Attendance Criteria Setup to Create Discipline Incidents
Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Setup
In order to report Truancy, you need to have a discipline incident. You may enter these manually as seen in the Entering Truancy Incidents section of this documentation.
According to the PIMS manual, "habitually truant is defined by the School Code as an unlawful absence for more than three (3) school days or their equivalent following the first notice of truancy given to the student. The first notice of truancy should be provided to the student after three (3) school days or their equivalent of unlawful absences from compulsory education within a specified time period. Each LEA should have specific policies regarding truancy.
This truancy definition distinguishes between all absences and unlawful absences because the latter are more likely to indicate school and student problems. An unlawful absence is an absence for part of a school day (i.e., at least one class period) or a full day for which a parent or guardian has not indicated in writing that the student is away from school for valid reasons (e.g., illness, medical/dental appointment, funeral of an immediate relative). Suspensions and expulsions are not to be considered as unlawful absences."
If you elect to use the Attendance Communication Attendance Criteria Setup to create Discipline Incidents for truancy, set up the criteria with the following settings in the Behavior Panel:
- Create Incident - Checked
- Reported By - Select the appropriate staff member or use staff 0.
- Incident Code - Select your incident code for Truant.
- Action Code - Select the appropriate action code.
See the eSchoolPlus Help for more information regarding Attendance Criteria Setup.