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PIMS Discipline

PIMS Discipline comprises the following templates: Incident, Person, Incident Offender, Incident Offender Infraction, Incident Offender Disciplinary Action, Incident Parental Involvement, and Incident Victim File.

Refer to the Interventions - Behavior chapter in the eSchoolPlus SIS Administrator Help for complete details about the Behavior, Incident, Offenders, Victim, Witness, and other tracking details.


  1. Verify that Validation Tables have the correct State Code Equivs. See Discipline Validation Tables for section information.
  2. Verify that Discipline Incidents have been entered/updated properly. See the Discipline Incident Reporting Overview section for specific information. When adding/updating records associated with an existing incident, make sure you are working in the school year environment associated with the incident before making any changes.

  3. Verify that Discipline Incidents have been entered for Truancy. This can be done manually (Entering Truancy Incidents) or by using the Attendance Notifications (Attendance Notifications Attendance Criteria Setup to Create Discipline Incidents) process.

Troubleshooting Discipline Data

If you check the log file and find error messages that seem inaccurate, this may be the result of a user updating discipline data while working in the wrong school year environment. For example, if you receive the error message "Injury severity code cannot be blank" even though there's an Injury Severity code listed for the victim on Victim District-Defined screen 100, this is most likely a result of the victim data having been added while working in the current school year environment for an incident that took place in the previous school year. The only way for users to correct this data issue via the software is to delete the entire incident and reenter it.

Safe Schools FAQs

Question 1

Q: When do you use the Discipline vs District download as the first download type? What's the difference and when should you use each one?

A: The Discipline download creates the Incident, Incident Offender, Incident Offender Disciplinary Action, Incident Offender Infraction, Incident Offender Parent Involvement, Incident Victim, and Person templates for incident codes 01 through 52. These are reported in detail. The District download creates the Location Fact template reporting aggregate discipline data for offenses that are either Academic or Code of Conduct violations. The Location Fact does NOT include codes 01 through 52 in these totals.

Question 2

Q: How do expulsions get reported for Safe Schools? Which template?

A: Expulsions are reported in detail in the Incident Offender Disciplinary Action template for incident codes 01 through 52. Expulsions for Academic and Code of Conduct violations are reported in aggregate in the Location Fact template. Expulsions for codes 01 through 52 are not included in these totals.

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