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Creating Staff Files for Prior Year Summer School

Use this procedure if you need to create IUID and Staff Assignment files in the current year for courses from the prior year's summer school terms. This applies if your OR Configuration district-level district-defined page has the Prior Year Summer Schl Courses box checked.

For example, you have a summer school term in the 2017 environment, and you want those courses included in the IUID and Staff Assignment files when you create them in your current year 2018 environment. To do this, make sure your courses have State IDs assigned in your current year environment. This is different from the course's IUID. You assign course State IDs either in the Building Course Catalog or Course Equivalency Definition records in Mark Reporting Setup.

To report prior year summer school courses in the current year's IUID and Staff Assignment files:

  1. Make sure the Prior Year Summer Schl Courses checkbox is selected on the OR Configuration district-level district-defined page (Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > OR Configuration).
  2. In your current year environment, confirm each summer school building has its Course Equivalency Setup defined (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Setup).
  3. In your current year environment, assign course State IDs to the prior-year summer school courses. Use current-year State Course Codes as defined by ODE in their IUID or Staff Assignment file format spreadsheet.
    • If the course building has its Scheduling Configuration in the current year, you can assign the State Course directly in Building Course Catalog records (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog > click Course link).
    • If a building does not have a Scheduling Configuration in the current year, you can use the Course Equivalency Definitions page to associate the appropriate courses with State IDs (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Definitions).
  4. Confirm remaining prerequisites are met for the IUID and Staff Assignment files.
  5. Run OR Staff Download as follows (Regulatory > Collections > Collections > OR Staff Download):
    • Select the current School Year.
    • For the As of Date, use the last calendar date for the prior year summer school session.
    • Use a row of Filter criteria limiting the download to your summer school buildings. Select: Area - Master Schedule, Field Name - Building, and Condition - is in. In the Value field, enter the list of the summer school buildings.
  6. Run OR Staff File Extract as follows (Regulatory > Collections > Collections > OR Staff Submission File):
    • Select the current School Year.
    • Use the same As of Date from Step 5.
    • You do not need to add the Building filter. The extract will limit to your summer school buildings based on the As of Date.


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