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Medical Data for Oregon State Reporting

This section addresses customizations made to the base eSchoolPlus Medical software for the state of Oregon. The changes are mostly behind the pages; Oregon customers follow the same basic Medical package procedures as other customers.

Please note that the State Reporting team has already set up the Criteria, Schedules, and Alternate Doses for Oregon customers. Customers should not typically make changes to these setups. Please note that the grade used in Criteria setup must be Active in the Grades validation table. i.e. - If the customer inactivates grade K in order to use grades KA and KP instead, then the Criteria setup must also be changed to use grades KA and KP.

Immunizations Page

Medical > All > Student > Immunizations
The OR Immunizations page replaces the base Immunizations page. Changes include:

  • A ReCalc button was added. ReCalc runs the Immunization Validation for this student only, all vaccinations. It updates the Series Status for each shot, as well as the student's overall Student Status. The Immunization Validation has also been customized; please see the Immunization Validation section below for additional information.
  • The page will not reorder vaccination dates when saved. That's because the vaccination date order on the page must exactly match the student's immunization card, even if the dates are out of order. (The base Immunizations page reorders the dates when saved.)
  • Blank dates will not be reordered when the page is saved, either.
  • If the student's page is blank (if the student has no Shots or Exemptions), then the Immunization Validation sets the Student Status field to "NR" (No Record) instead of "OV" (Overdue).
  • Data entered into this page is stored in the table MED_SHOT_DET_OR, which has delete and insert triggers on the base table MED_SHOT_DET. That means changes made to this custom page move from MED_SHOT_DET_OR to MED_SHOT_DET (but not vice versa). To trouble-shoot the page data in SQL, use MED_SHOT_DET_OR.

Note also that when the page's Detail mode is selected, the Had Disease box does not apply to the Polio and D/T (DTaP) vaccination series. Series Status calculates based on the Immunization Schedules for these series regardless of whether Had Disease is selected on Vaccination Detail.

Although no changes have been made to the page prompts, changes have been made in the way the program calculates. Changes include:

1.) Certain Series are counted as Complete even if they haven't met the Schedule. Just like the base software, the Immunization Validation uses the Criteria and Schedules to determine a Series Status. However, after checking the Schedules, the Immunization Validation is hardcoded to count certain Series as Complete, even if they aren't complete according to the Schedules. The calculation uses the State Code Equiv from the Vaccinations validation table to count these Series as complete if the student has the given number of doses:

Series (State Code Equiv)

Doses considered Complete


3 doses


7 doses


5 doses


4 doses


4 doses


2 doses


2 doses


3 doses

The Series must have the exact State Code Equiv noted in the chart above in its Vaccinations validation table's State Code Equiv field for this to work. The State Code Equiv codes are hardcoded into the Immunization Validation.

2.) Exemption Processing: Only set the Series Status to EX for required vaccinations. In the base software, if a student has an Exemption entered for a vaccination, then the Immunization Validation always sets the Series Status for that shot to EX (Exempt). In Oregon, this only happens if the vaccination is required for the student based on the Criteria setup. If the vaccination is not required for the student, then the Immunization Validation sets the Series Status to N/A (even if the series has an Exemption).

Example: A grade 12 student has an exception entered for HEPA. If the Criteria setup for grade 12 includes the HEPA series, then the Immunization Validation sets the student's HEPA Series Status = EX. If the Criteria setup for grade 12 does not include the HEPA series, then the Immunization Validation sets the student's HEPA Series Status = N/A.

3.) Exemption Processing for MMR: Only roll MMR Exemptions forward if MMR is required. If the MMR Series has an Exemption code defined, then the Immunization Validation copies that Exemption code to the individual shot Series MEA (Measles), MUMP (Mumps), and RUB (Rubella). If the vaccinations are required for the student based on the Criteria setup, then the Series Status for all 4 Series (MMR, MEA, MUMP, RUB) will be set to EX (Exempt). If the vaccinations are not required for the student based on the Criteria setup, then the Series Status for all 4 Series will be set to N/A.

Please note that the Exemption code copy only works from MMR to MEA/MUMP/RUB. The reverse is not true. (Exemptions on MEA/MUMP/RUB are not copied to MMR.) Also, the program does not check to see if Alternate Doses are defined when it rolls the MMR Exceptions forward. (Alternate Doses doesn't affect this feature.)

4.) If DTAP has a Series Status of OV, IS, or NR, then the Immunization Validation copies that Series Status to TDAP. (This is not true in reverse.)

5.) The Log File ("Immune Validation") will only print messages for the Schedules used. In comparison, the base log file may print messages from unused Schedules.

6.) The validation calculation applies the appropriate Margin of Error for each vaccination schedule, regardless of your entry for the Margin of Error prompt. This applies to the Recalc button on the OR Immunizations student page as well.

7.) The Immunization Validation calculation assigns the overall Student Status of OV – Overdue when it finds a student with a Series Status of R – Religious – Signed prior to 3/1/2014. It does not assign a Student Exemption in this case.

8.) For the VAR series, the calculation applies one of two Immunization Schedules based on the student's age when he or she received the first dose. If the student received the dose prior to age 13, the calculation uses the VARICELLA schedule. Otherwise, it uses the VAR13 schedule.

Non-Medical Exemption Entry for a Vaccination Series

ODE no longer accepts Religious as an immunization exemption code. Instead, you need to use one of the two Non Medical Exemption codes, NMHP or NMEM, as appropriate.

  • NMHP – indicates the parent or guardian talked to a healthcare professional
  • NMEM – indicates the parent or guardian took the online vaccine education module

Use of these Exemption codes replaces the need for Source Document and Signed Document selections on the Vaccination Detail page. Students may still have the Religious Exemption code as long as it was granted before 03/01/2014. After this date, the student needs one of the Non-Medical Exemptions listed above.

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