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API Profile Endpoint Advanced Settings Page

Use this page to change endpoint advanced settings. Endpoints with advanced settings display the

(View detail) icon in the Advanced Settings field of the API Profile page.

Administration > Utilities > Integration> API Profile, select a profile link from the Consumer Key field, then click 

(View detail) in the Advanced Settings field

Add a new API profile

Change or view information for an API profile

Change or view Advanced Settings for an API profile

View API call log information

Delete an API profile


Secure Elements Panel

Any secure elements for the endpoint display with a checkbox to enable the endpoint to access the element.

If the endpoint has no secure elements, No Secure Elements displays.

District Defined Panel

If any district-defined elements are available for the API endpoint, a grid displays to enable adding, deleting, or changing which of these can be accessed via API calls.

To reorder row in this section, click the tab to the left of the row, and drag and drop to the desired location.

If the endpoint does not have district-defined elements, No District Defined Elements displays.



Page Name

Select the district-defined page. The pages available are based on the endpoint.

Student-related pages are available for student endpoints.

Field Name

Select the district-defined field.

API Label

Enter text if you wish to change the default display. Character/128

Format Type

Enter a value to force the display format. Leave blank to display raw data.

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