All calls using an inactive profile will fail.

Log Level

The level of logging to be performed and stored in the API_Log table. The API Log table stores up to 30 days of history based on these selections:

D - Debug Mode - to use debug mode and log all transactions
I - Log Most Transactions (Default) - to enable standard logging
N - No Logging - to disable logging
E - Only Log Errors - to only log errors

Authentication Method

Select the authentication method to use when sending messages from the API.

OAuth 1.0 (Default) - This method supports subscriptions to eSchoolPlus endpoints and OneRoster version 1 and version 1.1 endpoints.
OAuth 2.0 - Use this method to grant authorization using access tokens. This method supports subscriptions to OneRoster version 1.1 and 1.2 endpoints.

When you select OAuth 2.0, the Signature Method field is set to HMAC-SHA256. The integration details that need to be shared with the vendor are shown the first time you save a profile after you select to use OAuth 2.0.

Signature Method

Select the signature method to use when sending messages from the API. HMAC is sometimes expanded as either keyed-hash message authentication code or hash-based message authentication code.

HMAC-SHA1 (Default)
HMAC-SHA256 (v1.1 or later endpoints only)

Subscriptions Panel

Listing of the profile's endpoints. The Subscriptions panel displays when the Authentication Method is set to OAuth 1.0. It shows the eSchoolPlus and OneRoster version 1 and version 1.1 endpoints.

For OneRoster endpoints, nested OneRoster endpoints are included under the associated main endpoint. When you select a main endpoint on the API Profile page, the nested endpoints will be made available as well.

Scopes Panel

Listing of the profile's endpoints. The Scopes panel displays when the Authentication Method is set to OAuth 2.0. It shows the OneRoster version 1.1 and 1.2 endpoints.

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